special costumes: أكتوبر 2014

الجمعة، 31 أكتوبر 2014

Amazing Advertisers | October

Hi everyone, I’m Carly and I blog at carlysbeautyworld.com. I set up my blog a couple of years after I gave up my beauty salon to pursue a different career. I had been in the beauty industry for 15 years and wanted to continue to share my knowledge and help people. My friend suggested that I write a blog and I’m so glad that I did.

At Carly’s Beauty World you will find that amongst the product reviews and fun posts, I also write about and specialise in specific areas such as skincare and other beauty related topics. If you want to diagnose your skin type or learn how to choose skincare products you can come to my blog and find the advice you need easily.

I’m always chatting to people on my various social media sites so come and say hi. I look forward to meeting you all. I’m having a giveaway to win a Lush Cosmetics gift voucher so don’t forget to enter when you visit my blog (see here).

Carly x

Hello Everyone! I'm Parie from classandglitter and I blog all about beauty,fashion and lifestyle this includes sharing my tips and tricks and talking about my favourite drugstore buys! I also love cooking and being a vegetarian I like to share my recipes with you all so you can enjoy something that is also super healthy! I hope to see you all on my blog and be sure to follow me on twitter and instagram where I post a lot of pictures of food and coffee!

My name is Isabella, I am 19 years young, with a deep love for fashion, beauty and all things ‘life’ related. I’m completely obsessed with social media, King Charles cavalier spaniels and coffee. Back in 2012, after gorging myself in various other beauty blogs, trying to keep up with the ‘latest’ thing, I decided to join in the club and after various blog names ‘beautyflutters’ was born. I like to write about things I’ve purchased, or would recommend, things I don’t like, however I do like to delve in the fashion area, as well as lifestyle. Usually you will find me either on my laptop, phone or delving in to a new script, book or magazine. You’ll recognize me from over sized jumpers, monochrome outfits, leather jackets, hair in a bun and anything rose gold. I hope you come and say hi!
Bonjour Darlings! My name is Jordyn and I blog over at The Fairy Princess Diaries. A self proclaimed girly-girl and advocate of all things whimsical my blog is often discovered using google search terms such as "sparkling daisy fairy" and "Girls who like Taylor Swift a little too much". I write about fashion, dating and the deeper meaning behind any and all Taylor Swift lyrics in an attempt to document the magic & enchantment of everyday life. Come say hello!

Hey everyone, I’m Phil from All Things Manchester.  I blog about Manchester’s events, places to go, entertainment, city living, nights out, food and drink, student offers, and basically anything you can think of to do with Manchester.   

I like to keep things fresh so I blog as much as possible and am really active on my social media accounts.  Feel free to head on over and engage with what’s going on at All Things Manchester. 

Hi! I'm Sarah, the face behind The Prosecco Diaries. This is a London lifestyle blog where I explore creative things to see and do in London. I also review health and beauty, and write about anything that's on my mind in my 'And Another Thing' section. I attend several events a week and I'm always trying new things, so I wanted to let people know what London is like as a blogger in my 'Blogger Events' section. I also organise blogger events on behalf of brands, and you can see some of those in that section too. This is not a lame attempt to get you to visit my blog, but in my 'About' section I have a brilliant custom-made illustration that tells you all about me, why I started blogging and how my blogging career has evolved to me becoming a full time professional blogger. 

The bottom line is I love writing, and it has given me some brilliant opportunities. I've also written for Cosmopolitan's website, and have some more articles in the pipeline. I wanted to try something brand new and learn a new skillset, so I also just launched my YouTube channel - Twin Geeks (https://www.youtube.com/user/TwinTwinGeeks). It feels strange starting over and having hardly any audience, but I'm loving the challenge. I'd be honoured if you had a look and maybe even subscribed! If you want to come to any blogger events or just like a good old chinwag, come say hi on Twitter - @sairey_bearey. Xx

Hi everyone, my name is Eleanor. I'm 17 and write a fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog called EJButcher. There you can find reviews, hauls, and general 'chatty posts' about things I have been up to. I am extremely passionate about the beauty industry and I work in fragrance. I hope to see you soon!  Eleanor x

Charee is a site where women (four to be precise)speak openly about all the things that matters to the modern day women. We cover beauty, fashion and lifestyle posts sharing stories, opinions and experiences. This is the ideal girl (women as we like to think of ourselves) talk site where no secrets are kept. We ramble, we advice (or try to), we share stories, sometimes we are happy, sometimes we are crying (whilst writing) and sometimes just really angry at the world.

We are no experts and definitely not cool, well except Jannette who is a qualified beauty therapist. But for the rest of us we are just women, young women that have a lot of things to say about everything. We aim to provide relatable stories for women to read, none of that extra jazz stuff just pure realness. We all come from different parts of England, from different backgrounds and experiences but one thing we have in common is we love being a female.  Our fashion section shares Jannette’s ramblings about fashion. Everyone’s favourite section beauty is where we have all the fun trying and sharing our favourite products and beauty experiences. Lifestyle, basically anything goes. As long as we have experienced we write and that is our little motto.

So check us out… pretty please.

Make sure you go and check these guys out - they're all fab!

Lots of love,

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الثلاثاء، 28 أكتوبر 2014

Blogging: Five Things I've Learnt

The art of multi-tasking
As a blogger, multi-tasking becomes second nature as I'm usually doing five things at once. Whether its replying to emails whilst typing up a post or taking some photos whilst checking social media and thinking of new content, its pretty much go go go ALL THE TIME. I'm definitely not complaining about it as I enjoy how busy it keeps me but multi-tasking is something I've had to learn how to do and how to do it well. Running a blog, working full time and having a social life can be slightly crazy to say the least!

Hard work pays off
I can say proudly that since starting my blog, I've worked super hard on it! There hasn't been more than a few days go by that I haven't posted and I've always tried to give it my all - whether that's taking the best photos I can, writing in-depth reviews or doing my absolute best to reply to all the tweets/emails I receive, I always try my hardest and often sacrifice a lot of my free time to do so. However, although I sometimes have no free time, its taught me that hard work definitely pays off. I've managed to grow my blog from 0 to almost 15,000 followers and I'm really proud of that because I know its hard work that got me here.

You can't please everybody
This is probably the biggest thing I've learnt from blogging - realising that not everybody will like me and being okay with that. I've learnt not to let silly comments about me get me down and instead let them go over my head. When I first started blogging I was in a really low place with self-confidence issues but blogging has definitely given me a thicker skin and taught me not to take negativity that isn't constructive (you know, the silly 'you're ugly' types on Instagram) with a pinch of salt. I've learnt that if I'm going to put myself out there to be judged by people on the internet, negativity will never be too far away. Its just part and parcel of the internet unfortunately and although it shouldn't be, I like to call these kinds of people 'keyboard warriors' as they're likely the type that would never say their hateful comments to someones face. There will always be people who like to drag others down but just ignore them and keep being the best you can be. After all, success is the best form of revenge ;).

Its okay not to be okay
I've had the opportunity to speak to people from all walks of life through my blog and I've also been able to share my story with those people. I shared my anxiety/bullying stories and although I was super nervous to do so, the comments, emails and tweets I received from readers who have been through something similar made me realise that its okay not to be okay. Before starting my blog I didn't know anyone else who suffered with anxiety and it made me feel very alone and scared that I was 'going crazy'. However, blogging has made me realise that I'm certainly not alone and just being able to write my story down and get things off my chest has helped me get through some hard times.

What I'm passionate about
I was 21 and had just finished my Journalism degree at uni when I started this blog and I didn't have a clue what I wanted to do with my life. However, blogging has definitely given me a direction and made me realise that my passions are the beauty industry and writing. I LOVE everything about beauty and writing about it so the fact I now have a place where I can write all about is perfect. I thoroughly enjoy writing, being creative and expressing myself so blogging is a great outlet as it allows me to do just that. It also landed me a job with a fashion company which I'm SO happy about - its the best thing I I can honestly say blogging has changed my life.

What have you learnt by being a blogger? 

Lots of love,


الجمعة، 24 أكتوبر 2014

Homeware Haul ft Gifts & Pieces, IKEA & Ebay

Home Ware Haul, Home Decor, Interior Design, IKEA Home Ware, Gifts and Pieces
As some of you may or may not know, I recently moved from Newcastle to Manchester as my boyfriend and I both landed new jobs and we decided it was time for a change. Although we LOVE Newcastle and I'll really miss it, I think change is good. I don't think I'll ever be one of these people who will stay in the same place my whole life - well, at least not while I'm young and able to move around anyway!

Anyway, ramble aside, I've been buying lots of lovely bits and pieces to make my new flat feel more like a home over the past few weeks so I thought I'd share them in a haul. There's quite a lot so I thought I'd split this post up into two parts! I was also lucky enough to get sent some gorgeous bits from 'Gifts & Pieces', one of my favourite home ware shops run by fellow blogger Abby from Beautyfull Homes - make sure you go and check them out.

Home Ware Haul, Home Decor, Interior Design, IKEA Home Ware, Gifts and Pieces
Weekly Schedule Chalk Board | Link
Although there are parts of my life that aren't the most organised *cough messy bedroom cough*, when I want to be, I can be quite a good little organiser! I'm very much a planner and like to have things wrote down and a plan in place. With this being said, in order to keep me on track, I need a bit of a helping hand. Be it notebooks or the calendar and notes section of my Iphone, they're usually full of 'to do' lists and little reminders that give me that little bit of encouragement I need to get things done. Well, the most recent organisational item to make its way into my life is this 'weekly schedule' chalkboard from ebay. I'm just a bit in love with how it looks propped up against the wall in my kitchen and I love that I can jot little notes on it to remind me what I'm doing throughout the week. The above photo isn't the best example (we had lots of visitors that week as you can see) but what I plan to use this for moving forward is weekly meal planning. I'll jot down what I'm going to have for dinner each night of the week and I'm hoping it'll help me get into a good healthy eating routine rather than dashing across the road for a pizza because we've got nothing prepared! Also, who doesn't love playing with chalk? Forever a child!

Home Ware Haul, Home Decor, Interior Design, IKEA Home Ware, Gifts and Pieces

Ikea Stockholme Cushions | Link
These cushions are a bit of a blogger favourite so I'm sure you've seen them before but I just had to share them anyway as I absolutely love them! They're a bit pricier than other Ikea cushions at £12 each but they're totally worth it as they're huge and so squishy and soft. I love the cool monochrome print and these look perfect in our spare bedroom with a plain white bedspread and grey throw (also Ikea) along the bottom. You just can't go wrong with a bit of monochrome sometimes!

Home Ware Haul, Home Decor, Interior Design, IKEA Home Ware, Gifts and Pieces

Bathroom Accessories Trio | Link
I'm a big fan of the whole 'shabby chic' look so when my Nanna bought me this little bathroom set as a new home gift, I couldn't have been more chuffed. I'd actually been eyeing them up myself only a couple of days before she gave it to me which was pretty spooky coincidence - we clearly have very similar taste! I love the little worn looking stand they come in and the distressed hearts embossed on the front is a super cute touch! I've gone for a white a fresh colour scheme in my bathroom and even though white towels are a nightmare combined with makeup and fake tan. I do love the overall look!

Home Ware Haul, Home Decor, Interior Design, IKEA Home Ware, Gifts and Pieces
Wooden Drawers with Heart Handles | Link
My lovely Nanna also bought me this cute set of drawers and again, they're very 'shabby chic' which is a style I absolutely love! I have this sat on my IKEA Malm chest of drawers with a few other bits and bobs and it finishes it off really nicely. At the moment I'm keeping little things that don't have a home elsewhere in the drawers like hair ties/gribs, perfume samples and lip balms!

Home Ware Haul, Home Decor, Interior Design, IKEA Home Ware, Gifts and Pieces
Little Things Storage Box | Link
This has to be one of my favourite things in my new flat and it was very kindly sent to me from 'Gifts & Pieces', a gorgeous home ware site selling the prettiest shabby chic 'gifts and pieces' you've ever seen. They sell everything you can think of to prettify your home and I could send a small fortune on their site. This 'Little things' storage box is super cute and its taken pride of place on my coffee table. We keep little nick nacks like spare batteries and a lighter for lighting candles in there at the moment but I'm sure it'll come in very handy for lots of 'little things' over time. However, even if we don't put anything inside it, it makes a gorgeous decoration!

Home Ware Haul, Home Decor, Interior Design, IKEA Home Ware, Gifts and Pieces

Wicker Candle Holders (can't find link but bought from Wilko)
These were a bit of a random purchase and I'm still not entirely sure what to do with them as when they arrived they were LOADS bigger than I expected. On the website I imagined them to be small candle holders that I could put on my bedside tables but when they arrived they've pretty big and I don't think they work well as candle holders. I still think they're super cute though so I don't want them to go to waste. I'm thinking I might buy some little battery powered fairy lights to pop in them and make a light feature instead, what do you guys think?! Any ideas??!

Home Ware Haul, Home Decor, Interior Design, IKEA Home Ware, Gifts and Pieces
Letter Rack | Link
Another super cute piece from 'Gifts & Pieces' is this Letters rack which is obviously for keeping letters in. I keep this on a little table in my hallway and its really handy because if I arrive home to any post (boring bills and what not), I can pop them in this little holder to keep them neat and tidy. In the past I'd end up with a pile of letters on the side with nowhere to store them so this has come in really handy! I love it!!

I hope you like these little bits and bobs I've picked up recently - keep your eyes peeled for part two next week!

Where's your favourite place to shop for home ware?

Lots of love,

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الأربعاء، 22 أكتوبر 2014

OOTD | The Checked Cape

A/W Cape Trend, Blue Vanilla, OOTD, Outfit Post, The Checked Cape,

Oh look, here I am doing an outfit post, for the first time in MONTHS! Back when I first started writing Couture Girl, photography wasn't really high on my priorities and I'd often take shoddy looking outfit snaps on my phone and upload them to my blog. However, times have changed and things have moved on since then so taking photos for an outfit post now requires a lot of effort. It means finding a good outdoor space to take the photos because my messy bedroom just doesn't cut it, finding some free time when I'm not at work, have time to make myself look presentable and its actually daylight outside. I'm also super picky with photos of myself and there isn't often many I'm happy with. I don't know about you but I over-analyse every single photo of myself, usually end up hating them, feel self concious and don't bother to upload them. I'm such a worry wart, let me tell you. 

A/W Cape Trend, Blue Vanilla, OOTD, Outfit Post, The Checked Cape,
A/W Cape Trend, Blue Vanilla, OOTD, Outfit Post, The Checked Cape,

Anyway, rant aside, today I'd like to showcase my beautiful new cape from Blue Vanilla, a new fashion website that I urge you all to to check out. Their site doesn't officially launch until next month but when it does, you can get your hands on beautiful items like this one for very affordable prices so its well worth checking out. For now, you can follow them on FacebookTwitter and InstagramCapes are the big trend of the moment since Burberry had the likes of Cara Deleveigne, Suki Waterhouse and Olivia Palermo rocking their checked cape from their new A/W range at London fashion week and as we can't all afford Burberry, this one is a great alternative. 

I love the monochrome colours, the way it hangs and how it instantly makes a very simple outfit 10 times more chic. As you can see in the photos, paired with a plain black cami, my trusty Topshop Leigh jeans and a pair of ankle boots, it instantly spruces up the outfit and makes it look more stylish. I know I'll be getting a lot of wear out of it throughout the colder months. It can even double up as a blanket - always a bonus!

Anyway, that's all from me - I feel a bit apprehensive about posting this after not doing a fashion post for such a long time so please do be kind and if you'd like to see more, do let me know! I may have to pester my boyfriend to be my photographer and get a few outfits posts taken every weekend! Let me know what you guys think!

Are you a fan of the cape trend? 

Lots of love,

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الاثنين، 20 أكتوبر 2014

NEW: Benefit Majorette

Benefit Majorette Review, Benefit Majorette Blush Booster, Benefit New Release, Benefit Majorette Cream Blush Review, Benefit Cream Blush

Benefit's latest release comes in the form of 'Majorette', a cream to powder 'booster' blush. Now I have to be honest, when I received this in the post, I was a little confused. I mean I'm not a huge blush wearer at the best of times so the idea that this product is used to boost blush wasn't particuarly appealing to me. I also wasn't sure why you'd want to boost your blusher - wouldn't it make me look like a clown wearing this and another blusher on top?

Anyway, hesitations aside, I gave this product a go and was impressed with the results. A gorgeous peachy pink shade that would suit any skin tone, an easy to blend creamy formula and decent staying power - it ticks all my boxes. However, I still can't get passed the marketing of this product. In my opinion, its a cream blush, nothing more and nothing less. The whole blush booster concept is still a bit baffling to me and although I did try to pair this with one of the Benefit box blushers, I still didn't get it. As this product is fairly pigmented, it works perfectly well on its own and I think pairing it with something else, other than a nice highlight, make it a bit pointless. There's certainly no denying that wearing powder over cream will make blush last longer but unless I had a powder blush in the exact same shade, I wouldn't want to mix colours and go overboard. That's just my opinion though - maybe you get it better than I do? 

Benefit Majorette Review, Benefit Majorette Blush Booster, Benefit New Release, Benefit Majorette Cream Blush Review, Benefit Cream Blush

One thing I will say is that in terms of cream blushes I've tried, this is one of the best. As I mentioned, its pigmented, creamy and lasts well on my skin. I find the colour very flattering too although I am confused as to why Benefit would release a S/S shade just in time for A/W? Again, maybe I'm being fussy but I feel this product would have been better placed in the Summer months when cream blushes are a more popular choice and peach shades are the go-to. 

I also have to mention the packaging which is just beautiful. Benefit never go too far wrong with packaging but this is definitely one of my favourite designs to date. Yes its a bit bulky and a pain to store (although it does just squeeze in my muji drawers) but I'm in love with the quirky tamborine inspired casing, the beautiful design on the blush itself and the large mirror. Its very sturdy too and made of plastic unlike Benefit's box powders which are cardboard. Its definitely a good choice for popping in my handbag for on the go touch ups as the cream formula is easy enough to dab on my cheeks and blend in with my fingers. 

Benefit Majorette Review, Benefit Majorette Blush Booster, Benefit New Release, Benefit Majorette Cream Blush Review, Benefit Cream Blush
Overall, I'd say I'm a fan of this product. I'm not a fan of the way its been marketed as I wouldn't use it in the way its intended but as a cream blush, its lovely. I hope Benefit release more blushes with this formula! You can buy Majorette from Feel Unique, John Lewis, Look Fantastic, ASOS and House of Frazer for £23.50.

Will you be giving Majorette a try? 

Lots of love,

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السبت، 18 أكتوبر 2014

Zoeva Rose Golden Luxury Brush Set

Zoeva Rose Golden Luxury Brush Set, Zoeva Rose Golden Luxury Brush Set Review, Zoeva Makeup Brushes
Today I'd like to talk to you about the prettiest makeup brushes I've ever seen. Yep, its the well loved Zoeva Rose Golden Luxury brush set*. This set of stunning rose gold brushes has been massively hyped by bloggers and beauty lovers around the world and its for good reason, let me tell you! Other than the beautiful black and rose gold design, the brushes themselves are up there with the best I've ever used.

The Rose Golden Luxury set comes cased in a high quality brown leather clutch bag with rose gold hardware. I love that this is included as its the perfect case to keep the brushes in when travelling and its so pretty too - I really am a sucker for anything rose gold! The brushes themselves arrived nicely wrapped inside the bag and there's eight in total, a mixture of both face and eye brushes.  

Zoeva Rose Golden Luxury Brush Set, Zoeva Rose Golden Luxury Brush Set Review, Zoeva Makeup Brushes
I've popped the names of the eight brushes included in the set below:

Face: 106 Powder, 102 Silk Finish, 110 Face Shape, 127 Luxe Sheer Cheek, 142 Concealer Buffer 
Eyes: 227 Soft Definer, 231 Petit Crease, 317 Wing Liner

There isn't one brush from the eight that I don't like or wouldn't use, they're all amazing. However, if I had to pick my favourites, I've been absolutely loving the '102 Silk Finish' for applying my liquid foundation and the '142 Concealer Buffer' for blending concealer under my eyes. I find they pick up the colour well and allow me to buff the product into my skin easily and create a flawless finish. I'm not going to go through all of the others individually as I think its pretty obvious from the names or images what they're supposed to be used for! They're made from synthetic taklon bristles which feel like silk on the skin and I really like that they dry really quickly after washing.

Zoeva Rose Golden Luxury Brush Set, Zoeva Rose Golden Luxury Brush Set Review, Zoeva Makeup Brushes

Overall, I'm in love with this brush set. Everything from the way it looks to the effect the brushes help me create is excellent. I didn't think any brushes would ever compare with my Real Techniques but these Zoeva brushes have equally become a joint favourite! If you're going to add anything to your Christmas list this year, make it the Zoeva Rose Golden Luxury Brush Set. The set costs 65 euros on the Zoeva site which converts to £51.77. That's around £6.50 per brush. For eight high quality brushes and a case, I think this price is exceptional and completely worth paying. If this set in particular isn't for you, they also have lots of other sets available which you can find here. 

Shipping from the Zoeva site costs £7.50 so if you aren't willing to pay that, you can find the set on UK site Love Makeup, a site I've personally used before and find reliable. The set is slightly pricier at at £56.95 but they offer free delivery over £50.00 so it still works out cheaper than ordering direct from Zoeva. 

Do you like the look of this brush set?

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الأربعاء، 15 أكتوبر 2014

A New Favourite | Moroccan Oil Intense Hair Mask

Favourite Hair Mask, Moroccan Oil Intense Hair Mask, Moroccan Oil Intense Hair Mask Review

As someone with bleached hair, I find it really important to  give it the moisture it needs to prevent it becoming dry and brittle. There's nothing worse than hair that feels really dry and I'm sure everybody aims to have soft and shiny hair. Luckily, after a few years of looking after my hair with my beloved Moroccan Oil, I've managed to avoid the dreaded dry hair and despite the fact I colour my hair regularly, its in great condition. I often get compliments on it and people asking me how I keep it long, soft and shiny and my answer to them is always 'Moroccan Oil'. For me, its a complete hero hair product and one I wouldn't be without.

After the excellent results I've seen from the oil, I was pretty keen to try more products from the Moroccan Oil range. One product I was particularly keen on, after my friend who is a hairdresser recommended it, is the Intense Hydrating Mask*. I'm a big fan of using hair masks once a week for that extra bit of of hair hydration and I knew this one wouldn't let me down. I've been using it for around a month now and I have to say, this is probably the best hair mask I've ever used. Other than it smelling utterly amazing (much like the oil but even better), the 'intense hydrating' name sums up this product perfectly.

Favourite Hair Mask, Moroccan Oil Intense Hair Mask, Moroccan Oil Intense Hair Mask Review
Its one of the thickest hair masks I've ever used and I often worry thick hair products will weigh my hair down but I haven't found that at all. I actually like the fact its so thick as it means I don't need to use much product to coat my whole hair so the 250ml tub will last me a long time. With most hair masks I've used in the past, I've used a whole tub in three or four goes because I needed to use SO much product to coat my hair. With the Moroccan Oil mask, one small scoop from the tub is all I need to coat my long hair and get the desired results. 

As my hair is so long, I often find its exceptionally tangled after being in the shower and a bit of a nightmare to get a brush through. However, after smothering this mask all over my hair and leaving it to work its magic for the recommended 10 minutes (or five if I'm in a rush), my hair is so soft that the brush glides through it with ease. When I blow dry my hair, it looks soft, shiny and most importantly, healthy. The scent lingers after drying too so you can often catch me smelling my hair after use - not weird at all, I promise. 

I can honestly say I absolutely love this hair mask and considering I've tried many over the years, its one of the best out there. As I mentioned, my hair is in pretty good condition anyway but this mask has ensured it stays that way and keeps it nourished. If you're someone with dry, brittle and damaged hair, I can't recommend this and the oil enough. If you use them as a pair, I can ensure you'll have hair to rival Rapunzel before you know it! You can get it from Hair Trade here for £24.75.

Lots of love,

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الاثنين، 13 أكتوبر 2014

A Niggle Shared is a Niggle Halved with #Nigglefix

Today I'd like to share Triumph's new campaign 'Niggle Fix', a rather amusing video showcasing some of those annoying 'niggles' us women have to face on a day to day basis. The reason Triumph have come up with this campaign is because they have the answer to one of our niggles - the uncomfortable wired bra. Lets face it, we've all been there - walking down the street or sat at work when we feel a sharp dig in our chest only to discover the wire from our bra is trying to escape. Not ideal!

Well, Triumph have answered all of our uncomfortable underwear prayers and invented 'Magic Wire', a clever bra that gives us women all the support we could need as well as pure comfort. Instead of wire, the bra is made with silicone to provide support and a built in mesh stabilizer that moves with our bodies comfortably. No risk of escaping wires with this one! Hurrah!

To highlight this daily niggle, along with lots of other very relatable niggles, Triumph are encouraging women to discuss and share their niggles across social media. After all - a niggle shared in a niggle halved! Here's a bit more info about how you can get involved and help the women of the UK solve their daily niggles...

Using the hashtag #nigglefix, UK women are encouraged to share everyday problems on social platforms - from frizzy hair to saggy jeans; Triumph will then take some of the niggles posted on both Twitter and Facebook, illustrate the most common problems and then call on the community to suggest their best possible solutions. Sounds fun right? To get involved, start thinking of all those annoying niggles and post them to your social platforms!

Here's a few of my own - can you relate to any of them?

- The dreaded early morning alarm
- Missing the bus by a milli-second
- Waking up with bed hair and having to re-wash it!
- Having a break out at 'that' time of the month
- Having 'nothing to wear' despite the fact my wardrobe in over flowing

Make sure you go and check out the campaigns microsite here http://nigglefix.triumph.com where you can find the niggle fix video, Magic Wire product video, product information, press and blogger reviews and the upcoming SUFF Magic Wire roadshows.

What are your daily niggles? 

Lots of love,

Sponsored. However, all opinions are my own*

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الأحد، 12 أكتوبر 2014

Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette Review & Swatches

Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette, Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette Review, Neutral Eyeshadow Palette, Too Faced Cosmetics, Too Faced Eyeshadows, Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette Review and Swatches

Back in July, my lovely boyfriend bought me this Too Faced Natural Eyes palette for my birthday and I've been pretty in love with it ever since. I'd seen it pop up on lots of my favourite blogs so when my boyfriend asked me what I wanted, I told him I'd love to try this. The reason I was so drawn to it was because I'm a big neutrals fan and although I have lots of neutral eye shadows already, I didn't have anything like this palette that comes with three different 'looks' and a fab mix of both matte and shimmery shades.

When I opened it on my birthday, I was quite surprised by how small and compact it is. I don't know why but I had the idea in my head that it'd be really big and bulky because of the  tin packaging. However, I was completely wrong and I love that its small enough to pop in my makeup bag. Its perfect for travelling too! Speaking of the packaging, I'm absolutely in love with it. Its very sturdy, I love the pastel colours and large mirror and the floral design is feminine and classy. 

Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette, Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette Review, Neutral Eyeshadow Palette, Too Faced Cosmetics, Too Faced Eyeshadows, Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette Review and Swatches
Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette, Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette Review, Neutral Eyeshadow Palette, Too Faced Cosmetics, Too Faced Eyeshadows, Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette Review and Swatches

There's nine shadows in the palette - four of them being matte and five shimmery/metallic. As I mentioned, the palette also has three different 'looks' - Day, Classic and Fashion. Now although I like to mix and match the shadows and don't stick to these specific looks, I think its really handy if you're just getting into makeup and need some guidance on what kind of shades will work well together.

What I personally love most about it is that it has every kind of shade I could need to create both day and evening eye looks. In other neutral palettes I've bought in the past, I've always felt something was lacking - particularly matte shades that can be used in the crease and I've always had to use a mix of palettes to get the look I want. However, with this palette, everything I could need is there. The shadows themselves are of a very high quality and comparable to the likes of Urban Decay and MAC - they're all beautifully pigmented, easy to blend and long wearing.

Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette, Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette Review, Neutral Eyeshadow Palette, Too Faced Cosmetics, Too Faced Eyeshadows, Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette Review and Swatches

Heaven - A matte creamy off-white
Cashmere Bunny - A matte mid-toned taupe brown
Sexpresso - A matte dark brown

I think all of these shades are perfect for their 'day' label. They're perfect for creating a neutral eye and I love that they're matte too as I've been using them in the crease to add more depth to my eye shadow. I think my favourite of the three is 'Cashmere Bunny' as it adds definition to the crease without being too dramatic - its been my go-to daytime crease shade!

Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette, Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette Review, Neutral Eyeshadow Palette, Too Faced Cosmetics, Too Faced Eyeshadows, Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette Review and Swatches

Silk Teddy - A shimmery champagne/soft pink shade
Push-up - A metallic rose gold/bronze
Erotica - A taupe brown with silver flecks

Again, beautiful shades and two of them are my most used from the whole palette. I've been loving using 'Silk Teddy' as an inner corner/brow highlight and Push-Up has been one of my go-to lid shades as I love the unusual bronze with hits of rose gold shade. I haven't used the shade 'Erotica' all that much as it is quite dark but if I want to go for a more sultry evening look or add some depth to the outer v/under eye, its a great shade to have. Another fantastic trio of very wearable and multi purpose shades!

Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette, Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette Review, Neutral Eyeshadow Palette, Too Faced Cosmetics, Too Faced Eyeshadows, Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette Review and Swatches
Nudie - A matte beige
Honey Pot - A metallic gold 
Chocolate Martini - A warm toned brown with gold glitter

Finally we have the 'Fashion' trio and these three shades make for a beautiful gold smokey eye. The shade 'Nudie' is a great neutral base, 'Honey Pot' is a beautiful gold and another one of my fave lid shades (its very similar to the Urban Decay Naked palette favourite 'Half Baked') and 'Chocolate Martini' is great dark brown for smoking things up and adding a bit of fun as it has flecks of gold glitter running through it. 

If you hadn't already guessed by my rave review, I haven't got any complaints about this palette - well, apart from some of the names being a bit questionable. Sexpresso, Erotica and Nudie - how naughty of you Too Faced! I think the packaging/shades and formula are spot on and its completely worth its £ price tag. If you're a neutral eye shadow lover, this is a must have in your makeup stash! You can get it here for £32.00.

Lots of love,

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