special costumes: Blogging: Five Things I've Learnt

الثلاثاء، 28 أكتوبر 2014

Blogging: Five Things I've Learnt

The art of multi-tasking
As a blogger, multi-tasking becomes second nature as I'm usually doing five things at once. Whether its replying to emails whilst typing up a post or taking some photos whilst checking social media and thinking of new content, its pretty much go go go ALL THE TIME. I'm definitely not complaining about it as I enjoy how busy it keeps me but multi-tasking is something I've had to learn how to do and how to do it well. Running a blog, working full time and having a social life can be slightly crazy to say the least!

Hard work pays off
I can say proudly that since starting my blog, I've worked super hard on it! There hasn't been more than a few days go by that I haven't posted and I've always tried to give it my all - whether that's taking the best photos I can, writing in-depth reviews or doing my absolute best to reply to all the tweets/emails I receive, I always try my hardest and often sacrifice a lot of my free time to do so. However, although I sometimes have no free time, its taught me that hard work definitely pays off. I've managed to grow my blog from 0 to almost 15,000 followers and I'm really proud of that because I know its hard work that got me here.

You can't please everybody
This is probably the biggest thing I've learnt from blogging - realising that not everybody will like me and being okay with that. I've learnt not to let silly comments about me get me down and instead let them go over my head. When I first started blogging I was in a really low place with self-confidence issues but blogging has definitely given me a thicker skin and taught me not to take negativity that isn't constructive (you know, the silly 'you're ugly' types on Instagram) with a pinch of salt. I've learnt that if I'm going to put myself out there to be judged by people on the internet, negativity will never be too far away. Its just part and parcel of the internet unfortunately and although it shouldn't be, I like to call these kinds of people 'keyboard warriors' as they're likely the type that would never say their hateful comments to someones face. There will always be people who like to drag others down but just ignore them and keep being the best you can be. After all, success is the best form of revenge ;).

Its okay not to be okay
I've had the opportunity to speak to people from all walks of life through my blog and I've also been able to share my story with those people. I shared my anxiety/bullying stories and although I was super nervous to do so, the comments, emails and tweets I received from readers who have been through something similar made me realise that its okay not to be okay. Before starting my blog I didn't know anyone else who suffered with anxiety and it made me feel very alone and scared that I was 'going crazy'. However, blogging has made me realise that I'm certainly not alone and just being able to write my story down and get things off my chest has helped me get through some hard times.

What I'm passionate about
I was 21 and had just finished my Journalism degree at uni when I started this blog and I didn't have a clue what I wanted to do with my life. However, blogging has definitely given me a direction and made me realise that my passions are the beauty industry and writing. I LOVE everything about beauty and writing about it so the fact I now have a place where I can write all about is perfect. I thoroughly enjoy writing, being creative and expressing myself so blogging is a great outlet as it allows me to do just that. It also landed me a job with a fashion company which I'm SO happy about - its the best thing I I can honestly say blogging has changed my life.

What have you learnt by being a blogger? 

Lots of love,


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