special costumes: مايو 2014

السبت، 31 مايو 2014

Amazing Advertisers | May

Hi guys! I hope you're all well. Today I'm sharing my lovely monthly advertisers with you all - a bunch of fab ladies who I'd highly recommend you all check out - I've very much enjoyed discovering them all and I can confirm they're all great. I hope you'll pop on over to their blogs and say hello - I'm sure it'll make their day! Here's a little bit more from each of them ...

Fleur from Fleur Danielle

My name is Fleur Griffin and I am a 21 year old tourism management graduate. I currently live in North West London. I love beauty, fashion, jewelry and all things girly. One cold night in December 2012 I decided that after reading numerous beauty and fashion blogs I would like to start my own so I could talk about what I am passionate about and so I could be a part of the beauty community online.

I absolutely love blogging. I love coming up with new ideas for blog posts, I love taking photos of products for you all to see and I love the fact that people are actually interested in what I have to say.

If you ever want to tweet or email me or just to have a chat please feel free to do so. Also if you need some advice or help on starting your own blog please feel free to ask me. I look forward to chatting to you all in the future.

Hi everyone, I’m Carly and I blog at carlysbeautyworld.com. I set up my blog a couple of years after I gave up my beauty salon to pursue a different career. I had been in the beauty industry for 15 years and wanted to continue to share my knowledge and help people. My friend suggested that I write a blog and I’m so glad that I did.

At Carly’s Beauty World you will find that amongst the product reviews and fun posts, I also write about and specialise in specific areas such as skincare and other beauty related topics. If you want to diagnose your skin type or learn how to choose skincare products you can come to my blog and find the advice you need easily.

I’m always chatting to people on my various social media sites so come and say hi. I look forward to meeting you all. I’m having a giveaway to win a Lush Cosmetics gift voucher so don’t forget to enter when you visit my blog (see here).

Carly x

Beauty Science Magic! looks at beauty products under the scientific microscope and decodes all the scientific jargon for you, written by a Neuroscientist with a passion for Beauty and Nutrition! The aim is to provide vital information to nourish and nurture from the inside out as perfect nutrition is tantamount to gorgeous hair, skin and nails! Featuring easy and vitamin rich vegan recipes, Beauty Science Magic! Is undoubtedly the go-to blog for decoding beauty facts and feeling and looking your optimum. 

Natalie from Girl Uninterpreted
Hello, my name is Natalie! I’m a 23 year old hair and beauty junkie and a passionate blogger over at www.girluninterpreted.co.uk. GirlUninterpreted is a place for me to write product reviews and comparisons on new beauty products, as well as some old favourites, with the occasional lifestyle post and haul thrown in the mix. Make sure you keep up to date with all my posts via Twitter and Instagram so you don’t miss out on any of the good stuff and be sure to follow me so we can have a chat!

Judith from The Wee Blondie
Hello! I’m Judith, a 21-year-old Communications Student who runs www.theweeblondie.com. My blog is a little mix of beauty, fashion and lifestyle. I write about whatever I have fallen head over heels in love with and want to share with everyone. I am massive selfie fan and twitteraddict so come say hello! I love finding new blogs to follow as well so send me over your links too!

Hi I am Emma from 'Emma Louise Dreams'. I am probably the girliest girl you will ever meet. For my fourth birthday I asked my Grandma for one of those cards you put in the wall, that gives you money. Well, not much has changed since then. 

I am a self confessed shopaholic with a passion for all things beauty and fashion. 'EmmaLouise Dreams' is a blog all about myself and the things I buy, and I buy far too much.I have lots of exciting posts lined up over at 'Emma Louise Dreams' next month so would love if you popped over and said Hi.

Twitter: emmalouise1402 
Instagram: miniemx 

Jenna from Beautyxpress

Hello lovely readers of Kayleigh’s wonderful blog. My name is Jenna and I am a self-confessed makeup and coffee addict. Reading beauty blogs and watching beauty gurus on the old YouTube has been quite a significant part of my life for as long as I can remember. I have been interested in makeup since I was old enough to put the stuff on, and as the years progressed my obsession only grew. I was (and still am) the girl that my friend’s would call to do their makeup for events, or just to pick my brain on the best foundation or blush. Finally, with a little bit of time in my work/school schedule opening up I decided to start my own little space on the internet to share all of my thoughts and opinions on all things beauty related. I am learning so much and meeting so many amazing people (like Kayleigh who is so incredibly talented). I would love to see you at my blog! 
xx Jenna

Gwen from Peacock Beauty

Peacock Beauty is a blog dedicated to colorful makeup and beauty discoveries for the everyday girl. As a former gamer-girl and first time make-up wearer at the age of 28, I am eager to try EVERYTHING. You will find a wide variety of products and viewpoints from my makeup and beauty journey. I review products from a fresh angle, post daily pictures of my make-up experiments, chat about it on YouTube and much more (the back of my hand is permanently swatched!).

Beky from BekyLou
''BekyLou is a Fashion and Beauty blog that I write alongside my full time job. I put as much time and energy into it as I can and absolutely love doing it. I write everything from reviews, Outfit of the days, nail of the days and lifestyle posts where I just like to have a chat and give my opinion. Giveaways are also a regular on my blog where you can win anything from the newest product release, some of my favourite goodies and recently there was even a giveaway to win tickets to the Premiere of Divergent in London. I'd love it if you could take a peep and give me a follow!'

Beky Lou

Blog | Youtube
Twitter: @beky_boo94
Instagram: bexyboo1

Aaman from Girl on Beauty
Reviews? Check. Tip and tricks? Check. Generally chatter about beauty and life? Check, check!
Hi! I’m Aaman, I’m 22 years old and I work in eCommerce & Digital for Benefit Cosmetics. As you may have guessed, I am a lover of all things beauty related! If you fancy blog posts and videos from someone who also works in the industry, I’d absolutely love it if you would take the time to hop on over to my little blog and say hello!

Blog | Youtube | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

Tasha from Hello Freckles
Hi, I'm Tasha and I write over at Hello Freckles. I try to incorporate a mix of my interests so expect fashion/style posts, beauty reviews and plenty of lifestyle, particularly cinema, music and travel. I recently I set up my YouTube channel and I'm excited to work at it over the summer, filming hauls, OOTDs, vlogs and anything else I think of. Earlier this month I took part in a Zip Wire Challenge as the official blogger for the event; something that was really scary but I wouldn't have had the opportunity if it wasn't for blogging! I'm always looking to create better content and I'm really proud of where I'm at with my blog so far. I'd love it if you took a look at Hello Freckles and my YouTube channel and let me know what you think!

 Blog | Twitter | Instagram | Youtube | Bloglovin | Pinterest 

I hope you enjoyed finding out about these lovely ladies and that you found some new reading material! I hope you're all having a great weekend!

Lots of love,

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الخميس، 29 مايو 2014

GIVEAWAY | Win a pair of Raybans!

Much like Michael Kors watches or Mulberry handbags, Raybans have a status as 'it' sunglasses - an iconic accessorie that most people would like to add to their collection! I have to admit, I was one of those people and for as long as I can remember, a pair of aviator Raybans had been on my never ending wishlist. I think my love for them began after visiting my dad and stepmum in Australia as they both own multiple pairs and look amazing whilst wearing them. Its obviously very sunny all year round in Australia so they could justify the purchase but for me who lives in the dreary UK, spending over £100 on sunglasses just wasn't feasible - especially as I'd only get to wear them for a few weeks of the year.

With this being said, you can imagine my excitement when The Sunglasses Shop contacted me asking if I'd like to receive a pair and give some away on my blog. Of course I jumped at the chance - who wouldn't? My dreamy aviator Raybans arrived in the post a few days later and it was love at first sight. From the brown leather protective case to the signature Rayban logo, I was in love with them. Now if you love Raybans as much as I do and would like to be packing a pair to take away on your Summer holiday, all you need to do is enter my giveaway via the Rafflecopter widget below. The Sunglasses Shop have a huge array of Raybans on their website so there should be a pair to suit your own personal style! There's a price limit of £120 but that covers almost all of the Raybans anyway so it shouldn't be an issue.

There's a few mandatory entries on the Rafflecopter widget below such as liking The Sunglasses Shop's Facebook page and following me on Bloglovin' and also a few extra entry options if you want to boost your chance of winning this fab prize!

Good luck guys!

Lots of love,

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الاثنين، 26 مايو 2014

Sharing the Love #1 | My Favourite Bloggers

Hi everyone! So although I've mentioned lots of my favourite bloggers over on twitter on multiple ocassions, I've never actually wrote a post about them to share the blogging love! I think its really important for bloggers to support each other and express their appreciation for all the hard work that goes into what they do so with this being said I thought it was about time I made a little series on my blog that will be dedicated to all of my favourite bloggers. I'm going to do a few of these posts as I have SO many favourites but for today I'm going to kick off with seven blogs I've been reading for a very long time and all of which are my go-to for a bit of beauty or fashion reading. Make sure you pop on over to all these ladies blogs (links are below) and let them know I sent you. I'm sure it would make their day! 

I've been following Meg's lovely blog Meg's Boutique from day one as it was actually one of the first blogs I ever discovered. The reason I love Meg's blog so much is because we have very similar taste in beauty products/fashion and life in general. I love her chatty writing style, photography and well, pretty much everything really. She has a Youtube channel too and she just comes across and the most bubbly, lovely and friendly girl ever! She recently landed her dream job at Benefit Cosmetics and I've loved following her on her little journey and seeing her do so well. We're actually planning to meet up soon which I'm super duper excited about - I know we'll get on like a house on fire!

Oh I do bloody love Em from Em Talks. Much like Meg, Em is the type of girl I know I'd instantly get on with in real life. We have the same interests and I can tell from chatting to her that she's a genuinely lovely person. I love her blog because it has such a great mix of posts - there's everything from beauty, fashion, food and lifestyle. I'm also totally jealous of her body too - serious fitness inspo! Em Talks is pretty much everything you could need from a blog all in one place as there's something to suit everyone! She's also recently launched her own shop LVNDR which stocks beautiful jewellery and accessories. I'm really pleased for her as its been a massive success in such a short space of time. Em is actually coming to stay with me next month and I'm SO excited to finally meet her!

I couldn't write this post without including miss Meg from Wonderful You. This girl is seriously lovely and like Meg and Em who I've wrote about above, someone I'd now consider a friend. I'm not usually a huge fan of fashion blogs (I'm more of a beauty gal) but Meg's blog is an exception and one I turn to all the time for some fashion inspo. This girl can make any piece of clothing work and her photography is absolutely stunning. I could just stare at her blog in awe all day - how does she do it? Her style is very quirky and I love that she pushes the boundaries with fashion - something I need to do more often. Her red hair is just stunning too - she's a knockout! A beautiful girl with a beautiful blog and personality - she's a gem!

Golden Glow is a blog I've been reading since I first started blogging and still read to this day. The reason I love Lisa's blog so much is because this girl knows how to shop! Trust me when I say she does the most amazing hauls I've ever seen and quite literally makes me drool at the site of all her beauty goodies! I also love her photography and the fact she's a chef - beauty and food are my two passions so her Instagram is pretty heavenly for me! A lovely girl with a brilliant blog - I'd highly recommend you head on over for a read!

I remember getting a few tweets from Hannah back in the day telling me she loved my blog and I was really flattered so headed straight on over to hers to have a read. Well, since that day - both her blog and Youtube channel have been one of my favourites. As well as being an absolutely gorgeous girl with a lovely nature, Hannah's life has been so exciting to follow. Its been so lovely to read all about her wedding in Vegas, her pregnancy and life as new mummy to beautiful baby Grayson. I've seen her Youtube channel go from strength to strength and she truly deserves all the success in the world - her vlogs are so heartwarming and lovely to watch. 

I remember discovering Beth's blog back in the early days and after exchanging a few comments, we instantly clicked. We've followed each others blogs ever since and I don't think there's one post of hers that I've missed! For me Beth's blog is very similar to my own - we have extremely similar tastes in beauty products, we're both perfectionists when it comes to our photography and we both love to have a bit of a ramble! We've had lots of conversations about just how similar we are in the past and its actually crazy to meet someone so much like myself - we even have similar hair! Twinnies! Beth's blog is a great read if you're looking for some really in depth beauty reviews as she covers everything in detail and takes stunning photos to go alongside her content. I'd love to meet Beth one day as we have so much in common!

I absolutely love Corrie's blog (and Youtube channel) as its so packed with personality. If I want to have a bit of a giggle and read a well written and witty post - Dizzy Brunette is where I go. As well as having an amazing sense of style, the most beautiful hair I've ever seen and a super cute dog  - Corrie is so down to earth and just plain lovely! I remember when I first started blogging and she followed me on twitter - I was so excited! Yep, I had a bit of a fan girl moment. Loyal fan from the start right here ;) haha!

Have you read any of these blogs? Let me know your favourites in the comments below - I'd love to discover some new reading material!

Lots of love,

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الجمعة، 23 مايو 2014

Affordable Skincare: Simple Kind to Skin +

The first skincare brand I ever tried as a teenager (other than Clinique pinched from my mum) was Simple. I'm pretty sure most young girls have tried Simple at some stage as it does its job well, is gentle enough to use on sensitive young skin and best of all, its as cheap as chips! I used to use their full cleanse, tone and moisturise system from the original 'Kind to Skin' range and it saw me well for a good few years until I became curious about other brands and started branching out into the world of high end skincare. 

With this being said, I was very excited to receive some of Simple's new Kind to Skin + range to try out. The key part of the new range is the '+' part as Simple state that these products offer more than everyday skincare. "It’s a range of products with the same Simple goodness and skin loving ingredients as the trusted Kind To Skin range but with added benefits. We’re talking illuminating, protecting, brightening, perfecting and moisture boosting skincare treats."

As you can see from my photo above - each of the new '+' products benefit the skin in some way and wether its to add radiance, illuminate or protect - Simple have got it covered. I've been trying these products for a few weeks now and here's what I think of them so far ...

Kind To Skin+ Illuminating Radiance Cream | £7.99 | Link
When I received these products in the post, this is the one I was instantly drawn to because of its 'illuminating' title. If you've been reading my blog for a while now you'll probably know how much I love the dewy skin look and any products that can help me get that much coveted healthy glow is a must have for me! Since giving this illuminating radiance cream a try, I've been really impressed. Its very lightweight on the skin so its perfect beneath makeup and the light reflecting particles provide a subtle glow without looking glittery or over the top. 

I've been applying it in a morning before my foundation and it just brightens up my whole complexion and makes my skin look more radiant. It also contains multi-vitamins and skin loving ingredients as well as SPF 15 which makes it all the more perfect for Summer. I think this is my favourite product from the three I've tried as it really does what it states on the bottle.

Kind To Skin+ Radiance Brightening Wipes | £4.20 | Link
Oh my gosh, a beauty blogger talking about face wipes and actually liking them? As you all know - face wipes get a serious bad rep in the blogging community and some have even gone as far as to say that anyone who uses them should be shunned. Wowza, strong words indeed! Anyway, I'm just going to put it out there and say - these Simple face wipes are bloomin lovely. 

 Unlike traditional wipes that drag on the skin and don't feel particuarly moisturising, these ones are very effective as removing the top layer of makeup (much like a micellar water would) before a proper cleanse and they're really moisurising too. My skin always feels silky smooth and hydrated after I've used these wipes and they've come in really handy on those days when I'm in a rush and can't be bothered using a million cotton pads to remove my makeup! I'm also planning on taking these on holiday as they'll be great to freshen up with throughout the day!

Kind to Skin+ Protecting Moisture Cream SPF 30 | £3.99 Link
Much like the illuminating cream, this protecting moisture cream is great for day to day use as its so lightweight and perfect worn underneath makeup. If you have dry skin you might not find it heavy enough to provide you with the moisture you need but for a combo skin gal like myself, this is all I need to prep my skin for makeup and keep it hydrated throughout the day. I also love that it has a SPF 30 as it will keep my protected right through the Summer months. Not much else to say on this other than its a great little moisturiser and as with all these Simple products, its perfect for even the most sensitive of skins. A bargain at only £3.99 too!!

Overall, an impressive trio from Simple! I'm loving their new and improved packaging and the products do what they promise. I'd highly recommend this range if you're young and just getting into skincare, if you're on a budget or if you have sensitive skin! Priced at less than £20 for all three - its a fabulous skincare bargain!Do you like the look of this new range from Simple? 

Lots of love,

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الأربعاء، 21 مايو 2014

S/S Nails: Coral & Peach

When the warm weather rolls around, out comes the peach and coral nail polishes. I guess I associate these colours with sunshine due to their vibrancy so I thought I'd share my top picks for the upcoming Summer months. I don't have the best natural nails in the world but I'm planning on getting some gels or acrylics soon and these will be the shades I'll be reaching for to brighten up my mitts!

L-R: Models Own 'Hedonist', Models Own 'Fuzzy Peach'*, Essie 'Chubby Cheeks', Barry M 'Peach', Cheeky 'tongue 'n' cheek'* and Liz Earle Awakening*.

My favourite of this bunch has got to be Models Own 'Hedonist' as its my go-to Summer nail colour every year without fail. The neon orange shade looks absolutely beautiful on both fingers and toes and is perfect when paired with a tan! This one will definitely be coming on holiday with me next month - its the perfect open-toe shoe polish!

A couple more Coral shades I love are Essie 'Chubby Cheeks' which is a muted coral with hints of pink - its a very unique shade and unlike anything else I own in my nail polish collection. I also love Cheeky 'tongue 'n' cheek' as its a beautiful bright coral with hints of fuschia Pink. The wide brush makes it a dream to apply too!

Moving on to my peach toned picks we have Barry M's classic 'Peach Melba', Models Own 'Fuzzy Peach' which is a slightly brighter Peach and Liz Earle 'Awakening' which is a new favourite of mine due to its amazing opaque and glossy finish. Much like Barry M's Peach Melba, its a classic pastel peach that's perfect for this time of year.

What's your favourite S/S nail colour?

Lots of love,

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الأحد، 18 مايو 2014

Luxury Accessories Wishlist

I've always been a huge fan of accessories from a very young age. My mum always instilled the message into me that 'accessories can make an outift' and I have to agree, they can. Whether its a statement piece of jewellery or a great handbag, accessories can completely transform a look from drab to fab. I thought it'd be fun to share a little wishlist with you all of the accessories I'm currently loving. There's a real mixed bag but I love them all! 

First up we have a couple of items from Michael Kors - the Selma handbag and the Bedford Za Continental Soft Venice purse. These two items have been on my wishlist for as long as I can remember as they're classic pieces that would go with any outfit. I was actually going to put my birthday money together and treat myself to the handbag this Summer - what do you guys think? Is £315 a bit excessive for a handbag? I absolutely love it but I can't help thinking I could get a dupe for a fraction of the price? Decisions, decisions!

Now no accessory wishlist would be complete without a bit of statement jewellery. The two items that I'm currently coveting are this beautiful TAG watch from The Watch Gallery (I love the mix of gold and silver) and this feather ring from Pandora. The watch is way out of my price zone but hey, a girl can dream! As for the ring, I've seen a few people wearing it on their thumb and it looks so cool - the photo above doesn't do it much justice. I think its around £70 which isn't too bad - I might pop it down on my birthday wishlist!

A must have accessory for the up and coming Summer season is a nice pair of shades and these Clubmasters from Rayban are perfect. I was recently sent a pair of their classic aviator style (keep your eyes peeled for a giveaway soon) and I love them so much that I now want to treat myself to another style. I can feel a Rayban obsession beginning - uh oh!

A few more random accessories that I'd like to get my mitts on are a Filofax to keep my hectic life a bit more organised, a Kate Spade phone case to jazz up my Iphone and a Zoeva rose gold brush set to prettify my dressing table (okay - not just for this reason. I've heard very good things about them). Accessories aren't just limited to shoes, jewellery and bags after all!

So there we have it - a few luxurious accessories I'd love to get my mitts on.  Which accessories are on your wish list?

Lots of love,

*Collaboration with The Watch Gallery. However, all views expressed in this post are my own.

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الجمعة، 16 مايو 2014

Blogging: Serious Business?

Okay so this is a bit of a different post to my normal beauty rambles but its something I feel I need to get off my chest and share with you guys. Perhaps I can get your opinions on the matter too? It’s probably something we’ve all thought at one time or another. So, here goes. My question is ... When did blogging become so serious?

Blogging, Beauty Blogging, Blogger Community, Social Media Culture, Pressures of Blogging
Back in 2011 when I sat down to write my first ever blog post – I didn’t imagine for one minute that even ten people would read what I have to say, never mind over 11,000. With this being said, adjusting to the constant pressures of blogging has been quite tough for me. I know everyone says ‘you should blog for you and not care what anyone else thinks’ and although I don’t particularly care per-se, there’s still a pressure lurking over me that I have to always be the absolute best version of myself because if I’m not, there’ll be people waiting to jump on my weaknesses and pick me apart. I just find it pretty sad that blogging has gone from something I did to escape the pressures of day to day life to one of those pressures itself. Whether its feeling like my photography doesn't compare with other bloggers, feeling like my posts aren't interesting enough, not being able to reply to tweets or emails as quickly as I'd like or not having flawless makeup and hair in an Instagram photo - there's always a pressure of some kind. I wish it wasn't like that but unfortunately, it is. Standards are set in the blogging world by some phenomenal bloggers - people who do this as their full time jobs and people who are constantly pushing out creative and inspiring content. However, as someone who blogs on the side of a full time job for a bit of fun (which is the majority of us), the pressure of feeling like I have to keep up can get too much. 

Now I’m not trying to say I don’t enjoy blogging anymore because that would be a lie – I absolutely love writing my blog. I’ve met some amazing people through it and have had some wonderful opportunities. I did journalism at university so writing has always been a passion of mine and I view my blog as a creative outlet – somewhere I can escape and write about the things I love. I just wish it didn't come with so many pressures. Blogging for me was never and never will be about the number of followers I have or how many likes I get on an instagram photo. I really couldn’t care less. Those things come gradually with time and although its amazing to know people enjoy what I write and I do feel proud of myself for what I’ve achieved, it really isn’t my main priority – just a nice bonus. Now I’d be lying to you all if I didn’t say I’ve had moments recently when I’ve thought ‘this is crazy’ after expressing an opinion or making an innocent comment only to be made to feel bad for doing so. Over time I've learnt to accept that this is just part and parcel of being a blogger but the point I'm trying to get across is - should it be this way? Have we found ourselves in a day and age where we can’t express a harmless opinion online and have to 'put up' with things just because we choose to write a blog? Would we put up with these things if we didn't? Probably not. I wish people could be kinder to each other and speak to one another with more respect. We’re all different people and we all have our own likes and dislikes in life - if we didn't, the world would be a boring place.  However, blogging is supposed to be fun and having a blog shouldn't mean we're a target for negativity. We're all still normal people after all. I bet most bloggers day to day lives really aren't as exciting as you'd imagine - mine certainly isn't - quite the opposite in fact! Just a bit of food for thought :)

Blogging, Beauty Blogging, Blogger Community, Social Media Culture, Pressures of Blogging,

I guess what I’m trying to say here is – what happened to the friendly blogging community I used to be part of? I always viewed it as a place I could  turn when I wanted a chat with fellow bloggers about the ways and woes of life or have a ramble about my favourite beauty products. I really think blogging gets taken waaaaay too seriously these days and bloggers are put on some sort of pedestal as people that should never dare do or say anything that might (unnecessarily) offend someone. If people would take a step back into the real world and realise that bloggers are in fact completely ordinary girls (and boys!) that share a passion they want to write about it, maybe things could get put into a bit more perspective. Life is way too short for that rubbish and I just want to enjoy writing my blog the same way I did when I first started - when nobody was reading other than my nanna and my auntie. After all - blogs are only a place on the internet where people write about the things they like or their day to day life - it shouldn't get so political. 

Blogging is something anyone can do - you don't have to have any special skills to get involved - just a passion for what you're writing about and the motivation to keep it up. My friends often say 'Kayleigh - how on earth do you find the time to work, blog and socialise - you must have serious dedication' and although it is a struggle sometimes, I continue because I love it. I also really enjoy getting to know lots of likeminded people but I'd much prefer to do that in a more friendly environment without any added pressures. If I want to make a lighthearted joke or upload a photo looking like a scruff - I should be able to do that without any repercussions. We should be supporting and encouraging one another - not putting each other down or making each other feel bad because there was a few typos in our latest post or we looked less than perfect in a selfie. Isn't there more to life?

I think its so important to just enjoy your own little space on the web and don’t get so caught up in everyone else’s. If there’s bloggers you love - make their day by telling them. Its nice to be nice. If there’s blogs you aren't so keen on, my advice would be... don’t read them. Its pretty straight forward when it comes down to it and everyone should be able to enjoy blogging in their own way and their own style without feeling compared to others. As the saying goes “you can be the juiciest peach in the world and there’ll still be someone who doesn’t like peaches!”. Just remember – this is blogging, not a competition. Its meant to be fun and enjoyable - a creative outlet, a hobby or our own little 'happy' place to share the things we love and enjoy in life. If we could all just appreciate that and more importantly appreciate that its okay to not be perfect or the best at everything, blogging included, the blogging community would be a much happier place. 

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this and sorry if I'm coming across as a ranting Rita - I'm really just trying to be honest with my thoughts and I hope you can relate to what I've said in one way or another.

Do you wish blogging wasn't taken quite so seriously?

Lots of love,

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