special costumes: Sharing the Love #1 | My Favourite Bloggers

الاثنين، 26 مايو 2014

Sharing the Love #1 | My Favourite Bloggers

Hi everyone! So although I've mentioned lots of my favourite bloggers over on twitter on multiple ocassions, I've never actually wrote a post about them to share the blogging love! I think its really important for bloggers to support each other and express their appreciation for all the hard work that goes into what they do so with this being said I thought it was about time I made a little series on my blog that will be dedicated to all of my favourite bloggers. I'm going to do a few of these posts as I have SO many favourites but for today I'm going to kick off with seven blogs I've been reading for a very long time and all of which are my go-to for a bit of beauty or fashion reading. Make sure you pop on over to all these ladies blogs (links are below) and let them know I sent you. I'm sure it would make their day! 

I've been following Meg's lovely blog Meg's Boutique from day one as it was actually one of the first blogs I ever discovered. The reason I love Meg's blog so much is because we have very similar taste in beauty products/fashion and life in general. I love her chatty writing style, photography and well, pretty much everything really. She has a Youtube channel too and she just comes across and the most bubbly, lovely and friendly girl ever! She recently landed her dream job at Benefit Cosmetics and I've loved following her on her little journey and seeing her do so well. We're actually planning to meet up soon which I'm super duper excited about - I know we'll get on like a house on fire!

Oh I do bloody love Em from Em Talks. Much like Meg, Em is the type of girl I know I'd instantly get on with in real life. We have the same interests and I can tell from chatting to her that she's a genuinely lovely person. I love her blog because it has such a great mix of posts - there's everything from beauty, fashion, food and lifestyle. I'm also totally jealous of her body too - serious fitness inspo! Em Talks is pretty much everything you could need from a blog all in one place as there's something to suit everyone! She's also recently launched her own shop LVNDR which stocks beautiful jewellery and accessories. I'm really pleased for her as its been a massive success in such a short space of time. Em is actually coming to stay with me next month and I'm SO excited to finally meet her!

I couldn't write this post without including miss Meg from Wonderful You. This girl is seriously lovely and like Meg and Em who I've wrote about above, someone I'd now consider a friend. I'm not usually a huge fan of fashion blogs (I'm more of a beauty gal) but Meg's blog is an exception and one I turn to all the time for some fashion inspo. This girl can make any piece of clothing work and her photography is absolutely stunning. I could just stare at her blog in awe all day - how does she do it? Her style is very quirky and I love that she pushes the boundaries with fashion - something I need to do more often. Her red hair is just stunning too - she's a knockout! A beautiful girl with a beautiful blog and personality - she's a gem!

Golden Glow is a blog I've been reading since I first started blogging and still read to this day. The reason I love Lisa's blog so much is because this girl knows how to shop! Trust me when I say she does the most amazing hauls I've ever seen and quite literally makes me drool at the site of all her beauty goodies! I also love her photography and the fact she's a chef - beauty and food are my two passions so her Instagram is pretty heavenly for me! A lovely girl with a brilliant blog - I'd highly recommend you head on over for a read!

I remember getting a few tweets from Hannah back in the day telling me she loved my blog and I was really flattered so headed straight on over to hers to have a read. Well, since that day - both her blog and Youtube channel have been one of my favourites. As well as being an absolutely gorgeous girl with a lovely nature, Hannah's life has been so exciting to follow. Its been so lovely to read all about her wedding in Vegas, her pregnancy and life as new mummy to beautiful baby Grayson. I've seen her Youtube channel go from strength to strength and she truly deserves all the success in the world - her vlogs are so heartwarming and lovely to watch. 

I remember discovering Beth's blog back in the early days and after exchanging a few comments, we instantly clicked. We've followed each others blogs ever since and I don't think there's one post of hers that I've missed! For me Beth's blog is very similar to my own - we have extremely similar tastes in beauty products, we're both perfectionists when it comes to our photography and we both love to have a bit of a ramble! We've had lots of conversations about just how similar we are in the past and its actually crazy to meet someone so much like myself - we even have similar hair! Twinnies! Beth's blog is a great read if you're looking for some really in depth beauty reviews as she covers everything in detail and takes stunning photos to go alongside her content. I'd love to meet Beth one day as we have so much in common!

I absolutely love Corrie's blog (and Youtube channel) as its so packed with personality. If I want to have a bit of a giggle and read a well written and witty post - Dizzy Brunette is where I go. As well as having an amazing sense of style, the most beautiful hair I've ever seen and a super cute dog  - Corrie is so down to earth and just plain lovely! I remember when I first started blogging and she followed me on twitter - I was so excited! Yep, I had a bit of a fan girl moment. Loyal fan from the start right here ;) haha!

Have you read any of these blogs? Let me know your favourites in the comments below - I'd love to discover some new reading material!

Lots of love,

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