special costumes: سبتمبر 2013

الاثنين، 30 سبتمبر 2013

Amazing Advertisers // September

Hi everyone! Its the end of yet another month (where the heck is this year going?) and that can only mean one thing - its time to meet my advertisers. I won't bore you with small talk as I'm sure you all know the drill by now. Keep reading to find some wonderful new blogs and shops and be sure to pop over and say hello to them all on their blogs or social media accounts. They're a great bunch and I'm sure it'd make their day (and mine) ...

Jess from The Crown Wings
Hey everyone, I'm Jess, a recently graduated twenty-something from Manchester. Being a trainee solicitor, I don't usually get the chance to talk about things I have been literally obsessed with since I was old enough to point; fashion and beauty. That's where The Crown Wings has come in, allowing my to ramble to my hearts content about pigmentation and playsuits. 

Never in my wildest dreams did I think people would read, and dare I say it return to hear my endless chit-chat, but they have and I love sharing my life and loves with this community. Now taking a picture of a product before using it and searching the high street for the best new trends has become second nature and I hope it stays that way for a very long time. 

I've met some amazingly sweet and lovely people through blogging, and hopefully if you pop by my blog, relax and have a read, I'll meet even more! Fingers crossed I'll speak to you all soon. Bye xoxo

Charlotte from Bercie Baby

Hi Guys, My name is Charlotte & I’m a Parent/Lifestyle blogger over at bericebaby.com. I blog about being a first time mum to my baby boy Hayden, Fashion, Beauty, everyday products and everyday life. I am somewhat of a part-time vlogger over on my youtube too HAHA.

Stop by and say Hi – Love meeting new people!

Lotte xo

Blog || Youtube || Twitter || FaceBook || Pinterest || Instagram
Shop - Yuko

YUKO Permanent Hair Straightening was created in Japan in 1996 by Yuko Yamashita, a passionate hair stylist and salon owner who, after witnessing as a child the happiness a haircut gave her mother and sister, decided to make other people just as happy by dedicating her life to hairdressing. Throughout her years as a stylist, Yuko was shocked to discover that only 5 out of every 100 people were happy with their hair and a staggering 75% were concerned because their curly, unruly, sleek or thick hair was not to their satisfaction. In just the same way that most people are unhappy with their bodies and would change something if they could, Yuko committed her passion to find a solution; a way of giving people the opportunity to have the hair they desired. In pursuit of this, Yuko began a project with Japanese health, sports and beauty giant Phiten to develop her own perm solution, alongside having developed a successful solution, YUKO now also has a successful and comprehensive homecare range suited to treat all hair types.

Meg from Mghhndly

Hello lovelies! I'm Meg and mgnhndly is my little space where I chat about lifestyle, beauty and the darker parts in my life, all about the honesty! mgnhndly started as a get happy with me blog & has quickly grown in to a passion for me - and i'd love for you to come and join me. If you're a - beauty, health, honesty, lifestyle - kind'a person then you're in the right place, ha :) See you soon! Meg xo

Sophie & Smith specialise in handmade one of a kind Bridal Gowns and ladies occasion wear in Norwich/Norfolk. Working on a one on one basis we strive to only use the highest quality trims and materials available. We have recently developed a popular new multiway dress which has been selling internationally (Find our etsy shop at here). We love a chat, so please take a look at our website: website or our Facebook page and drop us a line.

Rebecca from Dizzee Darling
My name is Rebecca and I live on the South Coast with my parents, Gran and cat, Flossy. I work in marketing department for a local company and absolutely love my job even though it can be quite stressful at times!

I started Dizzee Darling for two reasons. One is that I've been an avid reader of blogs for years now and thoroughly enjoy finding out what everyone has been up to! The second is to save my long suffering boyfriend some earache as I ramble on about that coat/dress/nail varnish I saw today!

I'm really looking forward to meeting lots of new people and making new friends so please feel free to come and say hi!

Katie from Sugarfixxbeauty

Hi, I'm Katie from a little blog called sugarfixxbeauty, where I write about all things beauty with a little bit of lifestyle and fashion thrown into the mix. I'm a make up addict and skin care junkie so you'll find lots of posts along with youtube videos which I do twice weekly. I really hope you'll check out my blog/channel and if you like what you see don't forget to follow/subscribe. I'm also a twitter addict so you'll find me chatting away on there too! 

Blog || Youtube || Bloglovin 
@sugarfixx (twitter), @sugarfixxbeauty (instagram)

Lauren from Lauren Wanders

Hi everyone I'm Lauren! I blog over at Lauren Wanders. Its a lifestyle blog with a bit of fashion and beauty thrown in on the odd occasion. I share my daily musings and take you with me on my travels.

I love connecting with my readers so here are my other links. Feel free to tweet me, follow me on tumblr and instagram or take a look at my youtube channel!

Instagram: @laurenwanders

Sophie from S K Beauty

I'm Sophie, a 21 year old beauty student. after years of following blogs and YouTubers, I finally decided to give it ago. I love trying new products. have an obsessive relationship with nail polish, and genuinely love to talk about all things beauty related. I dabble into fashion, discussing the latest trends and also use my blog as a place to outlay all my thoughts on things going on in my life.

Jayde from JE M'APPAREL

Hi my names Jayde and I write a blog called JE M'APPAREL which is mainly beauty with some fashion and lifestyle posts thrown into the mix! I have been blogging for a year now and it has been one of the best things I ever decided to do, I love sharing my thoughts and latests loves with my readers! I recently started a YouTube channel which links back to my blog where I feature haul videos, get ready with me and other videos, my YouTube link is You can follow me on twitter and Instagram my username on both of these platforms is @rileyjayde. My blog link is , I would love for you to drop by but if you do make sure you let me know as I love reading my comments and finding new blogs this way! I hope you enjoy my blog!

Lauren from Lauren J
Hi everyone, I'm Lauren! I started Lauren J in the new year because I had spent so long reading everyone else's blogs, and wanted to get involved! I love having my own little space online and getting to meet so many genuinely friendly girls who have the same interests.

On my blog you'll find beauty reviews, lifestyle posts and recipes, as well as more and more fashion-related posts. Come and stop by and say hi - I'd love to meet even more bloggers!

Twitter: @laurenjcope
Instagram: @laurenjcope

There's some really great blogs and shops here this month! They've all been added to my personal reading list - will you be adding them to yours? If you'd like to be featured in this post, you can check out my advertising rates here.

Lots of Love,

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الأحد، 29 سبتمبر 2013

Review // Vichy Idealia Life Serum

Vichy Idealia Life Serum Review, Vichy Idealia Life Serum, Vichy Idealia Skincare
Vichy Idealia Life Serum Review, Vichy Idealia Life Serum, Vichy Idealia Skincare
Vichy Idealia Life Serum Review, Vichy Idealia Life Serum, Vichy Idealia Skincare
Vichy Idealia Life Serum Review, Vichy Idealia Life Serum, Vichy Idealia Skincare
Vichy Idealia Life Serum Review, Vichy Idealia Life Serum, Vichy Idealia Skincare

Vichy Idealia Life Serum* - Link

Since starting my blog I've become more and more interested in skincare. Long gone are the days of using face wipes to remove my makeup and a slap of moisturiser now and again. Gosh, just writing that makes me realise how terrible my skincare routine (if you can even call it that) was. I now take the time to thoroughly understand my skin and treat it to what it needs. Whether its face oils, micellar waters or face masks - I now use them all to ensure my skin is in the best condition it can be. 

When I was first introduced to this 'life serum' from Vichy, it instantly excited me. I've tried a number of products from the Vichy Idealia range now including their illuminating moisturiser and BB Cream - both of which are amazing products and work really well with my skin. The latest product to join the Idealia line up, 'Life Serum', is designed for the everyday woman, us women that often expose our skin to daily excesses such as stress, late nights, pollution, UV exposure and an unbalanced diet. I'm sure we can all relate to one of these 'exposures' in one way or another, the main culprit for me being stress. When I'm stressed my skin is more prone to breakouts and generally looks dull and lacking in life. However, this serum claims to restore tired, stressed and lack-lustre skin. According to Vichy this product ensures the "complexion looks radiant and fresh, with a more even tone. Pores appear tightened and skin texture feels refined. Facial features look rested and skin looks younger and healthier". Fairly big claims if I do say so myself. The magic ingredients in this product are the LR2412+LHA molecules (I have no idea what they are, don't talk to me about science) which supposedly work wonders at transforming skin quality. Its also suitable for those of us with sensitive skin as its hypoallergenic, parabin -free and contains soothing thermal water.

So, do I like it? Well, do you ever come across a skincare product and as soon as you start using it think 'how did I ever NOT use this product'? That is exactly how I feel about this serum. Firstly, look at that beautiful glass bottle. Its pink with a handy little pump - what more could I want? Secondly, like all products in the Idealia range, it smells divine. I've been applying it in the morning after cleansing my skin and I love how lightweight and silky it feels. Its a white lotion with a pearl sheen (it looks more like a moisturiser than a serum) and as soon as its applied to my skin it sinks in effortlessly leaving no greasy residue behind. It also brightens my tired morning skin and leaves it looking awake, dewy and fresh. Its like the beauty product equivalent of caffeine!

Vichy state that this can be used alone to replace moisturiser or underneath your current moisturiser, depending on how dehydrated your skin is. For reference, my skin is combination. It isn't dry but it isn't very oily either. I get an oily t-zone and the odd pimple now and again but other than that, I'd say its fairly normal. I find using this after cleansing in a morning is all I need to give my skin a boost of radiance and moisture but I have used it underneath moisturiser too so I can assure you it works both ways, depending on your skin type and personal needs. I also find it works really well as a base for makeup as it seems to smooth out my skin tone, reduce any redness and plump up my skin. I've definitely noticed my base applies much smoother and evenly after applying this product and my skin feels baby soft.

Overall I absolutely love this product and its an amazing addition to my skincare routine. I've definitely noticed an improvement in the texture and appearance of my skin since adding this into my routine and i smells amazing too so I've got no complaints. There's currently 25% off this product at Boots so if it sounds like something you'd like to try, go go go!

Do you like using serums? Have you tried this one?

Lots of Love,

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الجمعة، 27 سبتمبر 2013

Current None-Beauty Favourites

Happy Friday everyone - I hope you've all got some lovely plans this weekend. Today I'm doing a slightly different post from the norm but I hope you like it - its all about my current none beauty favourites. I know this is a beauty blog and I love sharing my beauty favourites with you each month but I thought it'd be fun to introduce a none beauty favourites to the mix too as there's lots of things I enjoy each month that aren't beauty related. The things featured in this post could be anything from food, homeware, places, people, books, tv shows and music. Anything goes really! So without further ado, here's a few random things I've been loving this month ...

001. Cooking
This is a bit of a general one but this month I've been loving trying new recipes and making yummy homemade food. I've always enjoyed cooking as I'm a very creative person so I like to make things up as I go along and see what I can create. I'm very into presentation and making food look pretty on the plate too. Isn't it a lot more edible when it looks well presented? Or is that just me? The photo above was taken whilst making some yummy bruschetta a couple of weeks ago. It was so simple to make but it tasted absolutely delicious! Yum!

002. Ikea Plant Pot - Link
If you read lots of blogs, I'm sure you'll of seen these plant pot/makeup brush holders all over the place. They're a blogger favourite and I've been meaning to pick one up for months. I decided it would make a cute makeup brush holder and although its a bit too tall for my brushes, I love it. It looks so pretty on my white dressing table and for only £2, I can't complain. I want to buy more of them and have them all over my flat. Too far?

003. Ikea Skubb Compartments - Link
Can you tell I've been loving Ikea this month? My boyfriend and I have been doing up our spare bedroom (more on that in another post) so we've been on numerous trips to Ikea recently. I spotted this cool set of little boxes whilst having a mooch around and I thought they'd be ideal for organising my drawers. They're so cheap and affordable but have made such a difference to my messy drawers, particualy my underwear drawer. I now have individual compartments for knickers, socks and tights. Is that sad? haha!

004. Matalan 'Home' Cushion - Link
I had some Matalan vouchers to spend recently and instead of buying more clothes (its safe to say my wardrobe is currently over-flowing) I decided to treat myself to some new homeware bits and pieces - this cute little home cushion being one of them. My bedroom has a black, grey and white colour scheme (I'd have it all floral and girly if I could but I have to compromise with the boy haha) so this looks perfect popped on the bed with a selection of other cushions. I love that each letter is made of a different material too - the little black flowers being my personal favourite. I'm definitely a home bird too so its very appropriate for me. You know, "home is where the heart is" and all that malarky.

005. Books // Penny Smith 'Scandals' & Overcoming Anxiety
When I have a bit of free time (which is very rarely), I love to sit down and get completely lost in a book. I've always been into reading ever since I was little and although I don't read as often as I'd like to these days, ocassionally I'll start reading a book and won't be able to put it down. This is what happened when my Nanna lent me 'Scandals', a family drama, on our holiday to Portugal. Its such a wonderful book and has something to cater for everyone - romance, drama, comedy - you name it, this book has it. I'd definitely recommend giving it a read! Another book I've been reading is 'Overcoming Anxiety' by Helen Kennerley which is a self-help guide using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy techniques to overcome the feelings of anxiety and panic attacks. I've found this really comforting to read, especially when I'm having a bad day and its helped me to understand everything more clearly. If you suffer with anxiety in any form (ocd, phobias, post traumatic stress disorder), I'd really recommend giving this book a try.

006. Neom Tranquility Organic Room Mist* - Link
As someone who suffers with anxiety, its very important for me to do as much as I possibly can to create a calm and serene enviroment around me. I've tried lots of different sprays and ointments and have found Lavender to be very calming for obvious reasons. This Neom room spray has a lovely fragrance of English Lavender with Sweet Basil & Jasmine and its strong without being overpowering. A little goes a long way so one to two spritzes on my bedding/pillows is just enough to leave a lingering scent that helps to soothe and relax me before bed. I absolutely love the frosted glass bottle containing the product too. Neom is known for being a luxurious brand and this product is no exception.

007. Primark Slipper Boots
Autumn is here and the cold weather has made a come back. This can only mean one thing - time to get snuggly! The reason I love Winter is because it gives me an excuse to wear lots of layers and lounge around in my pjs, dressing gown and slipper boots. I buy or get bought a pair of slipper boots every single year as everyone knows how much I love them. If I could wear them outside the comfort of my own home I would! As soon as I spotted these ugg syle slipper boots adorned with reindeers and snow flakes they just had to be mine. Possibly too Christmassy for this time of year but what the heck, they make my feet very happy!

Did you enjoy reading about my none beauty favourites? Would you like this post to be a monthly thing? Please let me know - I'd love to hear any feedback :)

Lots of Love,

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الأربعاء، 25 سبتمبر 2013

Chi Chi Tatiana Dress

Chi Chi Tatiana Dress, OOTD, OOTD, Outfit, Lace Pencil Dress, Chi Chi, Dress, Fashion
Chi Chi Tatiana Dress, OOTD, OOTD, Outfit, Lace Pencil Dress, Chi Chi, Dress, Fashion
Chi Chi Tatiana Dress, OOTD, OOTD, Outfit, Lace Pencil Dress, Chi Chi, Dress, Fashion

Dress - Chi Chi* - Link // Shoes - Matalan

Before I get in to todays post I just want to take this opportunity to say a humongous thank you to every single one of you who took the time to read and leave lovely comments on my Anxiety & Panic Attacks post. The feedback I’ve received in the form of comments, tweets and emails has been overwhelming so thank you very much. I was absolutely terrified to publish that post (physically shaking on the sofa whilst my boyfriend said ‘just do it Kayleigh’), so to receive such a great reaction and to know it’s helped a few people means the world to me.

Anyway, before I turn all soppy on you, let me tell you about a lovely dress I was recently sent from Chi Chi. I’ve actually blogged about the brand in the past here after falling head over heels in love with their Regina dress. With this being said, you can imagine my excitement when I was asked if I’d like to review something else from their website. Of course I said yes and began browsing through all of the lovely dresses. I was immediately drawn to the Tatiana dress (I love that the dresses have names) which I’m wearing in the photos above as I thought it would be perfect to wear to a christening I’m attending later this year. I think this dress got both the glam and elegant criteria’s I look for in a christening outfit spot on. The knee length pencil style is very classy while the lace overlay and sheer panel at the top of the dress prevents it from being boring and too formal. I'd say the cute little ribbon at the back is my favourite part of this dress - its such a fun and pretty detail and the bust area is padded meaning you can wear it without a bra and not have to worry about your bra straps being on show. The dress is an off-white/beige colour so I decided to pair is with some classic nude court shoes which again work with the elegant style I was going for.

As I’m wearing this to a christening I haven’t actually worn it out of the house yet. I took some photos wearing it so I could share it with you guys (as you do) and now I’m looking at the photos I’ve decided I'm definitely going to wear my hair up in a bun for the christening and add a splash of red lipstick. I think a pop of colour on my lips will bring the look together nicely and wearing my hair up in a bun with show off the lace detail around the top of the dress. I just can't wait to wear it now!

If you’re after a pretty dress to wear for an upcoming special occasion, I’d really recommend checking out the Chi Chi website. They have a great range of super glam dresses that will ensure you stand out from the crowd!

Do you like my Tatiana dress?

Lots of Love,

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الأحد، 22 سبتمبر 2013

Living with Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Anxiety, Living with Anxiety and Panick Attacks, Panic, Anxiety, OCD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, GAD

I've often considered whether or not I should write this post as its a very personal and upsetting subject for me to discuss. I know I've mentioned that I suffer with anxiety and panic attacks briefly but nobody other than my boyfriend who lives with me and sees what I go through on a regular basis, knows the full extent of my anxiety and how it controls my life. I'm also wary of the fact that lots of bloggers seem to struggle with a similar problem (it must be us creative folk and our over-active minds) and I don't want anyone to think I'm jumping on some sort of anxiety bandwagon. Firstly, that would be sick. Secondly, this is exceptionally hard to discuss and not something I'd write about if it wasn't real and thirdly,  I've been dealing with this since the age of 13, that's 10 whole years. I know I shouldn't have to add any kind of disclaimer to this post but I just want to put that out there as people can be quick to jump to conclusions.

Now that's out of the way, I want to start this post by saying mental illness is not something that should be overlooked, dismissed or laughed at. Its just as debilitating as a physical illness and although you might not be able to see it, its there, in my head, at all times. What I'm hoping to achieve from this post is to help other people who might be going through the same thing as me or to help those not affected with anxiety to understand what it is, what it feels like and how it can affect a person. I truly believe in the saying "never judge a book by its cover" as you might think somebody has a happy, problem-free life but until you truly know them and the things they've been through, you really have no right to judge.

What is Anxiety and a Panic Attack? What are the symptoms?
These are two questions that I've popped into search engines on numerous occasions as I'm always trying my hardest to understand anxiety and the effects it has on the human body - physically and emotionally. Its so difficult to sum it up in a small paragraph but for me anxiety is a feeling of constant dread and the fear that something bad is going to happen. When I'm in a relaxed state, I can tell myself that my anxious thoughts are completely irrational. However, when I'm in an anxious state, all logic goes out of the window and I go into 'flight or fight' mode which is when a panic attack rears its ugly head. The body is designed to release adrenaline and prepare us for escaping or fighting in frightening situations but when you're a sufferer of panic attacks, this surge of adrenaline can kick in in the most safe environments. When adrenaline kicks in and there's no need to escape or fight, it can cause horrendous physical symptoms. This is what makes a panic attack so scary. 

Just to name a few symptoms I often have when experiencing a panic attack -
- Racing heart
- Chest Pain/Flutters/Palpitations
- Difficulty Breathing and swallowing (dry mouth)
- Feeling dizzy and lightheaded
- Tingling in my fingers and toes
- Body 'zaps' - when anxious every feeling in the body becomes heightened.
- Excessive sweating 
- Feeling 'spaced out', confused and unbalanced.

As you can imagine, its not nice at all and the symptoms can easily be mistaken for something much more serious. I thought it'd be helpful to add some snippets from a book I've been reading below as these paragraphs sum it up much better than I can myself - 

My experience and where it all began
So, now you know the general gist of what it is, let me share my experience of where it all began and how its developed. Anxiety started for me in the form of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and I've actually wrote a post about my experience with that here if you want to know more. To put it simply, its a mental disorder which makes you have compulsive thoughts and obsessions. For example, "if I don't wash my hands, I might get a serious illness!". It all began when my grandad suddenly passed away in his early 50's. I was only 12 at the time and didn't know how to deal with someone I loved so dearly being taken away from me so suddenly. It turns out I was dealing with it but in a completely un-natural way, I'd developed OCD. I won't go into too much detail but it completely controlled my life for a few years - I was obsessed with germs and would wash my hands so much they'd bleed. I'd also think every ache or pain in my body was life threatening. I genuinely thought I was losing my mind as up until this point, I'd always been a pretty happy and care-free girl. After dealing with this in secret, too embaressed to tell anyone how I felt, I experienced my first panic attack. I was 13 at the time.

I remember it like it was yesterday - I was sitting in my bedroom one night after completing my standard OCD rituals (I used to have to touch everything in my bedroom before I went to sleep) and the next thing I knew my heart was pounding, I couldn't breathe, I felt dizzy, my palms were clammy and I was hypervanilating. I truly thought I was dying and to put it bluntly, it was one of the most horrendous feelings I've ever experienced. Now imagine having to deal with that on a a regular basis, that feeling of impending doom, the feeling that something bad is always going to happen, thats anxiety. Well, thats what it is for me at least. I have a mixture of anxiety and OCD. Irrational thoughts mixed with irrational worry which then leads to a panic attack. I know it comes in lots of different forms and the way I feel and my symptoms might be completely different to someone else's, it really depends on the individual. The outcome of feeling anxious and having a panic attack is always the same though - feeling hopeless, trapped and out of control. I wouldn't wish it upon anybody.

What should I do? Can I get help?
You might be reading this thinking 'none of it makes sense' and thats completely fine, a lot of people don't understand anxiety unless they've experienced it themsevles. Lots of people presume its just their loved ones 'worrying', especially if they're a natural worrier anyway like me. In a way I guess thats what anxiety is - worry. However, its unnatural worry and worry so strong that it becomes unbearable to deal with and can make day to day life very difficult. My family used to be guilty of calling me a worrier and shrugging off my panicked states. After all, they just thought it was 'Kayleigh being Kayleigh'. However, when I finally plucked up the courage to tell them that it wasn't just worry, but something more serious, it didn't seem so funny anymore. I remember when I first told my mum and she couldn't stop apologising for all the times she'd made a joke about me being a worrier. I always knew she didn't 'get it' and thats not her fault, I probably wouldn't either if it wasn't me in that situation so my biggest piece of advice would be to tell your loved ones how you're feeling. My mum has been nothing but supportive since I opened up to her about the problems I was having and it really helps me to know I have a support system around me. Knowing I can pick up the phone and tell my family how I'm feeling takes a huge weight off my shoulders. Its also important to note that if you're the family member of someone going through this, be supportive and listen to them. You might not fully understand what they're going through but being there for them will mean more than anything.

Another thing I'd advise is going to see your GP. I've been on two seperate ocassions now, both of which weren't successful but eventually I got the help I need. On my first visit to the doctors, the GP did a 'test' by which they evaluate the level of your anxiety and I was told mine is 'severe'. However, I was sent away with a helpline and the name of some books to read - not what I was expecting. I tried the books ('Overcoming Anxiety' photographed in this post is great for helping to understand anxiety better) but I knew I needed professional help that would get to the root cause of my anxiety. After plucking up the courage to go back to the doctors and see a different GP, I finally got some answers. I was told about various medications I could take and although I've been too scared to take them since being prescribed, I was also told about CBT- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. This seemed like the right route for me to take as I believe changing my thought processes and behaviours will help me the most. I've been for a few sessions now and although it was hard opening up to a stranger about experiences in my life that may have triggered my anxiety and panic attacks, it was an amazing feeling to know I'm finally taking control and getting the help I need. I can't say its 'working' just yet but I'm feeling positive and determined to take all the techniques and coping methods I'm being taught on board. Please don't be like me and spend years feeling embarrassed as its really nothing to be embaressed about. Doctors and therapists see people suffereing with the same symptoms as you day in, day out. Its their job remember and they aren't there to judge you. 

Things I've learnt throughout my experience
- I'm NOT Crazy - its very easy to feel like you're losing your mind when you're panicking for no reason whatsoever in a safe environment.
- The symptoms I'm feeling are real but they won't hurt me - I'm NOT having a heart attack. My therapist has taught me a technique to say "I'm always okay" repeatedly until the panic subsides. Reminding myself its just a panic attack and its happened a million times before stops it from spiralling out of control.
- I don't have to feel embarrassed, millions of people suffer with panic attacks on a day to day basis.
- I can confide in my loved ones and know that they'll be there for me and with time, they will understand.
- Its okay to get upset and let my emotions out when it all gets too much - don't bottle things up.
- Seek help and don't suffer in silence. Talking to someone about the issues you're having might help. If it doesn't, you've lost nothing. Anything is worth a try!
- Focus your mind on something you enjoy - for me, that's writing this blog. Whenever I'm blogging, I feel relaxed. It gives me something to focus on and doesn't allow my brain to think about anything else.
- Push yourself out of your comfort zone - I'm still working on this one myself but its SO important to face up to the things that make you anxious. I had a bad stage not too long ago where I had to take time off work as I was having panic attacks in the office every single day. However, I pushed myself to go back as if I didn't, the problem would have become worse and I'd of become more withdrawn and afraid to return.

That's all I'm going to say for now as I could go on and on and on about my experience and all the things I've learnt about anxiety and panic attacks for hours. Trust me, I'm a bloomin expert on the matter after spending hours and hours reading about them and trying to understand them. The biggest lesson I've learnt is that it definitely helps to admitt when you have a problem instead of bottling it up. This post was terribly hard for me to write and terrifying to publish on my blog but I feel its something I need to do. Panic attacks are a huge part of me and my life and although you might only see the happy me in blog posts, some days are tough and everything isn't as great as it might always seem. I think its important to remember that when reading blogs - you're only seeing a snippet of someones life and not the whole picture so try not to judge based on what you think you know. Thats another big life lesson I've learnt. If this post can help someone to know they aren't alone and they CAN get help, I'll be a happy lady. I often get emails from people asking for advice and what not so although this is a terrifying thing to write about, its very important to me.

If you or someone you know suffers with anxiety, please share your experience in the comments below. The more we can help each other out and make people aware that anxiety is a serious problem, the better. I'd also like to say thank you to each and every one of you who takes time out of your day to read my blog. Blogging and all the amazing people I've met because of it is one of the best things thats ever happened to me and its given me something positive and consistent to concentrate on, even when I'm feeling low. 

I'm still on my journey to finding the 'cure' for my anxiety but I'm positive that one day I can say good riddance to it forever.

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