special costumes: Current None-Beauty Favourites

الجمعة، 27 سبتمبر 2013

Current None-Beauty Favourites

Happy Friday everyone - I hope you've all got some lovely plans this weekend. Today I'm doing a slightly different post from the norm but I hope you like it - its all about my current none beauty favourites. I know this is a beauty blog and I love sharing my beauty favourites with you each month but I thought it'd be fun to introduce a none beauty favourites to the mix too as there's lots of things I enjoy each month that aren't beauty related. The things featured in this post could be anything from food, homeware, places, people, books, tv shows and music. Anything goes really! So without further ado, here's a few random things I've been loving this month ...

001. Cooking
This is a bit of a general one but this month I've been loving trying new recipes and making yummy homemade food. I've always enjoyed cooking as I'm a very creative person so I like to make things up as I go along and see what I can create. I'm very into presentation and making food look pretty on the plate too. Isn't it a lot more edible when it looks well presented? Or is that just me? The photo above was taken whilst making some yummy bruschetta a couple of weeks ago. It was so simple to make but it tasted absolutely delicious! Yum!

002. Ikea Plant Pot - Link
If you read lots of blogs, I'm sure you'll of seen these plant pot/makeup brush holders all over the place. They're a blogger favourite and I've been meaning to pick one up for months. I decided it would make a cute makeup brush holder and although its a bit too tall for my brushes, I love it. It looks so pretty on my white dressing table and for only £2, I can't complain. I want to buy more of them and have them all over my flat. Too far?

003. Ikea Skubb Compartments - Link
Can you tell I've been loving Ikea this month? My boyfriend and I have been doing up our spare bedroom (more on that in another post) so we've been on numerous trips to Ikea recently. I spotted this cool set of little boxes whilst having a mooch around and I thought they'd be ideal for organising my drawers. They're so cheap and affordable but have made such a difference to my messy drawers, particualy my underwear drawer. I now have individual compartments for knickers, socks and tights. Is that sad? haha!

004. Matalan 'Home' Cushion - Link
I had some Matalan vouchers to spend recently and instead of buying more clothes (its safe to say my wardrobe is currently over-flowing) I decided to treat myself to some new homeware bits and pieces - this cute little home cushion being one of them. My bedroom has a black, grey and white colour scheme (I'd have it all floral and girly if I could but I have to compromise with the boy haha) so this looks perfect popped on the bed with a selection of other cushions. I love that each letter is made of a different material too - the little black flowers being my personal favourite. I'm definitely a home bird too so its very appropriate for me. You know, "home is where the heart is" and all that malarky.

005. Books // Penny Smith 'Scandals' & Overcoming Anxiety
When I have a bit of free time (which is very rarely), I love to sit down and get completely lost in a book. I've always been into reading ever since I was little and although I don't read as often as I'd like to these days, ocassionally I'll start reading a book and won't be able to put it down. This is what happened when my Nanna lent me 'Scandals', a family drama, on our holiday to Portugal. Its such a wonderful book and has something to cater for everyone - romance, drama, comedy - you name it, this book has it. I'd definitely recommend giving it a read! Another book I've been reading is 'Overcoming Anxiety' by Helen Kennerley which is a self-help guide using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy techniques to overcome the feelings of anxiety and panic attacks. I've found this really comforting to read, especially when I'm having a bad day and its helped me to understand everything more clearly. If you suffer with anxiety in any form (ocd, phobias, post traumatic stress disorder), I'd really recommend giving this book a try.

006. Neom Tranquility Organic Room Mist* - Link
As someone who suffers with anxiety, its very important for me to do as much as I possibly can to create a calm and serene enviroment around me. I've tried lots of different sprays and ointments and have found Lavender to be very calming for obvious reasons. This Neom room spray has a lovely fragrance of English Lavender with Sweet Basil & Jasmine and its strong without being overpowering. A little goes a long way so one to two spritzes on my bedding/pillows is just enough to leave a lingering scent that helps to soothe and relax me before bed. I absolutely love the frosted glass bottle containing the product too. Neom is known for being a luxurious brand and this product is no exception.

007. Primark Slipper Boots
Autumn is here and the cold weather has made a come back. This can only mean one thing - time to get snuggly! The reason I love Winter is because it gives me an excuse to wear lots of layers and lounge around in my pjs, dressing gown and slipper boots. I buy or get bought a pair of slipper boots every single year as everyone knows how much I love them. If I could wear them outside the comfort of my own home I would! As soon as I spotted these ugg syle slipper boots adorned with reindeers and snow flakes they just had to be mine. Possibly too Christmassy for this time of year but what the heck, they make my feet very happy!

Did you enjoy reading about my none beauty favourites? Would you like this post to be a monthly thing? Please let me know - I'd love to hear any feedback :)

Lots of Love,

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