special costumes: فبراير 2013

الخميس، 28 فبراير 2013

Amazing Advertisers | Febuary

Hi everyone! So we've come to the end of February, can you believe it? This month has absolutely flown by hasn't it? Today I'd like to share some of the ever so lovely ladies who've been occupying my sidebar for the past month. They've all wrote a little bit about themselves and their blogs and I've linked their blogs in the title of each paragraph so its easy for you to go and check them all out. There's some real gems this month and some of my personal favourites. Make sure you pop over and say hello, I'm sure it would make for a lovely end to their month!

Hannah from Cosmetic Crave
Hi my name is Hannah and I'm the blogger behind Cosmetic Crave.

I'm a 20 year old student based in the North West, studying Law at the University of Central Lancashire. I have combined my passion for writing with a massive love for beauty products leading to the birth of Cosmetic Crave in the summer of 2012. From a little hobby to a huge passion, Cosmetic Crave is a big part of my life and I don't think that I could imagine a life without a blog anymore; what would I do without all of the beautiful ladies that I've made friends with along the way, and the amazing new brands that I'm discovering every day and learning more and more about what products are right for me?

My blog is mainly beauty based and is full of hauls; both beauty and fashion (everyone loves a Primark Haul), favourites and loves, new discoveries and honest product reviews. If you're interested in make-up, hair care, skin, nails and anything else related to beauty then come on over and take a read!

Thank you taking the time to read this, and I love reading blogs even more than I love writing on my own so don't hestitate to come on over and say hello so I can discover your blog too!

My blog is: www.cosmeticcrave.blogspot.co.uk
Bloglovin': http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/3969773/cosmetic-crave
Twitter: @hannahripley
Instagram: @hannahripley1
E-Mail: hannahripley@hotmail.co.uk

Danielle from The Imperfect Beauty

Hello Everyone! My name is Danielle and my blog is The Imperfect Beauty. I started blogging over a year ago because I really wanted to make some more friends with similar interests to mine and I haven't looked back since!

I absolutely adore blogging, I mainly tend to blog about beauty products, my opinions, my favourites and sometimes I do lifestyle posts too! I love getting feedback and ideas from the lovely people who read my blog and it always makes my day when someone comments on a post to say they enjoyed it! If you want to come over for a visit my links are all below, I'd love to see you over on my blog! 

Twitter - @danielleom19
Instagram - @_danielleom
Pinterest - @danielle232

Hi everyone! My name is Laura and I write the blog Secret Diary of a Fashion Journalist. My blog is almost two years old now, and is my favourite hobby ever! As the name suggests, I am a fashion journalist working in London. I spend my life talking about fashion and beauty, so I decided I needed a little patch on the Internet to get everything off my chest! I do a lot of beauty and make up reviews, outfit posts, and a sprinkle of lifestyle-particularly cookery;I love a good cupcake!

I would love it if you checked out my blog- come and say hi!

Beth from Birds Words
 Im Beth. A 22 year old beauty obsessed, big hair fanatic from the UK and I run ‘Birds Words’ – a beauty, fashion and lifestyle blog. Bird’s Words is a rather chirpy little place, full of thoughts on my favourite products and snippets from my everyday life. I post lots of product reviews and information on my current favourites, and of course I like to throw in a few clothing hauls here and there - a girl can’t survive without a bit of retail therapy!

I also post ‘face of the day’ posts, outfits and have recently branched out into hair tutorials ever since I got my new snazzy-jazzy camera! I adore my followers, and think they’re a wonderful bunch. I love having a natter with like-minded beauty/fashion addicts like myself and nothing makes my day more than hearing from my followers – I always make time for everyone on my blog, and I like to think it’s a friendly place to be!

Twitter - @Beth_BirdsWords
She Said Beauty - https://www.shesaidbeauty.com/birdswords

Becky from Beau Blushes

By day I’m Becky the primary teacher, by night I’m Beau Blushes the blogger. I went part-time in September so now I have plenty of time to pursue my love of make up, skin care and other pretty things.

I started my blog in January and I’ve just about found my feet. I write about a bit of everything…beauty reviews, interior design ideas, life experiences. I have big plans to include a food and drink feature as well (my other passion).

I’m also hoping to provide you with some inspiration in staying strong and positive. I’m in recovery from a neurological illness and have picked up some handy tips and mantras along the way!

So come on over and say hello, I’d love to hear from you!

Love and Wishes, B Xx

You will find me at:

My blog - http://beaublushes.blogspot.co.uk
Twitter - https://twitter.com/BeauBlushes
Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/beaublushes
Instagram - http://instagram.com/beaublushes

Lindsay from Lindsay Frances

Hi my name is Lindsay and I started my blog 'Lindsay frances' back in November 2011! Im a 20 year old student, photographer and MUA. I decided to set my blog up after discovering blogs through watching YouTubes videos for years. My blog is mainly beauty based as I'm completely obsessed with make up and I love to share new products I've found and make up looks I've done but it sometimes also has a few fashion and life style posts just for good measure!

Im so glad I took the plunge and started my own blog as its so nice to be a part of such a lovely beauty community. I love speaking to all the girls who read my blog so please make sure you pop over and say hi or tweet me!

Take a look at my little blog www.lindsayfrances.blogspot.com
Tweet me at @lindsayfrancesx (on private but I'll accept pretty quickly)
See my photographs on instagram @ lindsayfrancesx (on private again but I'll accept)

Love Lindsay Frances


Zoe from Zoebowx

My blog is all about beauty, lifestyle and fashion. I study fashion and textiles at university, so i should really write about fashion the most but i dont. I ramble about products i love and sometimes the ones that i dont love so much. Sometimes i write about my life and give an overview on everything going on.

I love interacting with my followers, so be sure to pop over and say hi. I only started my blog last November, but i am so far of how far its come and what i have achieved. I am always on tweeting about something everyday so be sure to pop over. I am always talking to others on here, so if you want to contact me, just tweet me and i will of course tweet you back. Also, instagram is pretty much my life, so head over their to see what i get up to on a day to day basis.

I also have tumblr where i am showing my fitness side and an online food diary. I like to think of it as fitspiration. Have to say, personally its working well for me. 

instagram - zoegrace93
tumblr - zoebowx

Hi my name is Roisin & I blog at TheFashionistaObserver.blogspot.com 

I started my beauty blogging back in March 2012, yet I've had my blog since 2010 but didn't really love it all that much back then. That's until March of last year, when I decided to go back blogging and focus more on blogging about fashion and what I was doing in my day to day life instead of critiquing fashion shows like I was doing. I never realised how big the beauty and fashion blogging world is.

Since I started my blog up again, it has given me so many opportunities to meet fellow bloggers from all over the world as well as on line. Meeting new people and sharing experiences is such a perk to blogging. I love making new friends and share blogging thought with one another.

I absolutely love blogging. I get so excited when I get to take pictures and write a post on the things I love and then to have people reading it is amazing. I never expected to have anyone other then my family and friends to read my blog but now other people from all over the world are. It's insane and it really means so so much to me. Why don't you pop over and say hi!

Blog: TheFashionistaObserver@blogspot.com
Twitter - @FashionObserver
Bloglovin - TheFashionistaObserver
Email: FashionistaObserver@gmail.com

Love Roisin ❤

Lauren from Lauren Rose Makeup

I'm Lauren and I have a blog over at laurenrosemakeup.com! I was never really into makeup but one day I searched youtube for tips for applying winged eyeliner and that was it, I was hooked!! Not being brave enough for YouTube I decided a blog would be my best bet and I have been in love ever since! My love of makeup grew so much that I decided to study makeup artistry at London Muse school which was an amazing opportunity and I am so glad I did it! Although photoshoots aren't really my "thing" it is so great to have the skills.

My blog is makeup based, I include other bits and bobs such as skincare and hair care  pretty much everything beauty related! From reviews to makeup looks I post about it :)
I love throwing in little lifestyle pieces every once in a while as I love getting to know other bloggers through their lifestyle posts and there is more to life than just the glitz and the glamour, right? (right!?)

Follow my blog here : www.laurenrosemakeup.com
Follow me on twitter here : www.twitter.com/laurenrose_22

So there we have it, my wonderful February Advertisers. I hope you found some new blogs to read and love them all as much as I do! If you'd like to be featured here next month, you can have a look the advertising packages I offer here. I'm now taking payments for April spaces so please do get in touch if you're interested.

Lots of Love,

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الأربعاء، 27 فبراير 2013

Rimmel Stay Glossy Lipgloss | All Day Seduction

Hi Ladies! I hope you’re all okay. Today I want to review my all time favourite lip glosses and that’s the Rimmel ‘Stay Glossy’ lip gloss in the shade ‘All Day Seduction’. I've been a huge fan of these lip glosses for a few years now ever since my mum bought one and I couldn't stop using it. I’m pretty sure she just let me keep it in the end as I used it more than she did, sorry mum! I can’t remember which shade she had but I remember it being the perfect nude ‘your lips but better’ shade that worked on its own or accompanied any lipstick beautifully. Fast forward a few years and you could say my lip gloss collection has grown quite dramatically. I’m always trying and buying new ones so my love for the Stay Glossy tube of loveliness had almost been forgotten about.

However, a few weeks ago whilst snooping about on the Boots website at the Rimmel Apocalips, I spotted the Stay Glossy lip glosses and instantly had to buy one. Its almost like the memories of being younger and loving my mum’s so much came flooding back to me and I was very excited to finally buy another one. I originally wanted to get the shade ‘Non-stop Glamour’ as I’m sure that's the perfect nude shade my mum owned but unfortunately, it was out of stock. I clearly couldn't leave the Boots website without buying one though so I eventually settled on the shade ‘All Day Seduction’ which looked like a peach tone on the Boots website and the closest match to ‘Non-stop Glamour’. I loved the look of lots of the shades but as I was buying it on a 2 for 2 with a couple of Apocalips I had to limit myself to one, boo.

So, why do I love this lip gloss so much you might add? Well, where do I even start? Firstly, the applicator of this gloss is unlike any other I’ve used before. Unlike your standard doe foot application this one is a flat sponge. It’s really hard to explain but it feels really nice to apply with and its certainly the best lip gloss applicator I’ve come across. I also find it had a somewhat ‘fury’ texture about it as well which sounds strange but I think it helps to pick up the product and smooth it across the lips. I also find the formula of these lip glosses absolutely perfect. You know how some glosses can feel tacky on the lips and your hair ends up sticking to your face as soon as you’re caught in the wind? Well, this gloss is the complete opposite. It’s smooth, moisturising and best of all, not sticky. It’s a real pleasure to apply and leaves my lips feels feeling silky soft.

As well as the great formula, it really is, as the name suggest, glossy. As soon as I apply this my lips instantly look plump and super shiny. The pigmentation of this particular shade isn't amazing when applied to the lips, just a light tinge of colour but I don't mind that as its the perfect 'my lips but better' shade that I can slick on anytime, anywhere for a polished look. I also find it perfect for popping over the top of lipstick to add a beautiful glossy sheen as it has beautiful flecks of gold shimmer. It also smells like cakes too and I could quite happily lick this off my lips and eat it after applying. Too far? As for the 6 hours wear time this claims to give, I'm not convinced. It does last reasonably well on my lips but definitely not for six hours. However, I don't think I've ever used any lip glosses that last six hours, even the super tacky and sticky ones. 

Overall I absolutely adore this gloss and its been part of my every day makeup routine for quite some time now. Its even been promoted to my handbag which is a sure sign that I love this product. Nothing gets promoted to handbag status unless its absolutely fabulous, right girls?

I'm certainly going to be picking some more up from Boots here when they have another 3 for 2 deal and I suggest you do too! They're priced at £6.49 meaning you can get 3 for less than £13.00. Not a bad price for lovely looking lips!

Have you tried the Rimmel Stay Glossy lip glosses? What do you think?

Lots of Love,

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الاثنين، 25 فبراير 2013

Tag | Confessions of a Blogger

Image: weheartit (edited by me)

Hi everyone! I hope you're all fine and dandy. Today I'm doing the 'Confessions of a Blogger' tag after seeing it over on the lovely Jessica's blog here (go and check her out, she has a fabulous blog). I thought it was a really fun tag and I thoroughly enjoyed reading her answers so I thought I'd give it a whirl myself. Tags are a great way to get to know each other so I hope you enjoy finding out a bit more about me and my blog.

All of the questions are related to blogging so its something you can all get involved with, no matter what kind of blog you write! So without further ado, here are my confessions of a blogger:

When did you start your blog?
I started my blog in November 2011 (the 18th to be precise) which means I've been blogging for just over one year and three months. I can't quite believe how quickly its gone - it feels like yesterday. As the saying goes, time flies when you're having fun!

Have you had any past online presence before (Other blog, YouTube)?
No I hadn't done anything like this before and it was never something I intended to do. Blogging was a very spur of the moment decision for me after reading lots of other blogs one night. My creative juices began to flow and the next thing I knew I'd created a blog. I did start my blog on Wordpress originally but I found it too complicated to use so after faffing around for a few hours with no success I moved over to Blogger.

Why did you start a blog?
I started a blog like I said earlier very spontaneously and very spur of the moment. Before starting my blog I always looked online for reviews before purchasing a new product. I was going through a bit of a MAC stage and was always looking online for swatches and this is how I stumbled across blogs. It was Belles Boutique that I discovered first and from there I just couldn't stop reading them. It came as a bit of a surprise to me as I genuinely didn't know this blogging world even existed but as soon as I clocked on to it, I knew I wanted to become a part of it. I've always been interested in the beauty industry and have had an unhealthy obsession with makeup and all things girly from a very young age. It seemed like the perfect creative outlet for me so I just thought 'sod it' and started my own. Very nervously might I add.

When did you become serious about starting a blog?
As I just said, I never intended to start a blog so I was never 'serious' about it so to speak. I'd always had a passion for beauty but because I didn't know blogs existed, I never started my own with a 'serious' goal in mind. I never once thought any would actually read, let alone enjoy my rambles, I just did it for my own enjoyment because I was writing about what I loved. It probably wasn't until the comments started to appear that I thought 'ooh, people actually enjoy reading what I have to say' which then gave me the motivation to continually improve and develop as a blogger.

What was your first post?
Oh gosh, my first post is quite cringey but I'm still proud of it and it makes me laugh to look back at older posts and remember how clueless I was. I had no idea what I was doing or that anyone would ever read what I had to say so I was essentially writing to myself like a total loon. I remember feeling excited and nervous when I published my first post as I was putting myself out there for people to judge. I deleted Facebook shortly after starting my blog too as I found it quite a negative place and I knew various people would judge me for 'having a blog'. I decided to completely remove myself from any negativity and do what I wanted to do which was the best decision I've ever made. I was never ashamed of my blog but the fact I was putting myself out there for people to criticise was certainly nerve-wracking. If you want to have a laugh at said cringey first post, click here to have a read (and probably a little chuckle!).

What has been your biggest challenge about blogging?
This a really tough one for me as I can't think of anything that I'd class as a challenge. I absolutely adore writing my blog and if I thought it was a challenge, the chances are I wouldn't be doing it. I guess the only thing I can think of would be ensuring my blog is constantly updated with new and interesting posts. Like all bloggers, I want people to enjoy coming to my blog for a read so my biggest 'challenge' would be making sure nobody gets bored and that I'm always thinking of new and exciting things to blog about. However, this is a good challenge as it allows me to be creative.

Where do you see your blog in one year?
Well I certainly see myself still blogging this time next year but where it will be in terms of readership and new opportunities, I have no idea. I'm very happy and overwhelmed by what I've achieved this far with my blog and anything else will just be a bonus. I certainly don't have any big plans in mind as like I said earlier, I write this blog for fun, not because I plan to conquer the world with it haha!

What is the most rewarding thing to you about blogging?
The most rewarding thing about blogging by a country mile is meeting like-minded people (some I would now class as friends) and reading all of your lovely comments, tweets and emails. I can't express how much it makes my day when someone says something nice about my blog or I receive an email saying I've inspired someone to start their own. The amazing support and feedback I've received in just over a year of blogging is outstanding and to everyone reading this now, I can't thank you enough.

What is the most discouraging thing that happens to you?
There isn't many things I find discouraging about blogging but if I had to pick one teeny tiny pet peeve it would be people stereotyping a blog due to the number of followers it has. I really dislike blogs being referred to as 'big' or 'small' based on their follower count and I really wish people would forget about numbers and enjoy blogs for what they really are, a reflection of someones personality and a fun, creative hobby. I also think its important to remember success is earned, not handed out on a plate. If you want your blog to be a success, make it happen. Be inspired by other bloggers, give it your all, put the effort in and it will pay off. You have to remind yourself that everyone starts off somewhere and forget about the follower number. I follow a massive variety of blogs regardless of their readership size and I value and enjoy them all equally. I think we should all appreciate the effort other bloggers put in a little bit more and stop being so consumed by that pesky follower number!

What's your lasting inspiration or motivation?
My blogging motivation is 100% other bloggers. Following on from my last answer, I read a lot of blogs and am inspired by each and every one of them. I love seeing what other people have been buying and which products they're currently loving. I enjoy reading about other peoples day to day lives and it excites me finding out about a new product release. I often get inspired to improve and develop my own blog after reading amazing posts from fellow bloggers or instantly feel like I 'need' to buy a product after reading another glowing review. I probably spend more money on beauty products now that I ever did before I started blogging but I don't mind, that's all part of the fun right?

I hope you enjoyed reading this and learnt a few things about me and my blog. I'd love to read your answers to these questions so if you decide to do this post, leave a comment below with the link so I can have a read. Happy blogging!

Lots of Love,

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الأحد، 24 فبراير 2013

Review | Maybelline Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner

Hi Everyone! How are you all? I hope you've all had a fabulous weekend and are having a relaxed sunday night. I've had a great weekend and am now sat on the sofa drinking tea, eating Reese's peanut butter cups and blogging - perfect! Today I want to review the Maybelline Lasting Gel Eyeliner that is often compared as a dupe for the Bobbi Brown and MAC gel liners. Now I've tried the Bobbi Brown gel liner before and wasn't impressed (I found it dry and hard to work with), so I didn't have great hopes for the Maybelline version. However, after reading some reviews and watching YT videos of people raving about how great the Maybelline version is, I couldn't resist temptation. In true beauty blogger style I popped onto the Boots website and bought it without a second thought.

So, first things first - the packaging? If you read my blog regularly you'll know by now that packaging is very important to me. If a product looks cheap, tacky or generally unattractive, the chances are I won't buy it. Gosh, that makes me sound like such a makeup snob but the way I see it is if I'm spending my hard earned cash, I want to buy something that looks nice. So, does this live up to my packaging standards you ask? It most certainly does! I absolutely love the frosted glass pot containing the liner and the fact it comes with a handy little brush is a nice extra. The Bobbi Brown and MAC liners are over double the price of this one and don't come with a brush so this was definitely a plus point for me.

Moving on to the actual liner itself, I am very impressed. To be honest, I don't wear liner on my top lash line all that often because I find liquid liner quite messy and hard to work with while I'm rushing around before work in a morning. However, this gel liner is so easy to use its almost foolproof. As the formula is gel instead of liquid I find it much easier to control and so easy to create a perfect winged effect (see photo above). I've also found that a little goes a very long way and with only one dab of the brush my whole eye is liner in a matter of seconds. The reason I prefer this to the Bobbi Brown version is because the gel is 'wetter', making it easier to apply. I've also tried using this on my waterline and although I don't like it as much as my MAC Smolder and Feline liners, it still works.

As for the claims that this lasts 24 hours, I'm not too sure. To be honest, I don't know many people who wear their eyeliner for 24 hours anyway but what I do know is it last a long time. I can wear mine for a full day without it budging and thats good considering I'm one of those silly people who is always picking at her eyelashes. Whoops! The colour I picked up is 'Intense Black' and like the name states its very intense, deep and rich. I personally prefer wearing black liner but for those of you who prefer brown, they also offer a chocolate brown shade.

Overall I'm very impressed with this liner, much prefer it to the Bobbi Brown version and would definitely repurchase (not that I'll need to for a while - this will last AGES!). I bought mine here from Boots for £7.99 and theres currently a 3 for 2 deal on Maybelline products. Bargain alert!

Have you tried this gel eyeliner? What do you think?

Lots of Love,

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الجمعة، 22 فبراير 2013

YSL Rouge Pur Couture Lipstick | Le Orange

Hi Ladies! I hope you're all well. Today I'm sharing a new addition to my ever growing lipstick collection and I have to say - its the most beautiful addition yet. I was bought this YSL Rouge Pur Couture lipstick as a Christmas gift from my Dad and Step-mum and I have to say, its truly stunning! Firstly, just look at the packaging. I have to admit I'm a bit of a sucker for nice packaging and YSL lipsticks completely blow any other brand out of the water. Unlike the round Rouge Volupte lipsticks (I've reviewed mine here), the Rouge Pur Couture formula comes in a pure gold 'box' tube with the YSL letters engraved on the clasp and the lipstick itself. Just beautiful!

Another difference between the Rouge Volupte lipsticks and Rouge Pur Couture is the shape of the actual lipstick. The Volupte lipsticks are very thin with a flat top whereas the Rouge Pur Couture formula is shaped like your standard lipstick - a pointed 'bullet' so to speak. I actually much prefer the shape of a standard lipstick as I find them easier to apply, sturdier and I also find they tend to last longer. So, now I've got what they look like out of the way, what do I think of the lipstick itself? I have one word for you - LOVE!

No word of a lie this is the most incredible lipstick I own. I've never applied something so creamy and luxurious to my lips. The colour glides on with absolute ease, a tonne of pigmentation (the above photo was one swipe for reference) and the formula is so moisturising and glossy. I don't own any other lipsticks that give my lips the amount of pigmentation, moisture and gloss that this one provides. Of course I own lipsticks that do those things pretty darn well but this one is on another level of amazingness. 

The colour I've got is 'Le Orange', a vibrant red toned orange which has to be one of my all time favourite shades to wear. I own an array of similar shades from MAC Lady Danger to Topshop Rio Rio and this one is by far my favourite. The colour works perfectly on my skin tone and even when applied over my awful chapped lips it doesn't cling to any dry patches and leaves me with a nourished, healthy and glossy looking pout. In the photo above I applied it straight from the bullet with no lipliner and no prepping of my lips. My lips are always dry and chapped so as you can see, it really does hide a multitude of lip troubles.

The only bad thing about this lippie is of course the price. One of these little babies will set you back a whopping £25.00 (I know, crazy!) but for a special occasion, birthday present or even just a treat for yourself, I can't recommend you try one enough. I personally prefer this formula to the Rouge Volupte which I know a lot of people love (myself included!), so that shows how amazing I think this product is.

If you're willing to splurge and want a bit of luxury in your life, give one of these a go! You can buy them here from Feel Unique with free delivery and if 'Le Orange' isn't to your taste, they have a large selection of other beautiful shades too.

Have you tried any YSL lipsticks? Do you think they're worth the splurge?

Lots of Love,

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الأربعاء، 20 فبراير 2013

My Valentines Day Outfit | Rule1Store Pencil Dress

Hi Ladies! I hope you’re all well and having a great week so far. It’s Wednesday which can only mean one thing – it’s only two days until the weekend, yay! Do you like my way of thinking? ;). Today I want to share the outfit I wore on Valentine’s Day for a date to a lovely restaurant with my boy, awww. I realise Valentine’s Day was almost a week ago now and your probably all sick of hearing about it but I wanted to share this outfit regardless as I absolutely love it. Now not to be a complete cliché or anything but when I think of Valentine’s Day the first colour that pops to mind is of course, red.  Red symbolises love (well, sometimes evil and anger too but we’ll leave those connotations out for the purpose of this post) and with hearts and red roses plastered all around the shops, it’s hard not to link Valentine’s Day with the shade red.  Well, being the complete loser that I am – I of course had to wear red with accompanying red lipstick for my Valentine’s date last week. Am I the only person who does this? I always wear red at Christmas too; it’s just the done thing, is it not?
Anyway, after that mouthful of an intro (my rambles are getting worse), let me tell you about this lovely red dress I was recently sent from Rule1Store. If you’ve read my blog for a while, you will know that I’ve spoke about this fabulous company here in a previous post and have even had them advertise with me a couple of times. They’re a fab clothing website that offers a range of glamorous and affordable clothing. They've also had a few celebs spotted wearing their clothes and have been featured in some glossy magazines - how cool? In the photos above I’m wearing their Flame Pencil Dress* which is just perfect in so many ways. Firstly, it’s very classy and ladylike. Secondly, it fits like a glove and thirdly it’s very well made and exceptionally comfortable. As soon as I popped it on, I instantly loved it. The material has quite a lot of stretch in it meaning it hugs my figure nicely without being too clingy and restrictive. The shape of the dress is very flattering too as the ‘ruched’ style across the front really emphasises the smallest part of my waist and the fitted knee length shape means it’s elegant and ladylike yet glamorous at the same time. My boyfriend really liked it too, he commented on how lovely it looked before I had chance to say ‘Do you like my new dress?’. Of course I decided to pair it with red lips (how about that for colour coordination) and black heels and overall I was really pleased with how it looked. I already know I’ll be getting LOADS of wear out of it as I'm also planning on wearing it for work with a black blazer, tights and flats. Ooh, versatile!
If you want to find out a little bit more about Rule1Store, you can see them featured in my January Advertisers post here and you can find this dress here on their lovely website.
Do you like pencil dresses? Have you ever shopped at Rule1Store?
Lots of Love,

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الاثنين، 18 فبراير 2013

Soap & Glory | Sugar Crush Body Wash

Hi Guys! I hope you’re all well and had a great weekend. Mine was spent feeling sorry for myself on the sofa with a stomach bug – not fun! Today I want to share a product with you all that I’ve really enjoyed using lately and it’s the Soap & Glory Sugar Crush Body Wash. If you read my haul post here you will already know I bought this a little while ago and I’ve been using it ever since. As I love the body scrub so much you can imagine my excitement when I discovered they’ve now released a body wash and a body butter to compliment the scrub. I decided to just pick up the body wash for now as I’m still working my way through The Righteous Butter, also from Soap & Glory.

So, back to the body wash. As I just mentioned, I absolutely adore the Sugar Crush body scrub and then main reason for this is the divine scent. If you haven’t sniffed these products before, you must! A wonderful blend of crushed brown sugar and tangy limes makes for the most beautiful scent in the whole world. (No, I’m not exaggerating – it’s the best scent I’ve ever come across). Not only is it amazing for me to sniff in the shower like a total loon but it also gives me that much needed wake up boost in a morning. I find anything with citrus notes makes for a perfect early morning wake up call and lets face it, we all need one of those when we have a long day of work ahead of us.

Aside from the scent, which I could go on and on about all day, the body wash itself is really lovely. If you’ve used ‘Clean of Me’ shower gel also from Soap & Glory, this has the same milky white colour and creamy consistency as that. I find it lathers up really easily, feels very nourishing and moisturising on my skin and of course makes me smell fabulous. What more could I want from a body wash? I also really love the packaging of the product - its huge meaning it will last a long time and has a handy pump dispenser. The bright pink and lime green colours really stand out at the end of my bath and all the quirky extras that make Soap & Glory such a unique brand are a lovely touch. My personal fave on this bottle is the quote 'Simply the Zest' - ahhh, the small things in life!

I really adore this product and as much as I love my ‘The Righteous Butter’, I now want to replace it with the Sugar Crush body butter so my little collection is complete. Is that sad? Well yes, probably, but to smell like freshly squeezed limes, I don’t mind ;).

The body wash is available to buy on the Boots website here for £6.50 which is a pretty good deal considering you get a whopping 500ml of product. It might seem like quite a lot to spend on a body wash but trust me, its so worth it!

Have you tried any products from the Sugar Crush range? Do you love them as much as me?

Lots of Love,

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