special costumes: My Valentines Day Outfit | Rule1Store Pencil Dress

الأربعاء، 20 فبراير 2013

My Valentines Day Outfit | Rule1Store Pencil Dress

Hi Ladies! I hope you’re all well and having a great week so far. It’s Wednesday which can only mean one thing – it’s only two days until the weekend, yay! Do you like my way of thinking? ;). Today I want to share the outfit I wore on Valentine’s Day for a date to a lovely restaurant with my boy, awww. I realise Valentine’s Day was almost a week ago now and your probably all sick of hearing about it but I wanted to share this outfit regardless as I absolutely love it. Now not to be a complete cliché or anything but when I think of Valentine’s Day the first colour that pops to mind is of course, red.  Red symbolises love (well, sometimes evil and anger too but we’ll leave those connotations out for the purpose of this post) and with hearts and red roses plastered all around the shops, it’s hard not to link Valentine’s Day with the shade red.  Well, being the complete loser that I am – I of course had to wear red with accompanying red lipstick for my Valentine’s date last week. Am I the only person who does this? I always wear red at Christmas too; it’s just the done thing, is it not?
Anyway, after that mouthful of an intro (my rambles are getting worse), let me tell you about this lovely red dress I was recently sent from Rule1Store. If you’ve read my blog for a while, you will know that I’ve spoke about this fabulous company here in a previous post and have even had them advertise with me a couple of times. They’re a fab clothing website that offers a range of glamorous and affordable clothing. They've also had a few celebs spotted wearing their clothes and have been featured in some glossy magazines - how cool? In the photos above I’m wearing their Flame Pencil Dress* which is just perfect in so many ways. Firstly, it’s very classy and ladylike. Secondly, it fits like a glove and thirdly it’s very well made and exceptionally comfortable. As soon as I popped it on, I instantly loved it. The material has quite a lot of stretch in it meaning it hugs my figure nicely without being too clingy and restrictive. The shape of the dress is very flattering too as the ‘ruched’ style across the front really emphasises the smallest part of my waist and the fitted knee length shape means it’s elegant and ladylike yet glamorous at the same time. My boyfriend really liked it too, he commented on how lovely it looked before I had chance to say ‘Do you like my new dress?’. Of course I decided to pair it with red lips (how about that for colour coordination) and black heels and overall I was really pleased with how it looked. I already know I’ll be getting LOADS of wear out of it as I'm also planning on wearing it for work with a black blazer, tights and flats. Ooh, versatile!
If you want to find out a little bit more about Rule1Store, you can see them featured in my January Advertisers post here and you can find this dress here on their lovely website.
Do you like pencil dresses? Have you ever shopped at Rule1Store?
Lots of Love,

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