special costumes: New Muji Storage

السبت، 6 أكتوبر 2012

New Muji Storage

Hi Ladies! I hope you are all having a fab weekend. I'm not very well, my IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) has been playing up lately so my stomach is not in the best of states. BOO. However, I am attempting to go out tonight for my friends birthday so fingers crossed I'm feeling more human later. My lovely boyfriend is currently in town getting me some tablets, bless him. 

Anyway, sob story over I wanted to share this cute acrylic storage I ordered from Muji recently. Makeup storage is something I have always had trouble with as I have far too much stuff and not enough places to store it. My dressing table is fairly small with one drawer and as that is already over-flowing with hair and tanning products I had nowhere to store my makeup. After storing it in a huge box for a couple of months, it became too messy and too hard to find anything so I had to look for a more organised alternative.

With this being said, I decided to dip my toes into the acrylic storage ocean and ordered myself a six drawer storage box from Muji. I ordered it at the start of this year and absolutely love it. I wrote a full review on the drawers here if you want to have a read. It organises my makeup into individual compartments and makes it easy for me to find specific colours. It looks pretty too which is obviously an added bonus. However, since the start of this year I have accumulated more and more products meaning the drawers just aren't big enough anymore. My god I sound like a makeup manic. My face products still fit nicely as I tend to use the same products and stick with them but my lip products are a whole new story. My lip collection is rather ridiculous and one drawer for lipsticks just wasn't cutting it anymore. I also found that mascaras, eyeliners, lip and brow pencils didn't have any place in the drawers so I decided I needed a new method for storing them.

This is when I popped on over to the Muji website again to find some additional storage. I've always liked the idea of having my high-end lipsticks out on display so I began looking for a storage solution. This is when I spotted the acrylic 'Desk Pot' which is essentially a rectangular box with three individual sections. I couldn't gage what size it was by looking at the photo online but for £4.95 I thought it was a bit of a bargain and ordered it anyway. I also ordered an acrylic 'Pen Pot' as I thought it would be handy for popping my mascaras and pencils in. This was only £1.95 so I really couldn't complain for that price.

When they arrived I must admit they were much smaller than I thought they would be. At first I was slightly concerned I wouldn't be able to fit much in them but they are obviously pretty deceiving as I managed to squeeze six lipsticks in to each container. I  decided to pop my MAC, Illamasqua and Inglot lipsticks into this container as they are the most expensive ones I own and the ones I would like to see staring up at me from my dressing table. (How sad?) As for the pen pot, it is pretty small but ideal for sticking pencils in. I also popped a couple of mascaras in there too so they will be easy to grab when getting ready. I really want to find a wider version of this pot to store my brushes in too as I'm currently using a mosaic one from TKMAXX that I'm not a huge fan of.

Overall, I really love my new set up. As you can see from the last picture it looks pretty neat and tidy. My only gripe now is my actual dressing table. Its black and small and just generally naff. I'm definitely upgrading to a huge white one with lots of drawers as soon as I have a job. If you want to treat youself to any of this Muji loveliness you can find it all on their website here and here.

How do you store your makeup? Are you a fan of acrylic storage?

Have a great weekend guys!

Lots of Love,

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