special costumes: Instagram Diary #3 & A Catch-Up

الاثنين، 24 سبتمبر 2012

Instagram Diary #3 & A Catch-Up

A messy bun kind of day  ♥  All of my nail polishes  My pretty bedroom   I was proud of this lunch I made - Jacket potato with sweet chilli hummus and salad  Dominos with the boyf   Matt on his first day working as a Lawyer (proud girlfriend moment haha!)   My ridiculously large lip products collection ♥ Organising my wardrobe   Playing around with the new picfx effects   I caved and bought Bioderma   I hit 1800 followers (YAY!)   Reading Sophie Kinsella in bed   Kids doing the Great North Run in Newcastle  ♥ Cocktails with friends on the Quayside    Me checking out everyone's blog links after #bbloggers chat  ♥ Watching 'Insidious' with friends.

Hey Ladies! I hope you are all fine and dandy. I thought I would share a few of my Instagram snaps with you today and write a bit of a lifestyle catch-up post. After #bbloggers chat last night which was all about our favorite posts to read and write, a lot of people said they liked these type of Instagram posts as they are a little more personal and relaxed than a standard product review and what not. I have to admit, I do love writing these posts myself as it gives me the chance to have a little ramble and fill you in on what I've been up to. (Your probably not even interested). Also, if you don't know what the #bbloggers chat is, it's a chat on Twitter between 8-9pm every Sunday night where all us bloggers can share our thoughts on a certain topic. The topic is voted for by a poll on the #bbloggers official blog so if you want to vote for next weeks topic, pop over to their blog here and have a look. If you haven't joined in before I highly recommend it as it's a great way of interacting with new bloggers or your regular readers. 

Anyway, after that big babble I thought I'd tell you what I've been up to lately. As you can see from the above pictures, the past couple of weeks since my return from Australia has consisted of seeing friend, eating lots of food and generally just chilling out. Obviously now I'm back in the UK I'm unemployed so I've been searching high and low for jobs most days. I've never been out of work since the age of 14 so this sitting around doing nothing all day malarkey is getting right on my nerves. It's also been really disheartening when companies have sent me 'sorry you were unsuccessful this time' emails and it makes me feel like I'm never going to find a job, boo. On the bright side, my lovely boyfriend Matt started his job as a trainee solicitor a couple of weeks ago and I am super proud of him. He's always been my rock and has been so supportive these past few weeks when I've been getting down in the dumps. So if your reading this Matt, thanks a million - your a total gem!

The only good thing that has come from being unemployed is the fact I have had lots of opportunities to catch up with my friends and family. My friends came to visit me and Matt in Newcastle last weekend and we had such a laugh drinking cocktails and watching 'Insidious'. We popped it on presuming it would be really scary but in all honesty it was the most unrealistic and amusing horror film I have ever seen. If you have watched this movie, I'm sure you know what I mean.
I also got to come back to my hometown in the Lake District this weekend and it was lovely to catch up with family and friends. On Saturday night me and my three best friends went out for a Mexican and drinks which was lovely although I was a tad annoyed that my Fajitas didn't come with guacamole and I had to pay £2.50 for a side order? TWO POUNDS FIFTY? Obscene I tell you, isn't guacamole just a standard part of fajitas? Or is it just me that can't eat them without it? Anyhow, gauc gate aside, we had a lovely night catching up and my friend Debra and I ended up going out in town which resulted in lots of Jagerbombs and various other concoctions. It's safe to say I wasn't feeling too perky yesterday so my mum, sister and I spent the day lounging in bed and the evening eating Chinese and watching The X Factor. I'm not too keen on it this year though, the contestants just haven't been floating my boat.

So, that's all I've been up to really. Other than stuffing my face with Dominos and various other yummy foods, I've had a pretty quiet couple of weeks. I've been so bored some days that I've even taken it upon myself to clean my makeup and organise my wardrobe. Is that said? Whilst cleaning my lip products I realised I have far too many and just had to Instagram the evidence. Oh well, I am a makeup loving beauty blogger so I guess that makes it okay right? I also managed to read a whole book in two days which is quite the record for me but it was so addictive. I read 'The Undomestic Goddess' by Sophie Kinsella and it was a fab read with lots of surprising twists and turns. If you haven't read it already, I highly recommend it. 
Oh and I'd also like to quickly add that I recently reached 1800 GFC followers. Wow, wow and wow is all I can say. I am utterly amazed I have this many people who are actually interested in reading my little blog. I am very excited as this means I am fast approaching the massive 2000 followers milestone and I can't wait to celebrate it with a giveaway of my favourite things. Fingers crossed I have a job by then as I feel it could get quite expensive haha! Thanks again and I love you all.

Anyway, that's definitely enough of me blabbering on, this post has become longer than I first intended and I don't want to bore you. I will be back tomorrow with an outfit post as I haven't done one in a while so check back for that. I hope you all had a fab weekend and don't forget to follow me on Instagram if you have it. My username is @kayleighjcouture.

Lots of Love,

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