special costumes: نوفمبر 2013

السبت، 30 نوفمبر 2013

Amazing Advertisers // November

I can't believe its the last day in November and only 3 weeks and 4 days until Christmas day - amazing! I have to say I'm getting unbelievably excited now and I'm definitely counting down the days - I'm such a child sometimes! Tomorrow is always a great day for me too as the 1st December means I can start to open my advent calender and put my Christmas tree up. I'm so excited to spend my Sunday decorating the dress and making my flat look all festive. Eeep! Anyway, Christmas rambles aside, let me introduce you to my amazing November advertisers. I really love writing up these posts as its such a great way to give some great blog/websites some exposure and a great chance for you guys, the readers of my blog, to find some great new reading material. As always I've linked to each of their blogs/websites in the title of their paragraphs so make sure you pop on over and say hi to each of them ...
Tasha from Wand Included

Hi, I’m Tasha and i’m 20! I have an addiction to shopping and make up and something to do with that made me start my blog 2 years ago. I have watched beauty Youtube videos and read other peoples blogs for about 4 years and then one day I just decided that maybe I could do it too!

I love reading other people’s hauls and OOTD’s so these are features that regularly appear on my blog. I love getting inspiration from what other people can put together so hopefully some of you guys can from mine!

I am a Trainee Pharmacy Technician so I don’t really get to show my fashionable side at work, however hard I try! So, Wand Included is where I get to be myself and blogging is definitely something that I really enjoy so feel free to come and check my blog out.

Website - Yuko

YUKO Permanent Hair Straightening was created in Japan in 1996 by Yuko Yamashita, a passionate hair stylist and salon owner who, after witnessing as a child the happiness a haircut gave her mother and sister,decided to make other people just as happy by dedicating her life to hairdressing. Throughout her years as a stylist, Yuko was shocked to discover that only 5 out of every 100 people were happy with their hair and a staggering 75% were concerned because their curly, unruly, sleek or thick hair was not to their satisfaction. In just the same way that most people are unhappy with their bodies and would change something if they could, Yuko committed her passion to find a solution; a way of giving people the opportunity to have the hair they desired. In pursuit of this, Yuko began a project with Japanese health, sports and beauty giant Phiten to develop her own perm solution, alongside having developed a successful solution, YUKO now also has a successful and comprehensive homecare range suited to treat all hair types.

YUKO can be purchased online at www.yuko-london.com.

A Touch of Tartan is a lifestyle blog focusing on fashion and beauty on a budget. As well as personal looks and my day to day musings, I regularly re-create celebrity outfits as closely as possible using budget pieces from high street stores and online stores. Readers can also find up to date sale information whether that be latest thanksgiving sales or UK Christmas sales, they're all there to be taken advantage of. Saving the best to last, readers also have the treat of some blog appearances from my darling little yogi, my chow chow.

Charlotte from Carlottas Beauty Spot
Hi everyone! I'm Charlotte, a twenty-something girl from London, England. My blog is a real mixture of beauty reviews, fashion hauls and lifestyle posts. I really enjoy putting together detailed reviews of products and hope I can help people decide whether or not to spurge on something new! I recently decided to make my blog a bit more 'rounded' so you can expect more foodie posts, film reviews and little city guides as well as a sprinkling of home/decor posts too! I really hope you stop by and be sure to get in touch if you fancy a natter!

HELLO! My name is Becki, I’m 23 years old and I’m a fully qualified Make-up Artist living in Hertfordshire. I have a mahoooosive passion for anything beauty or fashion related, and on top of that ANYTHING remotely girly makes me smile. I don’t hang onto my pay check very well each month as there is always SOMETHING I need or want to buy! 

I’m completely new to the blogging side of things and I plan to start up my YouTube channel very soon having watched tutorials and beauty gurus on their channels for YEARS and finally building up the courage to actually do it myself! So this is my little place to express my ideas, show you my work and tell you what I think about certain products etc. Basically it’s a little insight for you into the world of an up and coming MUA. 

Anyway, thank you for having a look around and I REALLY hope you enjoy my blog, please feel free to get in touch, I’d love to hear from you all!! 

Much Love, 

Becki, xoxo

 Twitter || Instagram || Bloglovin || Blog || Youtube

Gemma from Yummy Mummy

I am a 20 year old full-time working mummy to a cheeky little 3 year old! :) Teacher by day, and blogger by night, a newly found hobby as only started out in September.. Very much up for a laugh & a bit of fun so please feel free to come say Hiii as I love meeting new people :) I blog about all things parenting, beauty, fashion & lifestyle. So if any of that takes your fancy then please stop by & have a look, would really mean a whole lot to me :) thanks xoxo

Catherine from Cat Hearts
Hi everyone, I’m Catherine and my blog is Cat Hearts – my little corner of the web to chat about all the things I love! I previously started writing a beauty blog but found myself wanting to add a more varied selection of posts so I created Cat Hearts as a more 'general' blog. Here you will still find lots of beauty posts, but with additional: fashion, reviews, hauls, & lots of general lifestyle ramblings, so if that’s your thing I’d love you to pay me a visit!

Katie from Sugarfixxbeauty
Hi, I'm Katie from a little blog called sugarfixxbeauty, where I write about all things beauty with a little bit of lifestyle and fashion thrown into the mix. I'm a make up addict and skin care junkie so you'll find lots of posts along with youtube videos which I do twice weekly. I really hope you'll check out my blog/channel and if you like what you see don't forget to follow/subscribe. I'm also a twitter addict so you'll find me chatting away on there too! 

Blog || Youtube || Bloglovin 
@sugarfixx (twitter), @sugarfixxbeauty (instagram)

Rule1 is a fast growing on-line fashion store with the young & stylish female in mind. Since opening at the start of 2012 Rule1 has become a favourite among celebrities with our clothing spotted in glossy mags, news papers and on TV!

We have always believed that Rule 1 is to Look The Part. We like clothes that are unusual & on trend with that extra WOW factor so that you can ensure you are the best dressed at every occasion. 

Rule1 offers the perfect combination of quality & price ~ all beautifully wrapped in tissue paper & delivered to you speedily, because we know what it's like to need something NOW!

Rule 1 brings you star style, fantastic quality & ultra glamorous womenswear. We pride ourselves on exceptional customer service & are happy to assist you with your personal shopping needs so that you choose the right clothing to make you look and feel amazing!

Paula from Pretty Pollys Blog
Hi, I'm Paula and I blog over at Pretty Polly's Blog, a little place full of beauty and food posts.  I started my blog in October last year and remember thinking how am I going to post every week? Now it's safe to say I don't have that worry and am proud to say in all sense of the word I truly am a beauty hoarding blogger! I love pink lipsticks, bows, purple nails and food from all over the globe, all of which feature in my little blog. 

Now I'm in full swing I plan to be more creative with posts and start doing more tutorials including nail art and hair. Full time buyer by day, blogger by night, it really has taken over my life and now I can't imagine life without it, I love it! 

Hope you can drop by
Paula xx

Intagram - paulahunter100 (full of nails and food - perfect combo!)

I hope you enjoyed getting to know more about my lovely advertisers, aren't they a great bunch? If you'd like your blog or shop to be featured in this post, you can find out about my advertising packages and prices here. I'm currently offering a Christmas discount of 15% off all of my Januray ad spaces so send an email to kljohnson1990@gmail.com if you'd like to book a space.
Lots of Love,

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الجمعة، 29 نوفمبر 2013

Giveaway | Win A Custom Blog Design by Pursuit of Felicity Designs

When I first started writing Couture Girl, my blog design was the one thing that really bugged me. I'm the least tech savvy person ever so to say I didn't have a clue would be an understatement. I read so many blogs that had pretty designs and I was stuck with my dodgy photoshop job (I so wish I had a photo of it - major cringe to say the least!). I eventually came to the conclusion that everyone was clearly better with technology than I am and I gave up trying to make my dodgy photoshop effort look any better. I have to say it got me quite down at one stage - its very frustrating to put all that effort into your content but not being happy with how your blog itself looks. After all, a blog design is the first thing potential new readers will see so its important its pleasing to the eye and easy to navigate. I know for me personally if I come across a blog with a pretty design I'm a lot more likely to hit that follow button.

So after a few months of feeling at a total loss with my blog design, I can't begin to tell you how thrilled I was when I stumbled upon Felicity from the blog Pursuit of Felicity who offered blog designs for fellow bloggers. I looked at some of her past work and was really impressed so I contacted her straight away and asked what she could do to help my train wreck of a blog design. I have to say, since the first time we spoke, Felicity has been the biggest sweetheart. Seriously, she's the most lovely lady ever and I couldn't have asked for someone nicer to deal with my blog design. Since then I've had my blog completely re-designed by her twice (my current design and the one before this) and both times she's been an absolute diamond to work with. Nothing is ever too much for her and she listens to absolutely everything I want to ensure the design she creates is exactly what I want. She also gets things done so quickly too - there's no waiting around for weeks, she has things turned around in a matter of days. Considering she lives in Australia and I'm in the UK, that's pretty impressive. Since our first emails, we've emailed back and forth on numerous occasions and I'd definitely consider Felicity a friend now. She's also gone on to set up her own business, Pursuit of Felicity Designs and I'm so happy for her. So now I've told you a bit about how I met Felicity and what she does, its time for the exciting part. Felicity and I have decided to join forces and offer the readers of my blog the chance to win some amazing prices. I'll hand over to Felicity so she can explain more ...

Thanks Kayleigh, and a big hello to all of your lovely readers! Today I would like to take the opportunity to say a huge thank you to you and your amazing followers for supporting me in one way or another over these past few years while I established my blog design portfolio and set up my custom design business. If it wasn't for all of you guys I might not have had the courage to pursue my business idea in the first place, so I think it's about time that I give something back to this wonderful community who gave me the encouragement and support that I needed. As I am constantly receiving emails from readers complimenting the work that I have done on Kayleigh's past and present blog designs, I figured what better way to give back to you guys than to offer up my custom blog design services!

Here's what I'm giving away:
1st Prize: 1 x FREE custom blog design valued at $70 AUD! (Basic Blog Design Package, includes installation).
2nd Prize: 1 x $50 voucher for my custom blog or website design services (Prize is non transferable, not redeemable for cash).
3rd Prize: 1 x $20 voucher for my custom blog or website design services (Prize is non transferable, not redeemable for cash).

Giveaway Conditions:
- This giveaway is open internationally.
- The giveaway will run for one week from today 29/11/13 until 06/12/13.
- Design services are for blogger blogs only.
- You must be a follower of both mine and Felicity's blogs via Bloglovin' in order for your entries to count.
- Please don't create an account just to enter this giveaway as your entries will be removed.
- The winners will be contacted within 24 hours of the giveaway closing, and if they haven't gotten back to us within 48 hours, another winner will be chosen.

So now you know what you can win - its time to get entering! Just use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter - there's only three mandatory enteries so its really straightforward! We've also included lots of other optional enteries which you can do if you'd like to up your chance of winning! I'm so excited to announce the winners of this giveaway - having a pretty new blog design in time for Christmas is such a lovely treat! As if Felicity isn't being generous enough already, she's also offering 20% off her blog design services until the end of December with the code 'CoutureXmas20'. Yay!


Lots of Love, 

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الخميس، 28 نوفمبر 2013

Urban Retreat Beautique | Luxury Christmas Wishlist

I recently shared some of my favourite beauty websites with you all and since writing that post, another website has been added to my list. Let me introduce you to Urban Retreat Beautiuque - the place to shop for all things luxurious. Seriously, I could spend a fortune on this website. As Christmas is fast approaching and more and more beautiful gift sets are being released, I thought I'd show you a few I'd love to get my hands on. They're all high-end and on the pricey side so I guess its more of a 'if money were no object' type list but we all need a bit of luxury in our lives from time to time right?

A couple of things I've wanted to try for a long time now are Laura Mercier Body Creams and a Diptique candle. Both are products I hear raved about endlessly on blogs so the souffle body creme sampler collection and limited edition Diptique Chai Orange scented candle would be perfect Christmas gifts for me!I think they look like such luxurious products and they'd be great accompanyments for a pamper evening.

Talking of pampering, another two products that have been on my wishlist for quite some time thanks to rave reviews by fellow bloggers is the Emma Hardie moringa cleansing balm and the Glamglow mud mask so when I spotted this Emma Hardie Amazing Face Travel Essentials Kit and Glam Glow Gift Sexy Christmas Set, I might have let out a little swoon! Both of these products have always been a little bit out of my price range so they'd be great sets to receive for Christmas as the ultime skincare treat. I'm currently dreaming about how amazing my skin would feel after a pamper with this bunch - ahhh, heavenly!

Finally, as a lipstick lover, I couldn't create a wishlist without featuring something lip related, hence this beautiful Fling Lip Kit from NARS. Featuring two lipsticks and two lip pencils (both NARS products which I'm yet to try!), this beautiful gift set has all you need to ensure your lips are looking party perfect over the festive season. I also love the lip bag that comes with them, how cute?

So there we have it, a few products I'd be buying right this second if I had unlimited amounts of money. Hopefully Santa will be kind and bring me one of these beautiful gifts this year!

Have you tried any of these products? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Lots of Love,

*Collaboration with Urban Retreat Beautique


الأربعاء، 27 نوفمبر 2013

November Love Me Beauty Box | Menu 2

November Love Me Beauty Box
November Love Me Beauty Box 6November Love Me Beauty Box 2
November Love Me Beauty Box 3
November Love Me Beauty Box 4
November Love Me Beauty Box 5

Love Me Beauty Box* | £10.00 plus p&p | Link

Another month and another fabulous Love Me Beauty box. I'm sure you all know the concept by now so I won't ramble on about my love for it too much. This month I chose menu two from the options available (the only difference between the boxes this month was the different shades of nail polish and lipgloss) and I think it might be my favourite box yet. To find out when I received and my first impressions on each of the products, keep reading ...  

Absolution Le Soin Purifiant
(40ml sample. The full size version is 50ml and £24, so 40ml is worth £21.60)
I've never heard of this brand before but I'm so excited to give it a try after discovering its a fairly high-end and luxurious French brand. According to statements I've read online, this purifying face mask is a "soothing, toxin-absorbing, brightening and energizing cocktail of birch sap, white clay, green mate, white willow, zinc, copper, licorice and more that will leave skin feeling fresh, invigorated and absolutely glowing". It sounds like the perfect face mask to get skin ready for the upcoming party season and I'm really impressed with the 40ml size. Considering the full size version of this product is only 10ml more and costs £24.00, its a very generous sample indeed.

Mitchell and Peach English Growers Shower Wash
(50ml sample worth £4)
I'm not a fan of seeing shower wash in beauty boxes as its quite an unglamorous and boring item but I have to say this one smells lovely and fresh and the cute bottle is perfect for travelling. I also love the sleek packaging - very Jo Malone-esque.

Jelly Pong Pong 2-in-1 Bronze Shadow/Liner
(Full size. RRP £10.50)
I love a good multi-purpose product so I'm excited to give this 2-in-1 shadow and liner from Jelly Pong Pong a try. I've never tried any products from this brand before but after swatching this product on the back on my hand, I'm pretty impressed. Its nice and creamy so I imagine there will be no dragging on my lid and the shade is a perfect bronze that can be worn on an everday basis or smoked up for a sultry look in the evening.

Models Own Nail Polish | Prussian Blue
(Full size. RRP £5)
Who can resist a Models Own nail polish? As soon as I saw there was one up for grabs in this months box, I was super excited. They're definitely one of the best drugstore nail polishes out there in terms of colour range, price and formula and 'Prussian Blue' is such a perefect A/W shade. I can't wait to wear it!

Art Deco Hydra Lip Booster | Wood Rose
(full size. RRP £11.50)
I received a couple of eye products from Art Deco in a past Love Me Beauty box and was really impressed with them so I'm very happy to see a lip product from the brand featured in this months box. The hydra lip booster is described as a "classic lip gloss with a boosting effect" due to the ingredients Marine Fillings Spheres and Blue Seakale und Collageneer that even out wrinkles and support the regeneration and improve the skins elasticity. I'm not sure how much I believe these claims but I have tried this product and it is lovely - smooth and comfortable on the lips, very glossy and it provides a subtle hint of colour. Definitely a great product to wear on a daily basis or layered over a lipstick.

An added extra: Lord & Berry Lipstick | Brick Lip
(full size. RRP £12.50) 
In my October Love Me Beauty box review, which you can read here, I mentioned that the two Lord & Berry products I received in the box were very dried out, to the point that I couldn't use them. After publishing my review, I received an email from Love Me Beauty with a statement confirming that a lot of people had experienced the same problem and as an apology for this, they informed me there would be an extra product featured in my November box - a Lord & Berry lipstick worth £12.50. I was really pleased to see a brand do this as it shows they really value their customers opinion and want them to be satisfied with the products they receive each month. The lipstick I received was in the shade 'Brick Lip' which is a deep pinky brown shade. Its definitely not everyones cup of tea but I think its a sophisticated neutral shade that will look lovely on those crisp winter days. I also love the formula of the Lord & Berry lipsticks - so creamy and moisturising.

Overall, an absolutely fantastic box for Love Me Beauty this month and I'll 100% use every single product included. I also like to do my maths each month to work out how much I'd have to spend if I bought all of these products individually and this month the contents are worth £65.10 - wow! That just goes to show that Love Me Beauty is exceptional value for money at only £10.00 plus p&p. If you like the idea of having a box of beauty treats delievered to your door every month, I can't recommend it enough!

Are you signed up to Love Me Beauty? What do you think of this months contents?

Lots of Love,

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الثلاثاء، 26 نوفمبر 2013

The Winter Berry Lip Line Up

The Winter Berry Lip Line Up, My Favourite Winter Lipsticks, Purple and Berry Lipsticks
The Winter Berry Lip Line Up, My Favourite Winter Lipsticks, Purple and Berry Lipsticks
The Winter Berry Lip Line Up, My Favourite Winter Lipsticks, Purple and Berry Lipsticks
The Winter Berry Lip Line Up, My Favourite Winter Lipsticks, Purple and Berry Lipsticks

As the seasons change, so does the colour on my lips. Throughout the Spring/Summer months, I love wearing pastel and bright shades but as soon as Autumn and Winter roll around, I like to switch things up and tend to favour more vampy purple and berry pink shades. I'm usually a lot paler throughout the colder months too (its far too chilly to be standing around half dressed applying fake tan ladies) so I like to add a bit of colour to my face with a bold lip. With this being said, I thought I'd show you my favourite berry lipsticks that I'll be wearing on repeat for the next few months. Here's my Winter berry lip line up ...

Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain | Crush | Link
I really love 'crayon' style lip products and this one from Revlon is a firm favourite. The shade 'Crush' is the perfect vampy winter shade and due to the name, it always reminds me of crushed red grapes. Is that really weird? That's how I'd describe it though - a deep purple with a hint of berry pink coming through. I also find it really pigmented, long-lasting and easy to apply due to the crayon applicator. The finish is semi-matte as there isn't a great deal of gloss but it certainly isn't drying either. I'd actually like to get my mitts on a few more of the Kissable Balm Stains as this is the only one I have currently.

Rimmel Apocalips | Galaxy | Link
When the Rimmel Apocalips lip lacquers were released - I went a tad crazy for them and bought almost every singe shade. They were quite a novelty for me as they're unlike any other lip product I'd tried before - a lipstick/stain/gloss hybrid. I was totally intrigued by them and I have to say, they didn't disappoint. Other than being quite messy - they're one of the most pigmented, glossy and long lasting lip products I've ever tried. Galaxy is the only deep shade of the bunch with the rest of them being vibrant corals, pinks and reds. Its a great dark purple shade with a hint of shimmer and the long lasting formula makes it idea for all those parties and late nights in the lead up to Christmas!

YSL Rouge Volupte | Pink Caress | Link (currently 10% off at Debenhams!)
YSL lipsticks are the ultimate luxury in my opinion and their exquisite gold packaging and highly pigmented creamy formula is second to none. As much as I love MAC, YSL are truly in a league of their own when it comes to lipstick. Pink Caress was the first YSL lipstick I got my mitts on (I now own three) and I got it around this time last year when looking for the perfect A/W lip colour. Its an absolutely beautiful rose shade with hints of pink and purple and it can be worn on a day to day basis or in the evening with a smokey eye. I love it! As I mentioned, the formula is exceptionally creamy so they do have a tendency to wear off fairly quickly but I can't say I mind pulling this beautiful product out of my handbag to re-appy!

Inglot Lipstick Cream | Shade 128 | Link
When I was visiting my family in Australia last year, I couldn't contain my excitement when I discovered the shopping centre I was visiting had an Inglot store. It isn't a brand I see mentioned a lot and I think that's down to the fact there's only one Inglot store in London (how inconvenient) but it had always been a brand that was on my radar so I took full advantage while I had access to a store a bought myself a few treats including this beautiful lipstick. As soon as I spotted it amongst the mass of other shades, I had to have it. My favourite shade to wear on my lips is a berry pink, without a doubt. The likes of MAC 'Girl About Town' and Revlon 'Lollipop' lip butter are perfect examples of the berry pink shade I love and this Inglot lipstick is in that same beautiful berry pink family. I also love the scent and formula of this lipstick - it smells amazing (like pick and mix sweets) and its very pigmented and moisturising. I must get my hands on some more Inglot lippies - I just wish there was more stores in the UK so I could go and have a swatch!

Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick | Berry Haute | Link
I was clearly going through a berry/purple lip faze whilst in Australia last year, as here's another lovely lipstick I bought whilst down under. I'm not sure if this shade is available in the UK as I looked on the boots website which I've linked above and could only see one named 'Berry Couture'. The shade looks very similair though so maybe it has a different name in the UK or Revlon decided Couture sounded nicer. I must admit, Couture is obviously a better word ;) muhaha! Anyway, silliness aside, this is a beautiful lipstick. This is probably the most lilac shade of the bunch and I'd say you have to be into bold and daring shades to enjoy this one but I personally love it as its such a unique shade. The pigmentation and formula is incredible too - Revlon are always bang on the mark with their lip products and this one is no exception!

MAC Lipstick | Rebel | Link
If I had to pick my ultimate and most worn Winter lipstick, MAC Rebel would be the one. Since winning this lipstick in a fellow bloggers giveaway, I've worn it countless times for many occasions and I'm still in love with it. Its a pretty vampy shade and not one for someone who favours a more natural look but if you love bright and bold shades, you'll love Rebel. Its a deep purple shade with hints of berry pink which is what I love about it so much (told you - I'm berry pink obsessed). You can create quite a range of effects with this lipstick too from a subtle berry stain to a full blown vampy goth look. I usually like to wear it somewhere between the two but its definitely a versatile lipstick and not as scary as it looks in the bullet!

I'd also like to mention that the Rimmel Kate Moss lipstick in the shade 107 and Topshop 'Wicked' are two more Winter favourites of mine but I unfortunately couldn't find them to photograph for this post. I assume they'll be lost in the bottom of a handbag somewhere the pesky little swines.

What's your favourite lipstick for Winter? Do you own any of these shades?

Lots of Love,

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الأحد، 24 نوفمبر 2013

The Primark Tartan Dress

Tartan Dress

Hey everyone! I hope you're all well and have had a lovely weekend! I've been off work for the past week and have had such a lovely time relaxing so its safe to say I'm not looking forward to going back to the grind tomorrow I'm also not feeling very well today which is a rubbish way to end my holiday. Hopefully a nice hot bubble bath, my fleecy pj's and a cup of tea will help though - that's my plan after writing this post. As I'm not feeling great and my head is pounding - I decided it'd be best to quickly share an outfit post instead of writing up an in depth beauty review - I'll save that for when I'm feeling a bit perkier and can string a sentence together properly.

Anyway, enough complaining from me and back to the outfit. If you read my tartan lust list post here you'll probably know I'm currently loving the whole tartan trend and have embraced it with open arms. If someone told me I'd be buying tartan print clothing this time last year I'd have probably laughed and told them not to be so silly - its just one of those prints I've ever considered 'fashionable'. However, times change and so do trends and tartan is now considered the 'in thing' to be wearing this season.

I'm definitely no fashionista but after seeing some of my favourite fashion bloggers wearing tartan prints, I decided I needed in on the trend ASAP and headed straight to Primark to see what they had to offer. Primark is always a great place to turn to if you want to try a trend without spending a fortune in the likes of Topshop or Zara. As I expected, Primark didn't disappoint and there was tartan prints scattered all around the store. This cute little dress caught my eye straight away and I figured it would be a good piece to wear in the daytime or evening so I popped it in my basket and headed to the checkout.

I must admit, since trying it on at home, I'm still unsure about it. I popped it on in the photos above before going out for dinner with a friend but soon got changed as I'm not sure the shape of this dress is the most flattering I've ever worn. Its fitted around the bust area and then hangs loose - like a smock dress I suppose? I really love the print and the cute collar with black bow but I feel like it hides any shape I have instead of emphasising my best bits. After looking at these photos I think I'd be more likely to wear this dress during the day with thick tights, ankle boots, a scarf and a leather jacket as I think baggy styles are more forgiving during the day when I want to look casual. For evenings out though, I think I'll stick to more flattering shapes!

What do you think of this dress? Do you think it'd work better as a casual look?

Lots of Love,

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الخميس، 21 نوفمبر 2013

Online Beauty Shopping // My Favourite Websites

My Favourite Beauty Websites, Online Beauty Shopping, Online Christmas Shopping, Christmas Beauty Shopping
As a beauty fanatic, one of my favourite past times is trawling through websites looking at all of the latest beauty releases and more often than not, popping a few beauty treats into my online basket. I love the fact I can sit at home in my fleece pyjamas with a cup of tea in hand whilst pursing pretty beauty products - its a real treat indeed. Its also so easy and convenient - one click of a button and the products I've been lusting for are on their way to my doorstep. No leaving the house or getting dressed required - ideal! 

With Christmas just around the corner, I thought I'd give you a run down of some of my favourite beauty websites to shop at incase you fancy doing a spot of Christmas shopping from the comfort of your own home and don't know where to turn. I'm sure you'll know most of them but if you aren't beauty obsessed like myself, you might just find some new online shopping gems ...

Boots // Link
Ah, good old Boots. I know everyone has heard of Boots but I clearly had to include it as its my ultimate 'go-to' website for all things beauty. With a mix of highstreet and high end beauty products, daily essentials (you know, toothpaste, cotton pads and all that), fragrance and their infamous '3 for 2' offers, there's something for everyone no matter what your beauty budget. I also love Boots online pharmacy and the fact you can order online and collect in store. Perfect!

Space NK // Link
Known for selling high-end beauty products from top brands like NARS and Laura Mercier - Space NK is the place to shop if you're looking for a luxurious beauty treat. Seriously, I want everything this website has to offer and will never get bored of looking through their range of dreamy products. If only money was no object - I'd have the lot!

Feel Unique // Link
I don't even want to think about how many times I've ordered beauty products from Feel Unique. Its like an addiction. With a huge mix of high street and high end beauty products and free worldwide delivery on orders over £10, what's not to love? I also love the layout of this website - its so chic and easy to navigate! They also have a lot of regular offers including free gifts with purchase so make sure you check out their 'offers' tab to bag yourself a freebie. Its safe to say I could spend a LOT of money on this website.

Look Fantastic // Link
Much like Feel Unique, Look Fantastic is another great beauty website to turn to as they offer a huge range of products and free worldwide delivery. I also love the layout of their website - again its very easy to navigate and all of the products they stock are clearly labelled within their huge range of categories. They're currently offering 10% off when you spend £45 or more using the code TREAT10.

Beauty Bay // Link
I must be drawn to websites that offer free delivery as heres another website that has free worldwide delivery - yay! Beauty Bay is a website I turn to time and time again as it has such a lovely range of products, a lovely looking website and regular offers. I also love their 'My Beauty' section which is jam packed with top tips, 'get the look' tutorials and beauty news! Perfect for a beauty lover like myself. They're currently offering £5 off orders over £40 using the code YESTO5 and £10 off orders over £70 BIG10.

Cult Beauty // Link
Much like Space NK, Cult beauty is known for selling 'cult' beauty products, hence the websites name. If you're looking for top rated and well loved products from people in the beauty industry (bloggers included - they often make an appearance in the 'Top 10' section), this is the website for you. I'm pretty sure anything you buy from this website will be a guaranteed hit.

Escentual // Link
Much like the other websites mentioned in this post, escentual is the perfect place to shop for all things beauty due to their huge range of products! I also love their 'The Beauty Buzz' blog which is jam packed full of beauty shopping guides, new collections and even bloggers. They have a whole page dedicated to their favourite beauty bloggers which is great to see! They're currently offering free gift wrapping with all orders so its a great website to turn to if you need a helping hand making your Christmas gifts look pretty!

HQ Hair // Link
Now although you'd think this website just specialises in hair products due to the name, it actually has a lovely range of other beauty products too. Of course their hair care range is pretty impressive but they also have a huge range of makeup and skincare goodies too. They often have discounts and offers (their current offer is 12% off your next order with the code XMAS12) and there's free worldwide delivery (yet again) so its a great one if you're looking for a beauty bargain.

What are your favourite beauty websites? Have I missed any here? I'm always on the look out for new places to shop so do leave me a comment below with your suggestions!

Lots of Love,

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الأربعاء، 20 نوفمبر 2013

What to buy the boy for Christmas

Oi Polloi, What to buy the boy for Christmas, Christmas gift guide 2013, What to buy the man in your life for Christmas,

1. Map Watch: ASOS | 2. Leather Satchel: ASOS | 3. Christmas Jumper: Topman
4. Lomography Camera: ASOS | 5. Batman Mug: Urban Outfitters
6. Hungover Cookbook: Topman | 7. Ted Baker iPad Case: ASOS | 8. Nudie Jeans: Oi Polloi

Boys can be a nightmare to buy for, whether it’s the boyfriend or your brother. Girls are far more easily pleased; anything from the Nars Guy Bourdin collection will do just fine, thank you very much!

The high-street is beginning to pay attention to our woes though, and there are now novelty stocking fillers popping up in the likes of Topman. ASOS is especially good for these, particularly if you’re looking for something not-so-novelty, like a smart iPad case (how swish is this Ted Baker one?!)

When he wants a few new items for his wardrobe, it’s easier just to take him along Christmas shopping with you and let him try everything on – especially when it comes to difficult things like jeans or shoes. Oi Polloi stocks tons of different jeans brands, and if he’s in need of a smart pair, you can’t go wrong with their Nudie collection. 

If you mustleave one thing as a surprise though, you can’t go wrong with a Christmas jumper, and this Topman one isn’t so garish that he’ll refuse to wear it.

A few stocking fillers like this Batman mug (perfect for die-hard fans) and the Hangover Cookbook are always appreciated too, and Urban Outfitters always seem to hit the nail on the head when it comes to gifts.

Does anyone else find shopping for men almost impossible?!

*This post is brought to you in association with Oli Polloi. I was paid a small fee for publishing this article.

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