special costumes: Giveaway | Win A Custom Blog Design by Pursuit of Felicity Designs

الجمعة، 29 نوفمبر 2013

Giveaway | Win A Custom Blog Design by Pursuit of Felicity Designs

When I first started writing Couture Girl, my blog design was the one thing that really bugged me. I'm the least tech savvy person ever so to say I didn't have a clue would be an understatement. I read so many blogs that had pretty designs and I was stuck with my dodgy photoshop job (I so wish I had a photo of it - major cringe to say the least!). I eventually came to the conclusion that everyone was clearly better with technology than I am and I gave up trying to make my dodgy photoshop effort look any better. I have to say it got me quite down at one stage - its very frustrating to put all that effort into your content but not being happy with how your blog itself looks. After all, a blog design is the first thing potential new readers will see so its important its pleasing to the eye and easy to navigate. I know for me personally if I come across a blog with a pretty design I'm a lot more likely to hit that follow button.

So after a few months of feeling at a total loss with my blog design, I can't begin to tell you how thrilled I was when I stumbled upon Felicity from the blog Pursuit of Felicity who offered blog designs for fellow bloggers. I looked at some of her past work and was really impressed so I contacted her straight away and asked what she could do to help my train wreck of a blog design. I have to say, since the first time we spoke, Felicity has been the biggest sweetheart. Seriously, she's the most lovely lady ever and I couldn't have asked for someone nicer to deal with my blog design. Since then I've had my blog completely re-designed by her twice (my current design and the one before this) and both times she's been an absolute diamond to work with. Nothing is ever too much for her and she listens to absolutely everything I want to ensure the design she creates is exactly what I want. She also gets things done so quickly too - there's no waiting around for weeks, she has things turned around in a matter of days. Considering she lives in Australia and I'm in the UK, that's pretty impressive. Since our first emails, we've emailed back and forth on numerous occasions and I'd definitely consider Felicity a friend now. She's also gone on to set up her own business, Pursuit of Felicity Designs and I'm so happy for her. So now I've told you a bit about how I met Felicity and what she does, its time for the exciting part. Felicity and I have decided to join forces and offer the readers of my blog the chance to win some amazing prices. I'll hand over to Felicity so she can explain more ...

Thanks Kayleigh, and a big hello to all of your lovely readers! Today I would like to take the opportunity to say a huge thank you to you and your amazing followers for supporting me in one way or another over these past few years while I established my blog design portfolio and set up my custom design business. If it wasn't for all of you guys I might not have had the courage to pursue my business idea in the first place, so I think it's about time that I give something back to this wonderful community who gave me the encouragement and support that I needed. As I am constantly receiving emails from readers complimenting the work that I have done on Kayleigh's past and present blog designs, I figured what better way to give back to you guys than to offer up my custom blog design services!

Here's what I'm giving away:
1st Prize: 1 x FREE custom blog design valued at $70 AUD! (Basic Blog Design Package, includes installation).
2nd Prize: 1 x $50 voucher for my custom blog or website design services (Prize is non transferable, not redeemable for cash).
3rd Prize: 1 x $20 voucher for my custom blog or website design services (Prize is non transferable, not redeemable for cash).

Giveaway Conditions:
- This giveaway is open internationally.
- The giveaway will run for one week from today 29/11/13 until 06/12/13.
- Design services are for blogger blogs only.
- You must be a follower of both mine and Felicity's blogs via Bloglovin' in order for your entries to count.
- Please don't create an account just to enter this giveaway as your entries will be removed.
- The winners will be contacted within 24 hours of the giveaway closing, and if they haven't gotten back to us within 48 hours, another winner will be chosen.

So now you know what you can win - its time to get entering! Just use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter - there's only three mandatory enteries so its really straightforward! We've also included lots of other optional enteries which you can do if you'd like to up your chance of winning! I'm so excited to announce the winners of this giveaway - having a pretty new blog design in time for Christmas is such a lovely treat! As if Felicity isn't being generous enough already, she's also offering 20% off her blog design services until the end of December with the code 'CoutureXmas20'. Yay!


Lots of Love, 

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