special costumes: OMG! 2000 Followers? SAY WHAT?

الأحد، 14 أكتوبر 2012

OMG! 2000 Followers? SAY WHAT?

Image: weheartit Writing: Me

Hey Ladies! I hope you all had a spiffing weekend. Did I really just use the word spiffing? Yes I did, oh deary me I'm getting old. My boyfriends parents have been visiting for the past couple of days so we have had a lovely weekend eating nice food and drinking wine. We went to the comedy club in Newcastle last night and it was absolutely hilarious. We loved it so much we are going back next weekend for more laughs. If you live in the Newcastle area, I'd highly recommend it as it's a super cheap and fun night out. I missed The X Factor but I'm going to catch up with it after writing this post as I can't wait to see what drama happens this week. NOW LOUIS, NOW!!!! If you don't watch x factor, that was a reference to Dermot O'Leary getting very annoyed at Louis Walsh on last weeks show. Comedy gold I tell you.

To make my weekend ten million times better, I got home in the early hours of this morning and realised my little blog has only gone and reached 2000 GFC followers. When I saw that number staring back at me I was blown away. I know everyone always writes a big thank you speech when they hit a milestone but I think it is so important as I couldn't be more grateful. The fact I've not even been writing my blog for a year yet and have had such an amazing response has really touched me. When I first started this blog, I didn't think a soul would read it. I was essentially rambling away to myself and didn't even know what 'followers' were. After a couple of weeks I saw a few faces popping up in the sidebar and was overjoyed each time I saw a new face. I still feel that way now. I always try my hardest to check out all of your blogs if you leave me nice comments or tweet me as without you lot, I would essentially be talking to myself like a total loon.

Image: weheartit

This may sound extreme but blogging has really changed my life. A lot of you who don't write blogs might not understand that but it has given me confidence, helped me to deal with personal issues, introduced me to some amazing people and has also given me faith in my abilities. Since writing this blog I have shared my experiences with OCD, taken you all with me on my journey to Australia and have met some amazing girls *friends* along the way. The best part of blogging for me is being able to share my interests and passions with likeminded people. I won't start naming names (theres too many of you) but any of you reading this that have taken time out of your day to send me an email or drop me a tweet really do mean a lot to me. I would class a lot of you as friends now and although we have never met face to face, I feel like lots of you know more about me than people in my 'real' day to day life. I enjoy our twitter chats, reading all of your blog posts and generally getting to know you. I know for a fact when we do get around to meeting in person that we will be great pals! (Awww!)

Blogging has also been an great escape for me. If you read my OCD post you will know that I've gone through some tough times dealing with massive confidence issues and if I'm honest, a bit of depression. Not only has blogging helped me to believe in myself again it has also opened my eyes to how many wonderful people are out there going through the same experiences as me. I seriously can't imagine my life without it anymore as I love nothing more than spending an afternoon taking photos, writing posts and chatting to you all on Twitter. It is the best thing I have ever done and the experiences and knowledge I have gained from it are invaluable. Not only have I met some amazing people, I have also been lucky enough to be invited to events and sent products from amazing companies. Whenever I receive an email from a company telling me they love my blog I could burst with excitement. It really is quite surreal to know so many people are actually reading my ramblings.

Image: weheartit

So without rambling on for too much longer (I told you I'm a rambler) I just want to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! My blog is constantly developing and growing and without you lot taking the time to read it and leave me nice comments, it wouldn't be possible. I am so grateful for each and every single one of you and hope to get to know you all more in the future. 

I have also been planning a giveaway over the last couple of weeks as a thank you for supporting me and to show you all my appreciation. I have been buying lots of my favourite things from the high-street and it's safe to say I have gone a little bit wild. It will be an international giveaway so you can enter no matter where you are. Theres going to be lots of nice treats included and I'm actually going to be quite jealous of the person who wins. I'm going to try making the rules of the giveaway quite tricky so only genuine readers can enter. I'm not interested in gaining followers from a giveaway, I genuinely just want to say thank you. I'm really excited about it as I've only ever done one giveaway when I reached 100 followers and that seems like a lifetime ago.

Image: weheartit

So once again, thank you for being amazing and making me continuously happy on a daily basis. I appreciate it more than you could ever imagine and I really hope you continue to read what I have to say. Oh and don't forget to get in touch with me by Twitter or email if you ever fancy a chat. I always love to have a natter with people who read my blog. 

Thanks again guys, your the best!

Lots of Love,

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