special costumes: أبريل 2012

الاثنين، 30 أبريل 2012

Maybelline 24hr Colour Tattoos

Hey Ladies! I know I'm very late posting about this hype but I wanted to give my opinion anyway. I bought two of the Maybelline 24 hr Colour Tattoos around a month ago now in shades Eternal Gold and On and On Bronze. Yes, I admit, I gave into the blogging hype as per usual and decide I needed them in my life. I decided to go for these two colours as they were the most 'me' out of the bunch. I love a gold/bronze smokey eye so I thought these would be perfect. I also picked them up as part of the Boots 3 for 2 deal. Bargain. These eyeshadows are a gel-cream formula which I found appealing as it is something new to spice up my eyeshade collection. I usually go for bog-standard powder eyeshadows but I have always liked the sound of cream shadows. I think they have an amazing metallic look about them. The only cream eyeshadow I own other than these is a MAC paint pot which has been highly compared to the colour tattoos. I personally do NOT get the hype surrounding paint pots. Infact, I'd go as far as saying I hate them. I first bought one based on the fact I'd read lots of reviews saying they made for a good eyeshadow base. I personally see absolutely no difference when using them under my eyeshadow and the shade I own called 'Bare Study' looks pretty 'meh' on its own as well. So after a few attempts of trying to make it work, my paint pot now sits in my drawer very unloved. Anyway, sorry for going off on a tangent but I just want you to know my feelings on the MAC paint pot because I think the Maybelline version is 10x better and costs a fraction of the price. Paint pots are currently priced at 14.50 (ridiculous) whereas these little beauties are only £4.99. I really don't know how high-end brands get away with charging so much sometimes. Anyway, I love these eyeshadows. My personal favourite is 'On and On Bronze' as it gives the post amazing metallic finish on my eye. It has recently been my go-to eyeshadow for everyday wear. These shadows blend like a dream and have amazing pigmentation. I must admit 'Eternal Gold' is a little flakey but I tend to use it on my inner corners and it looks lovely. I apply these shadows with my MAC 239 brush and it works excellently. However, due to their gel/cream formula, they are easy to apply with a finger if you don't have a suitable eyeshadow brush. As for actually living up to their '24 hour' claims, I wouldn't know. I haven't worn them for a solid 24 hours but who would? If I go to bed and I'm not being lazy, I'll take my makeup off therefore I can't say wether they do last for that length of time or not. However, I can tell you they do last a long time. After swatting them on my hand, the colour stays on unless I really scrub it off. Overall, I am very impressed with these eyeshadows and their small price tag.

Have you tried the Maybelline 24 hr Colour Tattoo eyeshadows? What do you think?

Lots of Love,

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السبت، 28 أبريل 2012

My Top 5 Mac Lipsticks

Without Flash
With Flash
Impassioned, Please Me, Morange, Hue & Girl About Town

Hey Lovelies! I've been wanting to do a 'Top 5' post of some kind for ages now and I thought what better way to start than with my beloved MAC lipsticks. If you read my blog regularly you will know by now that I class myself as a 'lipstick whore', which basically means I am addicted to buying and trying lipsticks. I'd say my beauty motto is definitely 'you can never have too many lippies'. I don't know what it is I love about them so much, maybe the array of pretty colours and the pretty packaging? Who knows, but MAC has to be my favourite brand for a blooming good lipstick. I currently own around 16 which may be a lot to some or not many too others. As much as I love them all, it was easy for me to pick my five faves. These five colours are the ones I use most from my whole collection. As you can probably tell from the above pictures, I'm a bit of a brights girl. 'Hue' is the one nude I really love as it isn't a in your face 'concealer lips' type nude. I despise that look which is maybe why I try and stay clear of a nude lip. 'Please Me' is a perfect day to day pink colour that can be worn during the day or at night time with a smokey eye. The other three colours I've included are very bright and bold but they are my favourites of all time. I don't think anything gives me more confidence when getting ready for a night out than a bright, bold lip. As you can see, each of the shades are an 'Amplified' finish meaning they have excellent colour pay off. I have used and abused these colours the most and will continue to for a long time. 'Impassioned' is a very bright fuchsia Pink, 'Morange' is a bright Orange and 'Girl About Town' is a slightly darker but still very bright berry pink. I'd say Girl About Town is my all time favourite MAC lipstick and the one I would reach for most often when getting glammed up for a night out. Theres something about it I just love and I find it makes my teeth look whiter too. I also want to add that I think the picture with a flash shows the colours most true to life as the picture without a flash has made them slightly more dull and pale than they actually are.
Overall, I adore all of these lipsticks and would recommend them to anyone who might be considering buying a MAC lipstick. Each of these lipsticks are priced at £13.50 which is pretty expensive, but in my opinion, they are worth every penny. They last for such a long time, are amazing quality, highly pigmented, creamy and just generally amazing. If you haven't tried one, please do, you won't regret it. I promise!

What are your favourite MAC lipsticks?

Lots of Love,

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الجمعة، 27 أبريل 2012

Inglot Goodies

Eyeshadow Pearl 393
Eyeshadow AMC Shine 42
Eyeshadow AMC Shine 43

Hey Ladies! Sorry for the lack of posts over the past few days. I've been a busy bee and with the 9 hour time difference between Oz and the UK, its quite the challenge finding an appropriate time to write and post. Hopefully I'll get into some kind of Australia blogging routine soon though. Now, onto the post. If you read my Brisbane Haul you will know that I picked up some Inglot goodies. I was pretty chuffed to find an Inglot shop as I've always liked the look of their products but with the UK having very limited stores, I've never been able to go into a shop and test out their huge array of products.  When I say huge, I mean huge. No wonder Inglot don't give their products names. Jeez, they would be thinking of names forever if they did. As much as I do like products I buy to have names, I can forgive Inglot for using numbers instead after seeing their vast amount of products. 
So, what did I pick up? Well, I didn't go too wild as I plan to go back to Brisbane in July and spend my birthday money. However, I did pick up a 10 pan eyeshadow palette, three eyeshadows and a lipstick which is a nice little lot all the same. I obviously had to get some eyeshadows and one of the infamous palettes after hearing so much about them on blogs/youtube. I originally asked the MUA for a three pan palette to fit my new shadows but I decided I  of course would end up buying more so opted for 10 instead. Much like MAC, I love the concept of building your own eyeshadow palettes as you can fill it with colours you actually like and would wear. I must admit, I think I prefer the Inglot palette to my MAC one. I like the fact you can see the shadows through the palette, the shadows themselves are larger squares compared to MAC's small circular shadows and the magnetic lid is just genius. I get a strange satisfaction from clicking it on and off. Yes, I really am that sad. Oh and to top it all of, the Inglot palettes and shadows are a fraction of the price compared with MAC. I paid $18 for the palette and only $10 each for the eyeshadows. That works out at around 11/6 pounds. Bargain. 
The eyeshadows I picked out are very neutral, metallic shades including a pale cream highlight colour, a metallic golden brown for all over the lid and a deep metallic brown for the crease. When I say 'metallic', I mean they have a very high shine to them without them being disco ball glittery. Also, I have to mention how creamy these shadows are. The swatches shown above are after one swipe with my finger and the colour payoff is fantastic.
The lipstick I chose is a gorgeous berry shade, number 128. I love pink colours like this and already have a few you could say are pretty similar. I know I shouldn't have really bought it as I have things similar like MAC Impassioned/Girl About Town but just look how pretty it is? I'd say my biggest makeup weakness is lipsticks so I don't really need any excuse to buy a new one. I think I just wanted to own an Inglot lipstick to add to my ever growing collection. I wore is last night and it looked lovely. It was very vivid colour payoff and felt extremely moisturising on my lips. This cost me $27 which is around 15 pounds in the UK. I'm pretty sure this is more expensive than they are in the UK but I didn't mind paying it as a one off. Overall, I am massively impressed with Inglot and so happy I decided to treat myself to a few things. I just can't wait to head back to Brisbane now and pick out seven more colours to fill my palette. 

Have you ever tried anything from Inglot? What do you think of their products?

Lots of Love,

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الاثنين، 23 أبريل 2012

OOTD - Casual Layering

Hey Everyone! If you follow me on Twitter here you may already know I had asked what everyone thought of posed outfit posts. By posed I don't just mean your usual hand on hip and smile to the camera type pose, I mean proper posed pictures with a nice background or surroundings that have a somewhat professional look to them. I guess you see these type of pictures mainly on fashion blogs but as I had never tried it before I thought I would give it a whirl. My dad lives in a lovely wooden house with big windows so I thought the balcony would be the perfect place to get some good shots. I do quite like these more posed pictures as I think they show off an outfit better. I wasn't planning on doing an outfit post yesterday in the slightest as I got up, through my hair up in a messy bun and didn't even bother putting any makeup on. Hence the big Primark sunnies I'm wearing. However, as I was looking for something to wear I decided on this aztec print playsuit from H&M. I then teamed it with my new jumper featured in my previous post over the top and I thought it made quite a cute combo. I'm a huge fan of layering as I think its such an easy way of creating a stylish look. You can create so many different looks with a simple bit of layering. For accessories, I wore the necklace and bag I bought in Brisbane which are also featured in my previous post. Overall, I think the whole  outfit worked well and made for a stylish casual look. 

What do you think of these posed kind of pictures? Would you like to see more outfit posts like this on my blog? Please let me know your thoughts.

Lots of Love,

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الأحد، 22 أبريل 2012

Brisbane Haul

Hey Guys! If you read my last post you will know I went to Brisbane on Thursday and went shopping on Friday. Here are all the goodies I picked up on my little shopping spree. I have to say, I feel I was quite good as I could of bought a lot more and when I say a lot I mean A LOT. There were so many nice shops and the fact everything was new and different to the UK just made it all the more exciting. I'm not going to go through each item and say where its from as I don't really have a clue myself to be honest. There was one shop called 'Dissh' that really stood out to me and there were so many things I could of bought in there. I limited myself to this cute Aztec skirt and Ray ban sunnies though. I think my favourite purchase of the day was the tan handbag as I've been after a new tan handbag for a while now and this one was a bargain at $90. That's around fifty pounds which isn't bad for a handbag that will go with absolutely everything and be used nearly every day.  In terms of makeup, I was super duper excited to see NYX and Inglot as these are two brands that aren't easy to come across in the UK. I seriously could have gone wild in Inglot but I won't go into details now as I'm going to do a separate post with swatches of my Inglot purchases. I also bought a pair of slouchy joggers but I thought they were too boring to show you. Anyway, thats all from me. I'm trying to keep this post short and sweet but I'm a rambler as you've all probably gathered by now. Its currently 23:56 in Australia so I best get to sleep.

I hope everyones had a fab weekend!

Lots of Love,

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الجمعة، 20 أبريل 2012

A trip to Brisbane & A Couple of Outfits

Playsuit - River Island
Belt - Primark
Necklace - H&M
Wedges - Matalan
Fringed Bag - Peacocks

Playsuit - River Island
Bag - Marks & Spencers
Sandals - Primark
Sunglasses - Primark

Hey beauties! Firstly, I just want to say this is a huge post with so many pictures so I hope it doesn't bore the socks off you. I went to Brisbane on Thursday so I wanted to share with you all what I got up to and what I wore. I went with my dads friends daughter Tahlia (what a mouthful) and we drove down on the Thursday so we could go for a few drinks and then we went shopping yesterday. We had a lovely couple of days and I just LOVE Brisbane. Seriously, it is such a pretty city. As we were driving through the city on we saw some amazing flats (pictured above) and I felt like I was in an episode of 'The Hills' or something. I'm such a dreamer.
On thursday night we headed into the city for a few drinks. I just wore a floral playsuit from River Island as the Aussies don't seem to get half as dressed up as we would in the UK. The city nightlife wasn't very busy due to it being a Thursday night but everywhere was really cheap and played good music so we still had fun. At the end of the night we ended up in a club called 'Cloud Land' (also pictured above) and it had the most amazing decor I've ever seen in a nightclub. The bar was made up of clear balls and there were fairy lights and vintage furnishings everywhere you looked. The music was Latin on Thursday so there were couples dancing professionally all over the club and they were amazing. These people seriously need to audition for some kind of talent show. I was mesmerised by them. There was also a group of black girls who were booty shaking and again, their moves were amazing. 
Yesterday we headed to a shopping centre called Westfield and it was every shopaholics fantasy. When I was younger I used to think Australia was just full of surf shops and nothing else but this place had everything imaginable. They even had an Inglot shop so I was ecstatic. I'm sure theres only one Inglot shop in London over in the UK. I may be wrong but I've never seen one anywhere so it was nice to be able to buy some Inglot treats. I bought a few more bits and bobs but I won't tell you what as I'm going to do a separate haul post all about that. I wore another River Island playsuit to go shopping in which was a bad move as I needed to take the whole thing off every time I tried something on or went to the toilet. We also stopped for some lunch while we were shopping and I got an amazing Burrito in the food court from a place called 'Salsas'. I wish we had them over in the UK, it was so nice and Mexican is one of my fave foods ever. Overall, it was a lovely couple of days and I can't wait to go back soon and  see more of Brisbane's pretty sights. 

I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend so far. I'm off to the pub today for my dads friends birthday. Drinks in the Ozzy sun - How lovely!

Lots of Love,

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