special costumes: فبراير 2014

الجمعة، 28 فبراير 2014

Amazing Advertisers | February

Hi guys! So its the last day of February and I can't quite believe it. As if it has been over two months since Christmas - utter madness. I've had a pretty hectic, stressful and emotional month due to lots of things I won't go into but mainly because I've been ill for a good few weeks. I'm currently trying to battle my way through two infections and a stomach ulcer which isn't very nice but I'm hoping the antibiotics I'm currently taking (which are making me feel awful) will clear it all up. Fingers crossed! Due to being ill I've had a serious lack of motivation when it comes to blogging and instead of blogging as much as I'd like due to lack of energy, I've spent most nights snuggled up reading other blogs and watching Youtube videos instead. Some of the blogs I've been reading are my lovely February advertisers and you can find out more about them below ...

Hi everyone! I’m Steph and I write over at Sunshine & Showers, a beauty fashion and lifestyle blog. With more fun activities happening in my life I like to bring you along with me through lifestyle posts, my increased awareness of fashion and enjoyment from doing outfit posts means you’ll be seeing a lot more of them and lastly my weakness for beauty means I can’t help but pop in a review into the mix. I love what I do, and I love hearing from new readers so please come say hi. I’m also currently starting YouTube so watch this space! 

Website - Yuko

YUKO Permanent Hair Straightening was created in Japan in 1996 by Yuko Yamashita, a passionate hair stylist and salon owner who, after witnessing as a child the happiness a haircut gave her mother and sister,decided to make other people just as happy by dedicating her life to hairdressing. Throughout her years as a stylist, Yuko was shocked to discover that only 5 out of every 100 people were happy with their hair and a staggering 75% were concerned because their curly, unruly, sleek or thick hair was not to their satisfaction. In just the same way that most people are unhappy with their bodies and would change something if they could, Yuko committed her passion to find a solution; a way of giving people the opportunity to have the hair they desired. In pursuit of this, Yuko began a project with Japanese health, sports and beauty giant Phiten to develop her own perm solution, alongside having developed a successful solution, YUKO now also has a successful and comprehensive homecare range suited to treat all hair types.

YUKO can be purchased online at www.yuko-london.com.

Becky from Beauty Becky
Hello! My name is Becky and I write the blog Beauty Becky. I mainly write about beauty, however I am starting to incorporate more fashion posts into my blog lately as well. I really enjoy setting up the lighting and taking lots of photos! 

I am currently studying and working in a business job which I really enjoy! I am considering doing a makeup artist course next year which I think will be really fun. Makeup is something I have been thinking of studying for a couple of years now, so I am very excited to start seriously looking at some courses! 

I also have a Youtube channel with lots of videos such as hauls, tutorials and monthly favourites. If you do pop over to my blog then I hope you enjoy reading it! 

Beky from Bekylou
BekyLou is my little space on the internet where I share my insights and ramblings about all things beauty and fashion. I've fallen in love with blogging and would love for you to take a peep on over at my page and let me know what you think, or even give me a cheeky follow! There are a lot of exciting things coming up on BekyLou so keep your peepers peeled!

Felicity from Felicityxoxo
Hello! I'm Felicity, a northern monkey and an avid beauty blogger over at felicityxoxo (can you tell i was obsessed with Gossip Girl when i started my blog?!). I blog about my favourite beauty products and occasionally i throw a spanner into the works and write fashion/lifestylle posts too. I also dabble in YouTube, i'm no Tanya Burr - but hey i'm giving it a go! I don't have many videos but one of my New Year Resolutions is to give it a good go, so expect some hauls, reviews and possibly *whispers* tutorials.... 

I'd love it if you checked out my Blog/YouTube! You can catch up with my daily musings on twitter too. Hope to see you soon! 

Twitter @felicityxo
Instagram @felicityxoxo

Jen and Soph from All these little things

Hi I’m Tracey! Office worker by day Beauty Blogger by night. Also known as Saturday Night Girl. As my blogging name suggests my blog is all about the beauty essentials for looking glam! I have a huge passion for make up, fake tan and big hair! All of which are required for a big Saturday Night out. I’m still pretty new to blogging but love having somewhere to share my love of beauty products. I’d love for you to come and have a look and leave me a comment to say hi! I love meeting new bloggers!

Becci from By Becci

Hey Everyone! My name is Becci and I'm a 21 year old fanatic of anything beautiful, vintage or edible. My blog is all about my passion for fashion, photography, beauty and the simple things in life. I love to express my opinions on current purchases and brands and share some of my favourite things like scenes from my home county of Dorset and a variety of healthy, but delicious, home recipes. I would love it if you would come and check out my blog. If you enjoy what you find then join me on Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.

Katie from Sugarfixxbeauty
Hi, I'm Katie from a little blog called sugarfixxbeauty, where I write about all things beauty with a little bit of lifestyle and fashion thrown into the mix. I'm a make up addict and skin care junkie so you'll find lots of posts along with youtube videos which I do twice weekly. I really hope you'll check out my blog/channel and if you like what you see don't forget to follow/subscribe. I'm also a twitter addict so you'll find me chatting away on there too! 

Blog || Youtube || Bloglovin 
@sugarfixx (twitter), @sugarfixxbeauty (instagram)

I hope you'll all go say hi to these lovely ladies - they're a great bunch!

Lots of Love,

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الخميس، 27 فبراير 2014

Tanya Burr's Lipglosses | My thoughts

Tanya Burr Lipglosses Review

When I heard that Tanya Burr would be launching her own range of nail polishes and lipglosses, I was very excited. As one of my favourite Youtubers and a talented makeup artist, I knew her products would be high quality. Her sister-in-law is also the brains behind Real Techniques and you all know how much I love those so I was intrigued to try Tanya's and see if they're just as great. I also love to see bloggers or youtubers doing such amazing things off the back of their blogs/channels as its very inspiring and just goes to show that hard work and dedication really does pay off. 

As I said, Tanya has released a range of nail polishes and lip glosses but as I'm not much of a nail polish wearer (due to my bad nail biting habit), I decided to stick with the lip glosses. There's currently 12 lipglosses and 10 nail polishes available in Tanya's collection so there's a huge range of colour choice and definitely something to suit everyone. They're also very cutely named and Tanya has mentioned in one of her videos that the names are all based on things she loves.

I had a hard time deciding which shades I wanted to try as they're all so pretty but I eventually settled on Picnic in the Park, Exotic Island and Let's Travel the World. All of the shades are fun and bold with Picnic in the Park being a bubblegum pink, Exotic Island a bright purple/fucshia and Let's Travel the World an orange red. As you can see from my swatches above, they're all absolutely beautiful shades and I think they're going to look amazing with a tan in the S/S months. They're also very well pigmented which is great as it means I can wear them on their own without the need for a lipstick underneath. As well as being nicely pigmented, they're also very creamy and smooth. I know there's a few glittery shades in the collection  but the ones I went for are glitter free. They're very comfortable to wear and in terms of longevity, they last a couple of hours before I need to touch up. I've never found a lipgloss yet that lasts all day so it doesn't bother me that I need to reapply after a couple of hours.

Overall I really like these lipglosses and I've had one of them in my handbag every day since they arrived in the post. I particuarly like Picnic in the Park as its perfect for day to day wear but I'm also looking forward to wearing the other two brighter shades on a night out. If you like the look of these lip glosses, you can find them here on Feel unique, along with the nail polishes. The whole collection is very reasonably priced with the lipglosses costing £6.99 and the nail polishes £5.99.

Will you be treating yourself to anything from Tanya's lipgloss and nail polish range? If you already have, what do you think?

Lots of Love,

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الثلاثاء، 25 فبراير 2014

Better than Bioderma? Garnier Micellar Water

Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water, Micellar Solution, Micellar Water, Micellar Cleansing Water, Bioderma Dupe, Garnier Bioderma Dupe
Micellar cleansing water review
Garnier cleansing water review 2
garnier cleansing water review 3

The latest addition to my Micellar water line up is from Garnier and I have to say, I think its my favourite so far. I'm sure you've all heard of micellar waters by now - Bioderma kicked off the trend and the whole beauty world went mad for it. Just incase you don't know anything about it - its a water solution that contains something (don't ask me about science) that breaks down makeup. I guess its a fancy name for a makeup remover but unlike traditional removers that can contain harsh ingredients, micellar waters are very gentle yet just as effective which is why I love them so much. I've built up quite the collection of them over the past couple of years and I tend to use them to remove the majority of my makeup before doing a proper cleanser with a face cloth. 

Garnier's Micellar Cleansing water caught my eye on a recent trip to Superdrug  due to its cute pink lid and its ginormous size. Its a 400ml bottle which is only 100ml less than a bottle of Bioderma yet its so much cheaper. I picked it up for only £4.99 which is such a great bargain and much cheaper than other micellar waters out there that serve the exact same purpose. I've been using it for over a month now so I think I've given it a good enough trial to warrant my review. Firstly, as I briefly mentioned, I love the packaging - its very sleek and I especially love the pink lid - its so girly and cute. I also love how the product is dispensed from the cap - it doesn't come out too quickly like the Loreal cleansing water and its actually very similair in style to Biodera - just slightly taller.

Secondly, this stuff works exceptionally well. I've been soaking a cotton pad with it and swiping it across my face - mainly concentrating on my eye area to remove any stubborn eyeliner and mascara. It melts my makeup away in a matter of seconds and is very gentle on the skin. It doesn't have much of a fragrance which I like and I find my complexion is soothed and fresh looking after using it. There's not a great deal more I can say about this as its quite a simple product that's great to use as pre-cleanse (or when you're feeling a bit lazy) and it does exactly what it says on the tin. Its definitely my favourite micellar water so far - I've got no complaints. I definitely prefer it to Bioderma which is great as its much cheaper! The huge bottle will also last me a really long time.

Have you tried the Garnier Cleansing Water? What's your favourite micellar water?

Lots of Love,

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السبت، 22 فبراير 2014

My Polaroid Memories | Printic

Flickr Polaroid Photos
Printic Polaroid Photos, Printic App, Printic Polaroid Photographs, Instagram Polaroid Photos, Instagram pictures turned into polaroids,
Printic Polaroid Photos, Printic App, Printic Polaroid Photographs, Instagram Polaroid Photos, Instagram pictures turned into polaroids,

At the age of twelve, I got my very own polaroid camera. I thought I was the bees knees at the time and I was completely in love with it. I went on a family holiday to Devon soon after receiving it as a gift and I spent the majority of my trip snapping my family and anything remotely interesting around the holiday complex. I might of even taken the odd selfie. Don't judge me! I've always been into photography from a very young age and my polaroid camera back then was like my equivalent of Instagram today.

Digital cameras weren't the in thing back then and before getting my polaroid, I used to take those crappy disposable cameras everywhere I went. If you used to use them yourself, you'll know they were a total nightmare. It was hard to see what on earth the photo was going to look like and half of them would be out of focus, missing someones head or of the inside of my bag. There was also no such thing as 'untagging' or deleting photos - if someone caught you at a bad angle with one of those bad boys, it was there to stay. Not cool! So, you can imagine my excitement over a polaroid camera - a camera that would produce an image instantly with no need to take my film into the local shop to get developed. Crikey, saying that makes me feel so old. Haven't times changed?

Now although technology has advanced since my polaroid camera days and I'm now snapping everything with my Iphone or DSLR, I kind of miss the days of real photos. You know, actual printed photos to put in photo albums, just like I used to way back when. I often worry that the world is becoming so digital that all of our memories might one day be lost when our phone or laptop crashes. Ooh, perish the thought! With this being said, I was delighted to be contacted by a fantastic company called 'Printic' who offer polaroid images, just like the ones produced from my beloved polaroid camera. They asked me if I'd like to try their Iphone app and receive some complimentary images and I have to say, I didn't think twice about it. I completely love this idea - its utterly genius.

The way Printic works is really cleaver. All you need to do is download their app from the app store, select the photos you want turning into polaroids, choose and address to send the photos to (you can get them delivered to your own address or surprise a family or friend with a special photo), pop in your payment details and walah, a cute orange envelope is on its way to you in the post full of amazing polaroid memories. You can even choose to add a message to your polaroids on the app which I thought was a really sweet idea - especially if you're sending a special photo to a loved one and want to make it more personal. As you can see from my photos above, I chose a selection of photos that mean a lot to me - most of which are special times with my family, boyfriend and friends.They're all photos I'll look back on in the future with happy memories which is so lovely!

Another thing I love about polaroid images is how vintage they look. Not many people use polaroid cameras these days so its really quirky and unique to have some of my favourite photos as polaroids. I'm planning on making something cool with them - perhaps a pin board or collage so I'll be sure to report back when I've decided how I want to display them. The possibilities are endless.

In terms of cost, the app's currency is in Euros and US dollars but don't let that scare you off as you can order from anywhere in the world. The cost of the prints are slightly more pricey than the standard cost of photo printing but you definitely get what you pay for and the prints are HD quality. You can find out more about their pricing on the website linked above but as most of my readers are from the UK, the price when converted to pounds is £1.31 for the first print and 31 pence for each additional print. That means you can get 30 HD polaroid prints for around £12.00 which I don't think is too bad at all.

Anyway, this post has turned into a humongous ramble about my love of photography and polaroid images so I'm going to stop here before I get carried away!

What do you think of Printic? Will you be ordering yourself some polaroids? 

Lots of Love,

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الخميس، 20 فبراير 2014

Valentines Love Me Beauty Box (& 10% off)

February Love Me Beauty Box

Love Me Beauty Box | £10.00 plus £2.95 p&p | Link

Another month and another Love Me Beauty box. My favourite beauty box arrived in the post last week and I couldn't wait to dive into the amazing contents of this months box. As it was Valentine's day recently, Love Me Beauty created their standard three menus but this time they've included a mystery product in each box as a special Valentine's Day surprise. All of the mystery products included are referred to by LMB as 'hero' products -  products that were well loved in previous boxes. I thought that was a nice touch and their red themed packaging is obviously ver fitting too! The menu I chose this month is menu 1 and here's what I received inside ...

February Love Me Beauty Box 3
February Love Me Beauty Box 2

Percy & Reed No Fuss Flawlessness Dry Conditioner | Full Size | RRP £12.00
So I'm pretty sure we've all heard of dry shampoo before but dry conditioner? I didn't even know it existed! This humongous bottle of Percy & Reed dry conditiner is supposed to add healthy looking gloss and shine to the hair on those days betweeen washes when it starts to look a bit dry and lacklustre. I'm excited to try this one - I wonder if I'll love it as much as my dry shampoo! I also love the Percy & Reed pacakging - its so girly and quirky!

La Claree Smooth Day Face Care | 7ml sample | Worth £3.92
I could probably take or leave this product to be honest. I'm quite happy with my skincare routine at the moment and already have my favourite moisturisers so I can't see me getting much use out of this La Claree one. However, if you have  dry skin and are in need of a thick moisturiser to combat dry areas, this may well be for you. It contains a tonne of different essential oils and promises to "soothe the skin, restoring its softness and radiance". I'm not completely dismissing this product as the cute little jar will be handy for travelling but I think I need to use my 10,000 other moisturisers first!

The Bakewell Soap Company Multi Purpose Pocket Balm | Full Size | RRP £5.45 
This is another product I wasn't too excited about when I first opened my box but I have to say since trying it my opinion has changed. This multi-purpose balm can be used anywhere on the face or body that requires some extra hydration. I've used it on my lips as a lip balm and its absolutely lovely. Just like the Bakewell Soap Company's website claims, the belnd of vitamin A, C and E along with essential fatty acids and Omega 3 "provide welcome relief and soothing moisture for skin in need of a little TLC". I'm also going to give this a try on my cuticles as I imagine it would be great for softening them too!

Inner Me Beautify Me Vitamin Complex  (28 capsules) | Full Size | RRP £15.00
This is the product I'm most intrigued by this month as I've never taken vitamins before and these ones are specially designed to help keep hair, skin and nails healthy. I absolutely love the packaging too - the artwork on the front of the box looks so pretty and the capsules inside are labelled with days which is very handy. You get 28 capsules in this pack which is a two week supply and they're worth £15 which is more than this entire box. Wowzer! You can find out more about the ingredients in these capsules and how they work, here.

Art Deco Hydra Lip Booster | Full Size | RRP £11.50
My Valentine's surprise in this months box was a full size Art Deco lip booster and I couldn't be more chuffed with it. I've received one of these in a previous box and its absolutely beautiful so I'm more than happy to now own another shade. The idea behind the lip boosters is that they smooth out imperfections, hydrate the lips and make them appear full. I'd definitely agree that it does all of those things and the light wash of colour they provide is a nice bonus!

Again, another unbelieveable box from Love Me Beauty. Four full size products, most of which cost more to buy individually than the box itself. Its complete madness that five amazing beauty products cost only £10 - what a bargain! I'm particuarly excited to try the Beautify Me vitamins and the Percy & Reed dry conditioner this month as they're both unlike anything I've ever tried before. I think that's the great thing about beauty boxes - trying products I wouldn't normally buy for myself and discovering new favourites.

As a special treat for the readers of my blog - Love Me Beauty have very kindly given me a unique discount code which allows you to receive 10% off your first subscription. All you need to do is enter 'CG10' into the checkout to receive the discount. Also, don't be put off by needing to subscribe as you always have the option to 'skip' a month if you don't like any of the contents and you can cancel at any time. To learn more about how Love Me Beauty works, you can visit their website here. For just over £10 including delivery, you'll receive this lovely bunch of beauty products worth a whopping £47.87 delivered straight to your door. Sounds too good to be true right?

Will you be taking advantage of my discount code and getting yourself one of these boxes? If so, be sure to let me know what you think by sending me a tweet to @k_leexjx.

Lots of Love,

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الاثنين، 17 فبراير 2014

Puppy Love | Meet Bindi


This weekend my boyfriend and I travelled home to the Lake District to go and meet my nanna and grandad's beautiful new puppy Bindi. I was like an excited child all the way home and I couldn't wait to give her a big cuddle. As soon as I walked into their living room and saw her sat on the sofa - a teeny tiny ball of fluffy cuteness, I completely fell in love and was instantly besotted by her. If you follow me on Instagram (@kayleighjcouture), you've probably seen me posting photos and declaring my love for her all weekend. Yep, I'm smitten.

To be honest, I never used to be a dog person until my nanna and grandad got a puppy named Amber eight years ago. I was fifteen at the time and before that stage I'd always been terrified of dogs (thanks to a few bad experiences when I was younger). However, as soon as they got Amber, a gorgeous black and white springer spaniel, I was officially converted and I'm now a fully certified dog person. Unfortunately Amber passed away a few months ago from sudden liver failure and we were all heartbroken. She was such a fun and loveable dog and she really made my visits to my nanna and grandad's house all the more special. She'd always be happy to see me, always be happy to play all weekend long with her favourite blue ball and she'd always be sad to see me leave. I think that's the wonderful thing about pets - they love you unconditionally and they're always there to boost your mood and make you laugh.

With this being said, my nanna and grandad felt their house wasn't a home without a dog and although they never want to replace Amber, they decided a new puppy would lift their spirits and inject that feeling of joy and happiness a pet brings back into their lives. That's when they decided to go and look at some cavapoo (cavalier crossed with a minature poodle) puppies and they completely fell in love with them. Last weekend they brought Bindi home, a little girl puppy and she's been utterly spoilt and cherished ever since. A few of you were asking questions about her on my Instagram photos so I thought it'd be nice to do a post about her and share some of the photos I took over the weekend on my DSLR. I think she was sick of me and my camera by the end of the weekend but isn't she the most adorable thing you've ever seen? I'm going to get some of the photos above printed off for my nanna and grandad as they're just so lovely.

Its hard to gage how small she actually is from the photos above but she's only ever so slightly bigger than my nanna and grandad's ipad and she's as light as a feather - less than half a stone. She's got the most beautiful caramel coat of curly hair and she looks just like a little teddy bear. She loves to cuddle which is fab as its safe to say she's had a lot of cuddles from me this weekend! She's also a playful little thing and has a 'hyper' half hour when she gets up in the morning. She's also doing brilliantly with her weeing and pooping and has only done the deed on the carpet once so far. Yay! She has some naughty traits too which include nibbling anything she can get a hold of (she especially loves ankles and socks) and going to the toilet in the kitchen everytime we sit down to eat - haha! Hopefully they're just puppy traits though and she'll grow out of them with some more training.

I could sit and talk about her all day but I'll stop here before I start rambling. To summarise, she's absolutely beautiful and I'm already looking forward to going home again for another visit. If you've been thinking about getting a puppy for a while - I say go for it. It isn't easy and in some ways its just like looking after a baby but the positives certainly outweigh any negatives. I can't wait to get a puppy of my own in the future!

Do you have any pets? How did you find training a puppy? I'd love some tips so I can pass on to my nanna and grandad! :)

Lots of Love,

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السبت، 15 فبراير 2014

Chanel Rouge Coco Shine Lipstick & Glossimer

Chanel Lipstick and Lipgloss Review
Chanel Savage Garden Glossimer and Rouge Coco Shine Fiction Lipstick Review
Chanel Savage Garden Glossimer and Rouge Coco Shine Fiction Lipstick Review 2
Chanel Savage Garden Glossimer and Rouge Coco Shine Fiction Lipstick Review 3
Chanel Savage Garden Glossimer and Rouge Coco Shine Fiction Lipstick Review 6
Chanel Savage Garden Glossimer and Rouge Coco Shine Fiction Lipstick Review 7
Chanel Savage Garden Glossimer and Rouge Coco Shine Fiction Lipstick Review 9
Chanel Savage Garden Glossimer and Rouge Coco Shine Fiction Lipstick Review 10

I was a very lucky girl this Christmas and two of the gifts I received are these stunning Chanel lip products. Chanel is a brand I'd never ever tried before due to its high price tags so Christmas was the perfect time for me to pop some of their products on my wish list. As a lip product junkie, I've always been drawn to their lip products so you can imagine my excitement when I was presented with two of the beautiful monochrome Chanel bags on Christmas day, one containing a Rouge Coco Shine lipstick in the shade 'Fiction' (which my boyfriend chose for me himself - bless) and the other containing a 'Glossimer' in the shade 'Savage Grace' from my boyfriends mum and dad. Both of them are absolutely beautiful and right up my street in the berry pink/plum colour stakes.

When it comes to makeup packaging, I'd say Chanel is up there with the likes of YSL  - its complete luxury. Yes its a lot more simple and chic than YSL packaging but it has that same expensive and luxurious look - sleek black tubes with gold detailing and the famous Chanel logo engraved on the lid. There's just something so sophisticated about it.  

Packing aside, the products themselves are just as beautiful. The Rouge Coco Shine lipstick in the shade 'Fiction', a sheer berry/plum is absolutely gorgeous and I've been wearing it none stop on days I want to add a light wash of colour to my lips. Its the perfect Winter shade and looks great against my pale skin tone - its quite vampy but the Coco Shine formula ensures that it isn't too vibrant and instead very subtle and perfect for day to day wear. Its quite a sheer formula with a balm/glossy finish but it isn't too sheer that it doesn't show up on my lips - somewhere inbetween I'd say. The formula also means its very hydrating, it doesn't cling to any dry patches and its very comfortable to wear.vIt isn't the most long lasting lipstick I've ever used due to the glossy finish but I can't say that bothers me too much as I'm more than happy to pull a Chanel lipstick out of my bag for touch-ups.

The 'Glossimer' which is essentially just a fancy name for a lipgloss is a real stand out to me and its one I spotted straight away while persuing the Chanel counter with boyfriends mum just before Christmas. I gave it a swatch on the back of my hand and I fell in love straight away - a highly pigmented berry pink that's super glossy with tonnes of shimmer to make lips look extra full and glossy. I knew it would be the perfect product to wear over the party season and indeed it was - it really is a beautiful shade. My only niggle with it is that its ever so slightly sticky so its definitely not one to wear when its windy outside! ;)

Overall I'm chuffed to bits with my new Chanel lip products and I can't believe its taken me so long to try something. I can see a new obsession starting as their bronze universal and les beiges powder are next on my list!

What do you think of Chanel makeup? Can you recommend me anything else to try?

Lots of Love,

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الأربعاء، 12 فبراير 2014

New From Benefit | Lollitint Lip & Cheek Stain

Benefit Lollitint Lip and Cheek Stain Review and Swatches
Benefit Lollitint Lip and Cheek Stain Review 2
Benefit Lollitint Lip and Cheek Stain Review 4
Benefit Lollitint Lip and Cheek Stain Review 5
Benefit Lollitint Lip and Cheek Stain Review 3
Benefit Lollitint Lip and Cheek Stain Review 6
Benefit Lollitint Lip and Cheek Stain Review 7

Benefit Lollitint Lip & Cheek Stain* | £24.50 | Link

The latest product to be added to Benefit's line up comes in the form of 'Lollitint', a candy-orchid lip and cheek stain. This is the fourth stain to be added to Benefits growing collection and now sits nicely alongside Cha Cha tint, Bene tint and Pose tint. Its the most pink toned of all Benefit's tints so if you like a girly pink cheek and lip, this will be the one for you. Here's how Benefit describe it ...

"Our candy-orchid tint treats lips & cheeks to a “pop” of dreamy sweetness. It’s the flirtiest flush you can get from a bottle…and its smudge-proof, smooch-proof color lasts from A.M. to P.M. Talk about stain power!"

Okay, so the first thing I have to mention is of course the packaging. You all know me by now, I'm a sucker for cute packaging and Benefit get a 10/10 for this one. Housed in a cute pink polka-dot box, this product screams girliness as soon as you look at it. Open the box and inside the girliness continues with a beautiful metallic pink bottle that looks just like a nail polish. Its seriously beautiful and I've had it sat out on my dressing table since I received it as I can't bare to hide it away.

Pretty packaging aside, let me give you my thoughts on the actual product itself. Firstly, if you don't know what the Benefit tints are, they're a stain that is applied with a nail polish style applicator to the lips and cheeks. The great thing about them is that they're multi-purpose and exceptionally long-lasting. As soon as the stain is applied, it stays there until you take it off. This is perfect for people like me who get particuarly frustrated when my blush or lipstick seems to vanish halfway through the day. With Lollitint, as soon as its applied - it isn't going anywhere. I even tested this by swatching it on my hand and trying to wash it off straight away. Rest assured, it didn't budge and it took a LOT of scrubbing to eventually get it off my hand. Impressive!

As well as being super long lasting, the candy pink shade with lilic undertones is exceptionally pretty and although I don't normally like to wear pink shades on my cheeks, I find this one so flattering and I imagine it would suit almost any skin tone. When applied lightly, I find it gives me that 'just been out in the cold' healthy looking flush which I absolutely love but when applied more heavily, it can create a really bold statment cheek. I've never been one for a bold cheek myself but if that's the look you go for or you have a darker skin tone, this can be built up to the exact intensity you want it. I think this is the great thing about this product - its so versatile. I'll definitely be layering this on my lips to create a bold pink lip when the weather warms up as its a great fun shade for the Spring/Summer months. I'm also looking forward to the prospect of sipping cocktails on holiday without my lipstick disappearing. Yay for all night staying power!

If I was to be really picky - the only slight fault I can give this product is that it dries exceptionally quickly and if you don't blend it instantly after application, you could be left with big lines across your cheeks. That's not an issue for me as I blend it straight away with a stippling brush but its just worth baring in mind that you can't take your time applying this product or you could risk looking like Coco the clown. Blend, blend, blend ladies!

Overall, this is a great multi-purpose product that is exceptionally long lasting and can be worn in a number of ways, depending on the look you're going for! It costs £24.50 which is pretty expensive but as with all Benefit products, the high quality is there and this little pot will last a lifetime!

Have you ever tried one of Benefit's lip & cheek tints? Will you be trying Lollitint?

Lots of Love, 
