special costumes: Christmas List Contenders #1

السبت، 16 نوفمبر 2013

Christmas List Contenders #1

Screen shot 2013-11-08 at 22.57.55
As Christmas is quickly creeping up on us and my family have started asking me what I'd like in terms of gifts, it got me thinking about things I might like Santa to bring me this year. To be honest, there isn't anything specific I want this year but as a beauty addict, there's always going to be a few things on my wish list. I guess Christmas is a great time to get a few bits and bobs I've been eyeing up for quite some time but perhaps can't afford to buy for myself. I thought I'd put together a few  'Christmas List Contenders' posts which will basically show you the things I want to get my mitts on and potentially add to my Christmas list. Here's the first installment ...

Origins GinZing Moisturiser // Link
I've been meaning to buy this moisturiser for such a long time now but with Christmas coming up and being a bit short of cash, I keep putting it off. With this being said, I think this will definitely be going on my Christmas list. I really like Origins products and I've heard nothing but rave reviews about this one so I've decided its time to try it for myself. Apparently its a gel like formula that is light and none-greasy on the skin which sounds perfect for me. I also hear it smells like Oranges and I love citrus scents so I just know I'll love it!

Ted Baker Large Wash Bag // Link
Although I recently bought myself a Cath Kidston washbag to keep my everyday makeup in, I've always wanted one from Ted Baker. They're slightly pricier than the average makeup bag which is probably why I've never bought one for myself but they're just so beautiful and I'd love to have one sat on my dressing table. 

MAC Soft & Gentle MSF // Link
MAC Soft & Gentle is my favourite highlighter of all time but since running out a few months ago, I've never got round to repurchasing it. Its the most beautiful champagne shade which looks great with my pale skintone and the pigmentation is just second to none. With the slightest dab of my brush, this product provides a beautiful glow to my skin. I don't find it glittery in the slightest and its just the perfect finising touch for any makeup look. It makes my skin look so radiant and I can't express how much I love this stuff!

Canon 50mm Lens // Link
As a beauty blogger, my Canon 600D is constantly attached to my hand snapping away at beauty products. I absolutely adore taking photos with it and photography is definitely one of, if not my absolute favourite thing about blogging. It really allows me to get creative and I always feel a sense of pride and satisfaction when I take a great shot. With this being said, I'm always looking for new ways to improve the quality of my photos and I think a new lens for my camera (I'm using the basic kit lens at the moment) would really help with this. I've been recommended the 50mm lens by lots of fellow bloggers as its apparently great for really close up detailed shots with a blurred background. Its also not as expensive as I thought it would be so it seems like the best one to go for!

Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder // Link
I've heard so many great things about this powder and its slowly become one of those products that I'm so intreguied to try for myself. I've heard its the perfect finishing touch for makeup and really gives the skin a beautiful radiance. Okay so it isn't an essential but isn't that what Christmas gifts should be - things we wouldn't normally buy ourselves? If you've tried this out, let me know what you think.

So there we have it - some lovely bits and pieces I'm considering adding to my Christmas list. If you've tried or own any of these things, let me know what you think in the comments. 

What's on your Christmas list?

Lots of Love,


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