special costumes: Amazing Advertisers // October

الخميس، 31 أكتوبر 2013

Amazing Advertisers // October

Hi guys! So its that time again - the end of yet another month. October has whizzed by in a flash and I can't quite believe its the 1st of November tomorrow. I am excited though because November is the month I start to get really really really excited for Christmas. My boyfriend and I have booked a week off work mid-November and we're so excited to go Christmas shopping and to the local Christmas markets. Only one more month until our Christmas tree goes up too. Words can't describe how excited I am about that! So without me babbling on about my excitement for Christmas any longer, let me introduce you to some wonderful blogs and websites that have been sitting over in my sidebar for the past month. As always they're a fab bunch and I'd highly recommend checking them all out ...

Vicky from Beauty Blogging Brunette
Hi everyone, I'm Vicky and I blog at beautybloggingbrunette.blogspot.co.uk. I've been passionate about writing for as long as I can remember and as a trained makeup artist with over two years industry experience, I live and breathe beauty! Beauty blogging enables me to combine the two as well as share the tips and tricks I've picked up along the way with everyone.

I'm on the verge of dipping my toes into the world of YouTube soon to explore the more interactive side of beauty - I'm so excited to share my makeup stories with you all!

Charlotte from Bercie Baby

Hi Guys, My name is Charlotte & I’m a Parent/Lifestyle blogger over at bericebaby.com. I blog about being a first time mum to my baby boy Hayden, Fashion, Beauty, everyday products and everyday life. I am somewhat of a part-time vlogger over on my youtube too HAHA.

Stop by and say Hi – Love meeting new people!

Lotte xo

Blog || Youtube || Twitter || FaceBook || Pinterest || Instagram

Website - Yuko

YUKO Permanent Hair Straightening was created in Japan in 1996 by Yuko Yamashita, a passionate hair stylist and salon owner who, after witnessing as a child the happiness a haircut gave her mother and sister,decided to make other people just as happy by dedicating her life to hairdressing. Throughout her years as a stylist, Yuko was shocked to discover that only 5 out of every 100 people were happy with their hair and a staggering 75% were concerned because their curly, unruly, sleek or thick hair was not to their satisfaction. In just the same way that most people are unhappy with their bodies and would change something if they could, Yuko committed her passion to find a solution; a way of giving people the opportunity to have the hair they desired. In pursuit of this, Yuko began a project with Japanese health, sports and beauty giant Phiten to develop her own perm solution, alongside having developed a successful solution, YUKO now also has a successful and comprehensive homecare range suited to treat all hair types.

YUKO can be purchased online at www.yuko-london.com.

Hi I'm Stacie and I write "Life is Worth The Fight". I'm 22 years old, currently doing my history degree and also waiting for a heart and double lung transplant. I starting writing my blog last year as a way to write things down as I went on this lovely journey of mine. Then the more I got into to more it made me want to raise awareness for disease and organ donation in general. 

As I have come to realise with more exposure to this world people my age don't tend to think about this type of stuff unless they are directly affected and I just feel like I have a responsibility to get the word out there as much as possible. "Life is worth the fight" is really just my little place where I write down everything I'm feeling, collect memories and talk about the things I love, and if I help raise awareness for PH and organ donation then that would be wonderful too. 

I also hope that inspires others who are maybe newly diagnosed or something happens to them that life will always be worth the fight no matter what situation you are in :) 

Much Love Stacie xoxo

Adrienne from Late Night Nonsense
I'm Adrienne and I blog about beauty, fashion and lifestyle over at Late Night Nonsense. I'm constantly on the lookout for products and gadgets to make insomnia a thing of the past and to hide those dark circles with my sleep deprived skin. I write a lot on sleep issues, as I believe this is my niche but it doesn't stop there. Come check out my blog for a little dose of realness with a hint of perspective. I also have a Youtube channel where I blabber on about anything and everything, so make sure to give that a look if you'd rather see my face and hear my voice. I'm on Twitter too if you feel like dropping me a tweet!

Cat from Cattface

Hiyaa! I'm Catt, a 22 year old part-time writer and full-time cat lady from the glorious north west. cattface is my little corner of the internet to basically think aloud. I can't honestly say that I stick to one thing with my posts, its a real mixed bag - there's a bitta fashion, a bitta beauty, but mostly its just me having a good rant about things in my life!

I love to write, and blogging is slowly but surely becoming my obsession. Why not come over and say hi - you might just read something useful and/or amusing. Maybe. Love Catt xxx

Zoe from Zoe Georgina

Hello, I'm Zoe a beauty and fashion blogger from Devon. I started my blog six months ago, after reading other blogs i felt like it was something i'd love to have a go at myself. It's been amazing turning my passions into a hobby, definitely one of the best decisions i've made! Come and say hello over at zoegeorgina.blogspot.com where i do outfit posts, nail tutorials, beauty hauls and reviews. I would love for you to stop by. 


Rebecca from Dizzee Darling
My name is Rebecca and I live on the South Coast with my parents, Gran and cat, Flossy. I work in marketing department for a local company and absolutely love my job even though it can be quite stressful at times!

I started Dizzee Darling for two reasons. One is that I've been an avid reader of blogs for years now and thoroughly enjoy finding out what everyone has been up to! The second is to save my long suffering boyfriend some earache as I ramble on about that coat/dress/nail varnish I saw today!

I'm really looking forward to meeting lots of new people and making new friends so please feel free to come and say hi!

Amy from Amy Lauren

Well hello there! I'm Amy Lauren and I'm a writer and enthusiast of ALL things beauty, fashion and lifestyle related (Which pretty much covers anything and everything!). One night, I decided to combine my two passions in life - Beauty and writing and in that moment 'Amy Lauren' was born! I write everything from beauty reviews to little motivational blogposts for when you're having one of those days! I hope you like my blog! A, XO.

I hope you found some new reading material! Let me know if you pop over to follow any of these blogs - I'm sure you'll love them all as much as I do!

Lots of Love,


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