special costumes: "Photography is a Scrapbook of your Life" ...

الجمعة، 24 مايو 2013

"Photography is a Scrapbook of your Life" ...

Photographs, Photos, Photography, Images, Save your Memories, Memories, Online Digital Photo Printing, PhotoBox, TruPrint, Online Photo Printing Services,

Hi everyone! Todays post isn't about beauty or fashion but something I want to share regardless. Lately I got thinking about the world (wow, you'd think I was ninety) and it made me realise that lots of people, myself included, don't own 'proper' photographs anymore. What I mean by proper photographs is actual printed images that you put in photo albums. Nowadays its all about iphones and digital cameras and although they're fabulous, flicking through photos on a laptop or phone isn't the same as holding a real photograph in your hands.

When I was younger I remember my family taking photos and videos at every opportunity they had. Whether it was a special occasion, family holiday or just a relaxed day at home, they'd be there, capturing every moment. They still have those photos now, tucked away in neat photo albums, and looking back at them fills me with joy and happy memories. I travelled home to the Lake District recently and my Mum, Nanna, Sister and I decided to take a walk down memory lane looking through old photos and watching old videos (yes videos, remember those?). It was so lovely to see images from years and years ago that were still there, albeit a little bit worn out, to flick through and enjoy, decades later.

Photographs, Photos, Photography, Images, Save your Memories, Memories, Online Digital Photo Printing, PhotoBox, TruPrint, Online Photo Printing Services,

Image: Source

It got me thinking that although I take hundreds of photos (I'm the girl thats constantly taking photos wherever she goes. Yes, even of my food), I haven't had any of them printed and put into photo albums for a good five years. It actually made me really sad to think that if my laptop were to crash or I lost my phone, years worth of happy memories and photographs would be gone. Just like that, in the blink of an eye. 

With this being said, I immediately decided that I had to print lots of my favourite images, sooner rather than later. The thought of losing them all made me shudder - it might sound dramatic but the thought of having no images to look back on when I'm old and wrinkly made me really upset. I want to be able to show my children and grandchildren old photos and re-live the 'good old days'. 

I didn't want to pay a fortune to get my photos printed (which is the only downside to 'real-life' photographs) so I took to good old Google to see which sites would print me a big batch for a reasonable price. I was shocked by how many amazing photo-printing websites appeared in the search results and two of them really stood out to me - PhotoBox and TruPrint. I was amazed when I saw that Photobox are offering 60 free prints when you sign up to their website and TruPrint were offering 50 free prints if you signed up to theirs. Thats 110 free printed images for signing up to a couple of websites - amazing right? I must admit going through the thousands of images on my laptop and phone and only selecting 110 was quite a mission but it was lovely to look back at old photos and pick out the ones that were special to me.

Photographs, Photos, Photography, Images, Save your Memories, Memories, Online Digital Photo Printing, PhotoBox, TruPrint, Online Photo Printing Services,

After I'd chose my 110 free prints I proceeded to the checkout expecting there to be some sort of hidden catch. Luckily, there wasn't, just a small delivery fee. I think I paid around £1.99 for delivery on both websites and as simple as that, hundreds of memories were on the way to me in the post. They both arrived only two days later (big thumbs up for speedy delivery) and I'm absolutely thrilled with them. I got such a huge sense of satisfaction looking through them all and I can't wait to organise them all into albums. That will be my next photo project - finding a website that sells cute and affordable photo albums. If you know of any, do let me know.

This is quite a spontaneous post and not one I'd planned to write but I hope it gives you that little nudge to go and get some of your favourite photographs printed. The current deals on the PhotoBox and TruPrint websites are just too good to miss so do make sure you go and check them out, you won't regret it! They do lots of other cute bits and bobs too like photo books, canvases and calendars.

"Photography is a scrapbook of your life". Don't lose any chapters from yours!

Lots of Love,

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