special costumes: Amazing Advertisers // April

الثلاثاء، 30 أبريل 2013

Amazing Advertisers // April

Hi Guys! I know I say this in every single one of my advertiser posts but wow, where on earth did this past month go? Time is flying by far too quickly for my liking - I'll be a wrinkly old lady before I know it. I was originally meant to put this post up yesterday but ended up rushing around like a headless chicken all night so I do apologise its a day late. Anyway, as I'm sure you all know by now,  each month my fabulous advertisers share a little bit about themselves and their blogs in the hope you'll pop on over to say hello. I really love reading advertiser posts as I always find new blogs to read and love. I'm sure you won't be disappointed with this months selection of fantastic blogs, I've been reading each and every one of them and they're all fabulous. Keep reading to find out a little more about them all and as always, if you click on the name of their blog, it will take you straight to it. Enjoy ...

Holly from Summer Holly Day
Hello! My name is Holly, I'm 24 and I live by the seaside in a little town in the South West of England. I blog at summerhollyday.com, which is a beauty blog with little dots of fashion and lifestyle thrown in! I've been creating websites (mainly wrestling fansites!) and logging my life over on Livejournal for the past decade and finally decided to create my beauty blog in September 2012. Summer Holly Day contains a mixture of product reviews, beauty features and most prominently chronicles my ever-growing spending addiction (aka haul posts). I also talk about food a lot because I'm a bit of a porker.

I work as a copywriter by day and spend my evenings writing up beauty reviews, eating copious amounts of cheese, drinking rum and pretending to be Katy Perry. I love reading, cats, dresses, sunshine, festivals, yoga (when I don't fall over), flowers and blusher.Please pop over and say hello, meeting new people is one of my favourite things and I'd love to get to know you :)

Paula from Pretty Pollys Blog
Hi, I'm Paula and I blog over at Pretty Polly's Blog, a little place full of beauty and food posts.  I started my blog in October last year and remember thinking how am I going to post every week? Now it's safe to say I don't have that worry and am proud to say in all sense of the word I truly am a beauty hoarding blogger! I love pink lipsticks, bows, purple nails and food from all over the globe, all of which feature in my little blog. 

Now I'm in full swing I plan to be more creative with posts and start doing more tutorials including nail art and hair. Full time buyer by day, blogger by night, it really has taken over my life and now I can't imagine life without it, I love it! 

Hope you can drop by
Paula xx

You can visit me on my blog  http://prettyp33.blogspot.co.uk/
I am also over on paulahunter100 on Instagram which is full of nails and food, perfect combo!

Steph from Captivating Beauty

Hi Everyone! My name is Steph and I write over at Captivating Beauty. My slice of the web is very new at only 2 months old but I have loved blogging and can't imagine my life without it now.

I started watching Youtube beauty videos a few years ago which then expanded to reading blogs up until every evening of mine was consumed by beauty blogs and videos! Which is why I decided to break into the beauty community;which I have to say is so friendly and supportive, and start my own blog.

Over at Captivating Beauty you can expect reviews, hauls, OOTN and a few lifestyle posts popped in to give you more of an insight into my life. I can't wait for my blog to continue to grow and would love for you all to share this time with me, you never know you may eventually see my face pop up on Youtube!

I would love for you to come over and say hey or send me a tweet, I love nothing more than chatting to people with a common interest for anything girly! 

My Blog: http://captivatingbeeauty.blogspot.co.uk/
My Bloglovin: http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/4873977
Twitter: https://twitter.com/stephking11
Instagram: stephaninevking 

I'm Alice - but you'll soon learn my nickname is Mouse. I'm 26, live in London and love peonies, bunting and owls. I started my blog in January of this year and have so far been totally humbled by how lovely everyone has been. 

Tea Party With Alice is predominantly a beauty focused blog, but laced with shabby chic interior, lifestyle, and the occasional fashion post. 

I would love you to come over and say hello :-)! 

Twitter - @tpartywithalice

Charlotte from lilmisschickas

Hi everyone :) I'm Charlotte and blog over at lilmisschickas, or LMC as I affectionately call it these days!  By day I talk all things 'under the car bonnet', recruiting mechanics but by night I can be found over on my blog, cooing over the latest lipstick release or a pretty household item I've found for my 'Girl Cave!'

My blog is all thing beauty and lifestyle with a little fashion and food thrown in from time to time.  I've been blogging for about 15 months now and I love every minute of it.  I absolutely adore blogging and love sharing my thoughts, reviews and general ramblings with my loyal followers.  I have a penchant for bright colours and own more blushes than perhaps is necessary but I wouldn't have it any other way, although I'm sure my fella would disagree! 

I also run a youtube channel which is also called 'lilmisschickas' which is basically just an extension of my blog... only you get to hear me ramble in my soft brummie tones.  So if you're as addicted to all things beauty and lifestyle as me then please pop along and say hello :)

Vanessa from Vanessa's Beauty Fix
My name is Vanessa, I'm 19 years old and a fully qualified Beauty Therapist and Make-Up Artist. I am a beauty addict, so when I discovered the whole blogging world/Youtube I was like a kid in a candy store and as I loved reading other peoples blogs so much I decided to make my own! My blog consists of mainly beauty, with make-up, skincare, nail posts, product reviews, hauls, and the occasional fashion post - although I am definitely aiming to do more fashion type posts soon. 

I love blogging, being able to write and share my passion for all things beauty related is something I really enjoy and I love reading the feedback from fellow beauty addicts/readers. It would be amazing if you had a little nosey at my blog and let me know what you think.

Where to find me...
Blog http://vanessabeautyfix.blogspot.co.uk/
Bloglovin http://www.bloglovin.com/en/blog/3205118/vanessabeautyfix
Twitter https://twitter.com/Vanessalouise_
Instagram http://instagram.com/#vanessalouisee

Carla form What She Said

Hey lovelies! I'm Carla, the Londoner behind What She Said - the place for beauty addicts to get their fix! I’ve got a passion for beauty products, a penchant for holidays & a somewhat problematic addiction to shopping! 

Over on What She Said you'll find raves about my favourite products, a chance to look in on my latest hauls, the odd tutorials and generally what I think is worth the hype (& what isn’t). It's my internet haven to pick the brains of the beauty world but most of all it’s a place where I like to engage with other people who, like me, dedicate far too much of their life to cosmetics! 

So here’s your official invite; if you fancy swinging on over to What She Said & seeing if the place takes your fancy, well i'll see you there! Find me trying to make sense of life on Twitter, wasting too much time on Tumblr, day dreaming hours away on Pinterest and capturing every moment on Instagram! 
Becky from Beauty Becky
My name is Becky and I started my blog, Beauty Becky, in March 2012 (nearly one year ago now!) I first started watching Youtube beauty videos about five years ago and through them I discovered beauty blogs which became a huge hobby of mine to read. I love finding new brands and products to try, which my bank balance probably doesn’t love so much! 

I thought it would be really fun to start my own beauty blog and be a part of the lovely beauty community. My blog mainly consists of reviews on beauty products, with monthly favourites and a couple of outfit posts too! At the end of December I posted my first Youtube video! I had wanted to make videos for a while and I am so glad I finally filmed and uploaded one. Although it’s only been one month, I love Youtube too and it’s so exciting! 

I am currently in my last year of College and planning to train as a makeup artist in the next couple of years which I am so excited about! Another hobby of mine is photography which I have always enjoyed and constantly taking photos for my blog is making me love it even more! Very recently I redesigned my blog so if you do have a look at it then please let me know what you think – I would love to know! I have also just opened up a design shop which is very exciting! 

I absolutely love it when a follower sends me a message if they want a chat so please feel free to contact me! 

Twitter - @beautybeckyblog
Facebook – beautybeckyblog
Instagram - @beautybeckyblog

Natalie from Floral Republic

Hi! My name is Natalie and I started blogging just five months ago back in November. As a journalism student at university I've always been told to have a blog to use a portfolio to display my work but I decided it'd be a much better idea to put my love of beauty to good use and start a blog about that instead!

I love the blogging community as it's so great to talk to people with similar interests to me - most people get bored when I ramble on about makeup! My blog is mainly about beauty but I'll be including a lot more fashion and lifestyle stuff in there too. I love creating nail art and making DIY face masks and writing about how I got on with them.

I would love for you to pop over and say hello!

My names fatin and you can find me per on www.ohmygoshmake-up.com.

I'm a 27 year old dental nurse who's love for make-up is just beyond purchasing and collecting. I'm originally from nottingham and came to Londonderry about 9 years ago! Being middle eastern my parents were really strict so make-up up to the age of 18 was a no no! My first purchase was from Mac itself and I had bought my first product which was a lipstick called hue! We all know about this beauty! Since then I have been a massive fan of beauty and all things fashion related. I studied a levels in art, textiles and sociology. I have a qualification in styling but since being a mum, my career took a different turn!

I decided to blog because it was a open way of expressing y love and passion for make-up and fashion without having to preasureise my self in any way. I find that the blogger community is just the friendliest. You'll find lots of FOTD, TUTORIALS AND general beauty reviews over on my blog.

I hope you all enjoyed finding out a little bit more about each of these ladies, all of their blogs are fabulous so I'd really recommend you pop on over for a look. I'm sure it would make their day! If you want to advertise with me in June, please have a look at my packages here.

Lots of Love,

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