special costumes: Life Lately | A New Home, A New City & A New Job!

الجمعة، 26 سبتمبر 2014

Life Lately | A New Home, A New City & A New Job!

A New Home, A New City & A New Job, Life Lately, Life Update, Moving House and Job, Dealing with big life changesThere's me on my new balcony - pretty views!
Hey guys! So I was going to start this post with 'sorry I haven't posted as regularly as usual recently' and blah blah blah but I then realised that's a silly thing to say - at the end of the day, for most of us, blogs are our hobbies and sometimes, day to day life gets in the way and stops us doing our hobby as much as we'd like to. If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram I'm sure you'll know that recently there's been quite a few changes in my life. I moved from Newcastle to Manchester with my boyfriend after living in Newcastle for the past six years, I moved into a gorgeous new flat and I started an exciting new job! Yep, three big life changes have hit me all at once and I must say, I've found it all quite stressful but exciting at the same time.

As an anxious person, being in unfamiliar surroundings leaves me feeling uneasy so I was really worried I was going to be a total mess and although I was for the first few days, because everything has happened so quickly, I haven’t really had time to think about . Don’t get me wrong, I've definitely had wobbly moments where everything has got too much and I've shed a few tears but luckily, I've managed to handle all the changes fairly well. Phew! However, the only thing that totally sucks about my new hectic lifestyle is that my blog has had to take a back seat and instead of sticking to my usual routine, I've been posting pretty sporadically whenever I get a bit of spare time. All I can say is thank goodness for one hour lunch breaks as that’s when most of my blogging has been taking place (like now!).

I’m hoping things will settle down soon and I’ll be back into a normal routine so I can get on top of my to-do list and provide you guys some fun and interesting content! I currently have 70+ post titles saved to my drafts and a box full of products to photograph but not enough time to put any of my ideas into practice - boo! However, I don't want to sound like I'm moaning - my new flat is absolutely gorgeous with two big balconies, gorgeous views and loads of space! I'm planning on doing some interior posts when I get my new sofa and other bits and bobs so look out for those. I also have a home ware haul coming very soon as I've been buying so many cute things to make the new place feel more like home!

I've also started an exciting new job - I'm now Digital PR & Marketing Executive for fashion brand AX Paris. I'm going to be working with lots of bloggers and I've already been to Brighton to assist on the set of their new TV advert and I've been helping to arrange their blogger press day which is tomorrow afternoon! If you're going - I look forward to meeting you there! I actually managed to get the job because of my blog (and with the help of the lovely Grace who initially put me in touch with them) which is just amazing and I'm so proud that my efforts have paid off and landed me a job doing something I love! I might do a post all about it soon, if any of you would be interested?

So yeah, as you can see, things have been pretty crazy for me recently - my whole life has changed these past few weeks and I haven't had any time off between leaving my old job in Newcastle and starting my new one in Manchester. It feels like I haven't even had five minutes to sit and think about everything but in a way, I think that's probably a good thing! Too much thinking time is not good for anxious minds!

Anyway, that's enough rambling from me! Hopefully I'll be back to my normal blogging routine soon as I have so many things I want to share! 

Lots of love,

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