special costumes: Guest Post // Tips on Becoming a Beauty Therapist

الخميس، 29 أغسطس 2013

Guest Post // Tips on Becoming a Beauty Therapist

Do you love beauty products? Have you spent decades of your life poring through magazines, learning all about the new amazing products and dying to try each and every one? Then it sounds like becoming a beauty therapist may just be the thing for you! However, before you embark on your new career path there are a few things that you need to know…

Becoming a beauty therapist requires a lot of hard work as by law all therapists must have a level 3 beauty qualification. This is to make sure that you know how the human body will react to certain beauty products and treatments. During your time studying to become a beauty therapist you will have to learn biology, chemistry, marketing and accounting as well as how to perfect your hands-on skills. Having an in-depth knowledge of the human body means that you will be able to understand how the products you use will improve your clients’ wellbeing and achieve amazing results.

Practice, Practice, Practice
You may have spent years giving yourself manicures, pedicures and facials, however it’s surprising how different it is doing it on someone else! This is why it is essential for all aspiring beauty therapists to practice whenever they can on as many people as possible. Luckily, friends and family members rarely turn down the opportunity to have a free massage or facial, and they will also be able to let you know if there is something they feel you could improve on. Once you have started to perfect your skills it’s a good idea to contact local salons to see if you could do some work experience. Not only will this give you valuable beauty training but also look great on your CV!

Stay Up-to-Date
A week doesn’t go by where magazines aren’t raving about a new beauty treatment, skincare product or nail trend, which means that in order to be the best beauty therapist you need to keep up-to-date with as much beauty news as possible. Reading beauty blogs and magazines is a great way to see what it popular right now, however you should also try and start looking at salon websites and journals discussing new scientific discoveries. Competition is fierce in the beauty industry, so staying one step ahead will mean that you will be able to offer your clients something that many of your competitors can’t, and it will also improve your reputation and ensure your success!

Becoming a beauty therapist requires a huge amount of time and effort, especially as along with all the above you also have to protect your livelihood with specific beauty insurance. Nova Insurance provides competitive salon insurance policies from a range of experienced insurance brokers.

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