special costumes: My Tips For Achieving Long Locks

الخميس، 10 مايو 2012

My Tips For Achieving Long Locks

Hello Beautifuls! Todays post is all about that annoying stuff on our heads called hair. I seem to always get asked questions about my hair so I thought I would do a 'top tips' sort of post on how I look after my hair, what I use and how I have managed to grow it fairly long. Now I am by no means saying I think my hair is amazing as most of the time it sends me flaming loopy but as I get asked questions about my hair more than anything else, I thought this would be a good post to do. My hair has always been a bit 'meh' to be honest and I have never been happy with it. When I was younger it was always that hair that never grew past shoulder length and I've never had any fancy styles. The only things I've ever done with my hair is dyed it brown and had it cut into a bob, both of which I hated by the way. However, in recent months my hair has had a bit of a growth spurt. As you can see in these very posy photo booth pictures above (cringe!) it is now around boobie length. Ever since I was around 15 I have always, always, always worn hair extensions. I have always despised my hair so much that I felt it needed that extra 'oomph' with some extensions. It is only recently that I have really began embracing my natural locks. A lot of people ask me how I style my hair into these loose waves but to be honest, this is it completely natural. If I leave my hair to dry naturally, it ends up like this. In the pictures above the only thing I have done is a bit of backcombing. As my hair has grown, the less wild it has become. When I was younger, I used to wake up looking like I'd been electrocuted or dragged threw a hedge backwards. Not a good look. The only time I really style my hair properly is when I'm going on a night out but I plan on doing a separate post on this soon. For big nights out I will usually go all out with rollers, extensions, GHD's and lots of backcombing to achieve that Chezza style hair everyone longs for. When it comes to colour, I have had my hair highlighted with bleach since I was around 13. I used to have white blonde hair when I was a child but it started turning a horrible mousey brown colour when I hit my teens. Since then I have always had highlights to keep it nice and light. I'm not one for big changes but I am going to the hairdressers next week to get it a more caramel blonde colour. I will be doing a separate post on my new hair but think Jennifer Anniston. Anyway, enough of my hair history and time for some tips on how I keep this bleached blonde barnet in good-ish condition.

These are just a few things I have done myself and find work well for me. I am not a hairdresser and probably have no clue what I'm talking about but if it can help someone out in any way I will be more than happy.

- Whenever possible, leave hair to dry naturally. This is my top hair care tip. If I don't use a hairdryer for a while my hair feels in much better condition. 
- Always use a heat protector - I find the VO5/Aussie ones work well but I have recently ordered a Joico one so I will have to see how that works out.
- Don't brush your hair too often, once or twice a day is plenty.
- When towel drying hair, don't rub but pat it instead.
- Use a wide toothed comb or tangle teezer when brushing wet hair. It will prevent hair from breaking.
- Use a deep conditioner a few times a month to stop hair drying out. You can use them more depending on how dry your hair is. I really want to try the Kerastase one.
- Get your hair trimmed on a regular basis to prevent split ends. You can even do it at home if you trust yourself with scissors.
- Use a hair oil or a leave-in conditioner before blow-drying. I have recently been using Babyliss Pro Argan oil and I love it. I have heard great things about Loreal Mythic & Moroccan oils too.
- Don't over-wash your hair. 2-3 times a week should be enough. Too much washing can strip your hair of its natural oils.
- Massage your scalp when washing your hair. You know how they do it at the hairdressers? It helps blood circulation to your scalp which can help hair to grow.
- Before getting out of the shower, blast your hair with cold water. It will close the cuticles and make it shiny.
- Use a dry shampoo between washes to keep hair looking fresh and prevent over washing.
- Try and use a defuser on your hairdryer so direct heat isn't being used on your hair. I must admit, I don't currently own one but I think its because I have been leaving my hair to dry naturally a lot lately so only blow dry when I'm in an rush.
- Give your hair a break from hair bobbles/tight hairstyles as too much pulling on the hair can cause it to snap.
- Try not using heat every day. Instead of straightening, use mousse to create messy waves or a hair donut for a sophisticated up-do.
- Don't use too many hair products such as hairspray as they can cause build up and fade your colour faster.
- Use a decent shampoo and conditioner, they make all the difference. I would recommend Matrix and Redken for high-end brands or Loreal for a cheaper option.
- Try and use hair products that don't contain silicone (my hairdresser told me this), brands like Tresemme are apparently full of it.
- Don't colour your hair too often. Especially if you are blonde. Bleach is the devil. Try and maintain colour with products for colour treated hair.
- Eat lots of fresh fruit and veg. It will do wonders for your hair. You can also take natural supplements that promote hair growth if you really do despise fruit and veg.
- Last but not least, BE PATIENT. My hair has taken years to get to this length but I find by doing all of the above I have prevented it from getting damaged which therefore helps it to grow faster. 

Even though most of you will already know this stuff, I hope it might of helped someone who is trying to get their hair in good condition and grow it. I really do know how annoying it is trying to grow hair but if you treat it with tender loving care, it will grow I assure you. I'm so glad mine is finally at a length where I don't need to bother with hair extensions and although I will still wear them when I go on nights out, I finally feel good about the condition and length of my natural hair. Yey!

Do you have any top tips or miracle products to help with hair growth?

Lots of Love,

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